Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hate-lanta Braves!!!

Friday I left Chicago, I was supposed to fly out on Continental but they were overbooked so they paid me to fly out on American.. While waiting for the American flight I chatted with a girl who was her way to a college visit.. I sat down in the American terminal and I apparently sat in a broken seat, after almost falling on my ass I saw a girl sitting across the terminal laughing at me. We ended chatting till her flight left, she was a senior in high school heading up to a college for the weekend so they could woo her into coming there. She swims and is looking at a swim scholarship..

Got home and ran around like crazy to get everything together for Lynz's birthday. Made a spinach salad with scallops, bacon, tomato, mushroom and a homemade balsamic ricotta dressing. I also made a maki roll with tuna and an attempt at the wasabi ricotta, I say attempt because it came out pretty "eh". Not sure what it needed, but it certainly needed something.. Ended up trying to write in the card while Lynz was driving up to the house, finished the card while she was here...

Used my new alarm clock on Saturday morning for the first time, it was great. The new alarm I got is it has a light that gradual comes on while it plays nature sounds and sends off aroma. At the end of the sequence (30 minutes) it sounds an actual buzzer, if you set the alarm for 6:45 the light, sound and smell starts at 6:15 and the buzzer goes off at 6:45.. This clock not only works as a "sunrise" clock, but it also functions as a "sunset" clock reversing the process (light full to off, nature sounds and scents for 30 mins).

Saturday I went for a walk in the woods while waiting for Jessie to get home, when she did we went to visit my dad. Saturday night we went to see Atwater & Donnelly ( ) at the Vanilla Bean Cafe in Pomfret with Lynz, John, Anja, Sara and Ryan. After the concert Sara and Ryan came back to the house and I showed the Chicago pictures on the TV.. I am hoping to get around to posting pics on Myspace, I will post a quick headsup if/when I do that for all those interested.

Today I went with Elizabeth and my dad to the Mets game, for those of you who don't know I have Sunday season tickets to Shea. It was a great game till the 9th!! Today was Shea Stadium Tin day, Subway sponsered the give away today. Went down to Subway on the field level to get a sammich before the game started and they didn't have anymore wheat bread, if that was not enough they also didn't have anymore of the cold cuts needed to make a BMT or Spicy Italian!!! How do they possibly sponser a give away at the stadium and not even have the cold cuts to make their most standard sandwich... So, everday the Mets have a kid playing home run derby on the Wii up on the Diamond Vision. If the kid hit a home run in 3 pitches he get a copy of MLB '08 for the Wii, what happens if the kid does *not* hit a homerun? Well, he gets a copy of MLB '08 for the Wii of course?! They had a kid up today who missed 4 pitches and they gave him the game anyway.. I can understand giving him some kind of second place prize, but the same thing for winning or losing?

I'm heading to bed - have to work in the morning and I have an appointment tomorrow to start the ball rolling on my achilles tendon surgeries.

---- Comic of the day

---- Thought of the day
You are who you are because of the decisions you made in the past - if you reget those decisions you reget the person you are today.

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