Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Layout

So, after careful consideration I decided I didn't really like any of those blog layouts.. So, enter un-lazy man!

I took the time (about 47 minutes) and edited the template I had to be three columns! Took a bit of work to edit the pictures in Paint Shop and re-upload them so they would be the right size and for some reason the padding was wrong on the main entry section but I cleared that up with a bit of trial and error...

So.. Here is my new template/layout.. Hope you like it..

Other things today?? Well, I had a bunch more meetings at work and found out they are trying to move three of my ILT classes to Centra-Live classes. Centra classes mean I get to sit in a room all by myself with a webcam and talk to people who are sitting at their houses logged in taking the classes.. They are looking to make this change in Q2 of 2009.. Two of the Three they are changing are classes I normally travel for.. That does not really mean less travel because I am picking up a new class in November which has a lot of travel involved..

I have to run to a meeting.. I will post another blog tonight.. It will have the comic and thought of the day..

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