Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Quick Stop at Home (mine and ones for sale)

I am home for a few days... I leave for Chicago on Sunday morning.. So, what's been up?

The flight from London to NJ was good, I met a cool guy and chatted with him for a bit and then we watched Iron Man.. That movie was amazing, I really want to get it and watch it on my TV so I can really enjoy it. After that movie I watched Be Kind Rewind, it had some good points but overall was not the greatest movie...

Landed at about 11 and drove to Laire.. Got to Laire around midnight, signed in and went to get food. Laire was amazing this month, it could have been the best written event I've played in a long time. I walked into game on Saturday morning with Rayhin, neither of us had any weapons so we just strolled in un-armed.. It was pretty funny... It didn't take too long for me to get a weapon, I ended up getting two swords and fighting that way for a bit. The thing about LARPing is, just because your card says you can fight with two swords does mean that you can magically fight with two swords.. :) After getting beat up by a minatour I gave up the second sword and got a shield! Saturday night we had a heirarch (dark god) ascend and cause massive death and destruction before a dragon ascended and started to fight with us. Hierarchs and Dragons are not supposed to be on the mortal plain and a Forestal was sent by the Mother (earth) to send them home. It was truly an epic battle and was one of the first times I was actually afraid that we were all going to die.

Sunday we had to go into a mystical castle to get a unicorn horn to repair the land that was destroyed Saturday night. It was a fun puzzle filled mod, we had to run away from a Succubus, fight our Dopplegangers, and solve a somewhat easy puzzle that we (I) way over thought and made it much harder than it needed to be. On Sunday we found out that one of the players was helping out demons, the Order caught him and brought him in for sentencing. He was sentenced on Monday morning.


Friday I have a motorcycle date with Matt and then dinner at his house.. Saturday Mike Modee is coming over to hang out and we are going to the River Fire in Putnam...

Phew, what a week...

---- Comic of the day

---- Thought of the day
Sometimes the simplest things in life really are the best things in life... Take for example sitting in the dark overlooking a lake and listening to nothing but crickets and your heart...

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