Friday, August 29, 2008

Everyone in Europe loves Obama!

Last day in Frankfurt.. I don't think I will be staying at that Courtyard again.. First - they charge for internet which is pretty common, especially in Europe.. Second - they don't a gold/platinum member lounge.. Third - Breakfast is not included and is VERY expensive.. Fourth - They make you pay for parking.. Fifth - The Bed is crazy hard.. Sixth - The checkout process sucks, they don't do the normal Marriott quick checkout.. seventh - Although they are only 10km away from work you have to take 4 major highways.. Not to mention the fact that the main Marriott is in Frankfurt center and has an underground station attached to it and EMC has an underground station about 2 blocks away.. Next time (and yes, there is a next time) that's the way to go.. Maybe I'll remember this by the time I book that trip.. :)

Crazy weekend ahead... Fly Frankfurt to London on British Air, fly from London to NJ on Virgin, go to Laire and try to stay awake.. I hope I can either borrow somebody's shaver or that I can plug mine in when I get to Laire, I have way too much of a beard to play Mr Jax..

Speaking of Laire.. Amber's car died, she is going to get a ride to NYC and John Molina is driving her to the event. Good news - I have someone to ride home with on Monday.. Bad news - I have to drive her to her school in NH, anybody want to go with me for that ride so you can keep me awake on the ride back?

I am sitting at the Frankfurt airport. This airport has two terminals.. Terminal 1 is the main terminal and has all kinds of awesome stores, bars and restaurants. Terminal 2 is the terminal I am in, we have McDonalds and a duty free store.. I just went into the gate area and there is a restaurant called Laxx. I'm sitting here trying to get wireless connection and the signal does not appear to be strong enough so.. I will try to post this once I get to London-town... I got to the airport real early, I drove a guy from class over with me and we went our seperate ways to check in and try to get earlier flights. Neither of us ended up getting earlier flights so we hung out together over in Terminal 1 for a few hours.. Good conversation and good beer.. Now a burger then a flight... Talk to you in London..

Now sitting in the London airport waiting for my flight to NJ... Amber called, her grandmother will not allow her to get a train to NY! So, Amber is not going to Laire, she is actually on her way to NH now to unpack for school... I guess Daimone will have to steal someone's weapons.. Maybe I can use the sword of the house of the sun...

I met a cool girl on the plane, she was born in Germany and lived in London for four years before moving back to Germany. She was on her way to London to her friends wedding.. We talked for awhile about how it was to live in London and how Obama was going to change the economy of the world.. It was a fun flight.. :)

---- Comic of the day

---- Thought of the day
The most hopeless situations can sometimes workout if you never give up.. Like any good Mets fan will tell you.. "Ya Gotta Believe!"

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