Monday, September 15, 2008

Focus on the positive.

Don't you hate when you're driving and you think of something awesome that you want to make sure you add to your blog.. Then you get to work and you forget.. What a crappy thing to have happen.. So all day I sit at work and I can't remember what the hell it was that I thought was so insightful. I mean isn't that why we blog, to show the world just how insightful we can be? Sure, it would be easy to just Wright up a bunch of dick and fart jokes but there are so many out there already, speaking of which - what's worse in your opinion a hot dog that's too small for the bun or a hot dog that's too big for the bun? In one case you just have this mess of hot dog that you can't quite put mustard on because it falls off and you certainly can't put chili or kraut on it because there's nothing to hold it on the dog.. In the other case you might as well just eat a loaf of bread.. Hmmm..

Anyway, where was I.. Insightful things.. I'll get there.. This is a linear blog right? I might as well start back to what made me forget my friggin thought to begin with.. I was driving to work this morning and I (and almost everyone else on the road) got pulled over for speeding! I know what you're going to say "when you speed ALL the time eventually you get caught", and you would be right, but you could also bugger off.. The MA cops had a guy sitting at Exit 100 in CT clocking everyone's speed, they had a ton of cops sitting at Exit 1 in MA with the two right lanes blocked off and a guy in the left lane pointing at everyone who was speeding! My question is can the MA cops put a guy in CT to clock people? What are the rules for crossing state lines?

So, on to work.. Busy, busy, busy, busy.. I am not going to whine about work, at least not in this forum.. :) Went down to eat around 1:30 and the cafe was already closing, the sandwich girl had not cleaned up so she let me order.. I had ham & swiss on a wrap with mayo, lettuce, tomato and basil. Ok, no more about work today..

After work I went to my foot doctor, I am going to have surgery on my right Achilles tendon on Nov 19th with the left foot to be scheduled after that one heals a bit. Did I say no more about work? I lied.. My boss is going to give me the week of Nov 19th off platform so I can work from home with my foot elevated..

On the way home I was chatting with Lynz and I suddenly remembered what my insightful thought was!! I was all excited, ironically though as soon as I logged in to start typing this I forgot!! :( I have been typing up the day in hopes that it would jump back in there... Oh well.. On to dick and fart jokes? Nah, I'll leave those to Mr. Smith, he is the real master..

So, I wanted to mention a really awesome band my friend in Chicago showed me.. There is an acoustic duo Rodrigo y Gabriela which will blow your mind away.. This video is them doing Stairway to Heaven on two guitars, nothing but two guitars!!

If you have not yet you should check out my "Random Links" section.. If you have something that you feel people who read my blog would be interested in shoot me a link and I may post it over there.. Things I really want are links to my friend's blogs so that I can have one place to go for all my blogging needs..

About to head to dinner.. I am going (if they are open) to check out the Putnam Tattoo place finally.. I figure I keep going further and further away to find a good tattoo place and I keep crapping on the one right down the street because "it can't possibly be good if it's that close"..

And two more things that came to me while Jessie was checking for spelling errors.. First - Queen has a new CD ( coming out!!! I am so friggin happy I think I make myself wet everytime I think about it!! Second - RC is the best cola!!

---- Comic of the day

---- Thoughts of the day
Just because you have an insightful thought does not mean it's always a good idea to share it.. I did remember what my insightful thought was finally but after all of that I decided in the end I should not post it.. I guess today's thought of the day is that some thoughts are meant to be internal thoughts only.. Wizard's Eleventh Rule?

Remember to focus on the positive thoughts and positive things in your life. The more you focus on those the happier you will be which will in turn make you focus more on the positive things.. It's a happy spiral!

1 comment:

  1. You're such a tease about whatever that thought was... punk. :)

    Am thinking about trying to get as many hours' sleep tonight as I have to drive tomorrow... wish me luck!
