Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Jessie had a link on her IM Away message this morning.. The link was to an article on naturalnews.com.. I really like the article so I have pasted it here. I know, I could have just pasted the link but I didn't like the format of that website (too many frames)..

"(NaturalNews) So many relationships are based on either selfishly taking, without giving, or alternatively living someone else’s life and simply giving the other person what they want, to keep the peace. When looking for a happy, peaceful life make sure you match your brain, heart and your gut feelings; you will need all three to handle a successful relationship.

From experience, it is my opinion that by far the important ingredient in a relationship is communication. Working on a relationship means creating an atmosphere where people can grow on every level of their being, whilst conversing together with respect and caring. It is about being true to one's self and loyal to each other. To communicate means to deal honestly with the good and the bad and being mature enough to know and being capable of accepting each others' strengths and weaknesses. In that environment, love must grow.

Is your partner meeting the criteria that you have set for a relationship? Are you being treated the way you wish? Are you being treated with compassion? Are you being treated with respect? Does the other person match their actions with their words? It’s so very easy to say, “I love you”, but there is a world of difference between loving someone and being in love! What is your intuition saying? Are they matching your standards? Are you being manipulated? (Some people are experts at manipulation.) Importantly, are you happy?

If you are receiving most of the above criteria, then congratulations -- just make sure you are giving in return.

Always remember, you don’t need a partner at any price. You need a partner for the right reasons.

We make all our decisions based on our knowledge, experience and emotions, and must accept responsibility for the repercussions. Have you learnt from any past relationship mistakes? Or are you on a continuum?

Cast off the baggage of uncertainty, fear and continuums. Neither the past nor the future can intimidate you when you affirm that you are a spiritual being that can love and be loved as never before. Make certain that you have the right partner who brings sunshine and happiness into your life, with no hassles. Do not accept less.

Only then will you have the right partner to dance to the rhythm of the music of the universe with.

Excerpt from Michael's book 'Solutions with Pearls of Wisdom'. Using 30 years of experience as a Naturopath."

Everyday I type my blog in a text document on my computer that way I can paste it into the blog server without risk of the website freaking out and losing everything I wrote.. Anyway, at the bottom of this text document I have something I wrote up while talking to Elizabeth about what I felt she should be looking for her in her next boyfriend. Elizabeth had been going off on what she wanted/didn't want in her next boyfriend and many of the things she mentioned were all superficial stuff.. I came up with this list of things she (and anyone else) wants in a boyfriend/girlfriend. Reading this article today made me think that maybe I should post what I have in this text file..

"Treats you like you deserve to be treated..
Help you grow as a person and support you in all of your choices..
Give of himself till it hurts to make you happy..
Encourages you to be happy without him.."

Is that really ballsy to quote myself??

I was wondering around the Franklin facility today catching up with people who I have not seen in a long time.. I saw a really awesome picture on someone's cubicle, it was so cool I had to take a picture and share it..

Two more things before I go to lunch.. I went to that tattoo place in Putnam called Widow's Mark (Widow's Mark Tattoo Studio), they were closed but they looked cool from what I could see in the window.. I am going to go back today to talk to the guy, wish me luck..

I'll probably post again later today/tonight..

---- Comic of the day

---- Thought of the day
"All generalizations are false, even this one!" - I saw this on someone's cubicle today and actually stopped walking to think about how true that statement is..

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