Saturday, September 20, 2008


Last night me and Jessie went to Club Hell to see Sin of Angels, Steel Assassin and Wargasm. The show was, ummm.. Well, lets talk about dinner first.. Dinner was really good, we ate at Trinity Brew House which is right by the club. I had a Cheeseburger with Buffalo sauce and blue cheese which was very good, the beer was alright..

So, back to the concert.. I would recommend you never go see heavy metal at Club Hell, the place is way to small for the volume they were pumping out. The first band's instruments were so loud that you could not hear the vocals, you could see the lead singer moving his mouth but you could hear nothing. We ended up going outside and listening to most of the first band from the street. The door man was giving me and Jessie shit for being "too old" but every time the door opened he would cringe because of the sound and he had ear plugs in outside. The second band was just as bad so we ended up leaving after a few songs..

This morning I was laying in bed thinking of the acronym DP. If I were to say "she really wants a DP" what would you think? If you have a dirty mind you probably think DP means Double Penetration, if you're more baseball oriented you might think DP means Double Play and finally, if you're a LAIRE geek you might even think it's a Dark Paladin. So the real question is, is she watching baseball, playing laire or looking for a threesome? I know what your thinking, can't you be looking for a threesome while playing Laire? Most people who play Laire are indeed looking for a threesome.. What about a DP of DPs? (a double penetration of dark paladins).. :D

After we finally got out of bed we went to Bill's Bread and Breakfast and then went to a Holistic Health Fair. Breakfast was good as usual, the holistic health fair was ok. They had a few cool things, one thing that was awesome is that we found a organic farm in Woodstock CT. They are called Wrenhaven Farm and they are on 99 West Quasset Road in Woodstock, they have a stand that's open 24 hours a day. They sell produce on the honor system, they have a scale and a cigar box for money so you can go up anytime you want to get stuff. They are about a 5 min drive from my house which is awesome!

Tonight?? Jessie is going to meet a guy, Mike, from OKCupid in Wallingford CT. My plans are very much up in the air. When I'm done with this blog I am going to mow the lawn and then wait to hear if I'm being called in from the sidelines.. Elizabeth is home sick tonight so if I stay home I will invite her over to eat and watch the Mets game.. Speaking of sidelines and the Mets, John Maine threw 10 pitches Thursday and Friday, today he is pitching a simulated inning to live batters. If that goes well and he has no pain in the morning he will be activated on Monday to take our vacant closer role..

That's it for now.. I hope you all have a wonderful night and I'll check in with y'all later.. :D

---- Comic of the day

---- Thought of the day
The best things in life are not things.

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