Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Illegal v. Legal Immigrants

I'm hanging out at my friend Matt's house.. Being here reminds me of a rant blog I wanted to post the other day..

Matt went to Australia for work for a few years, while he was there is met a girl named Sile. Did you know that the Australian word for girl is Sheila, that's a running joke, but anyway back to the story.. So Matt met Sile and ended up having a great start to a great relationship, Sile and Matt ended up having a son while in Australia.. Matt decided he needed to come home for a few reasons, 1st - his dad was not doing good health wise and 2nd - he was just plain homesick..

Anyway, Sile tried to come over to America with Daniel but the American government wouldn't let her because of dumb ass visa issues.. Well, Matt came over here and Sile went home to Ireland with Daniel... Matt and Sile fought for 11 months to get her a "fiance visa", a fiance visa is good for 3 months..

So, Matt and Sile got married on 8.8.08 which is an awesome day to get married.. Now that they are married they had to get Sile a "wife visa".. The wife visa is good for two years, at the end of that time Sile will need to either apply for citizenship or to get a permanent resident visa.. So, as if the "wife visa" is not enough they need to get a "travel visa" which will allow Sile to travel back to Ireland for visits.. Oh, and wait... They need a "working wife visa" for her to get a job while here too!

Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with this country... If you were ever wondering why people are illegal immigrants just think about what this country does to you when you try to do it the legal way...

On another note... The Mets won today!! End the 2007 deja vu talk now!?!

I have a bunch of other stuff I wanted to blog about tonight but I ended up hanging out here and drinking a bit too much so I will blog about that stuff tomorrow...

A toast?? To good food, good drink, good fire and absent friends..

Can you see the fire while your eyes are closed?? Study the light patterns and in there you will see the flames... Once you see the flames you can dance with them...

---- Comic of the day

---- Thought of the day
Why is is that a relief pitcher can pitch a perfect 8th, but when you put him in the 9th he can't get a fucking out!!

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