Sunday, September 21, 2008

International Day of Peace

The Greater Putnam Interfaith Council held festival to celebrate the United Nations’ International Peace today in Rotary Park. Me, Jessie, Sara and Rene went and had a great time.. The day started out with me and Jessie eating breakfast on main st. After breakfast we went to VSC and then to Rotary Park. Jessie went home to get chairs and I held out places on the lawn..

The first band was Uncle Rhubarb & the Hokum Hotshots, they are a bluegrass band that recently added Elizabeth on Trombone, they played 5 songs (Elizabeth sung on one and played the trombone on one). After them they had a smudging ceremony and then ten prayers for peace (one for each faith represented). Once the prayers were over they introduced the Methodist Church of Putnam's Children's Choir which was one, count em', one sixteen year old girl.. She came up and apologized that everyone else couldn't make it. She then belted out a really good song all by herself, I was very impressed..

After her they had the Pomfret Community School Choir sing a few songs which they had apparently only rehearsed three times.. They were very impressive too for not rehearsing.. After they left Sally Rogers sung a few more songs before the mic was opened up to the audience to come up and say a few words.. One kid came up and ended reading an entire Mark Twain short story on war, they were supposed to have a three minute limit but I guess they felt they didn't want to cut the kid off..

After that we did a walk for peace to the other side of the river where they had temporally put the new Putnam Peace Pole. The pole is going to take a one year tour around the surrounding towns and next year at the Peace Festival they will announce it's permanent location.

When we got back from the walk Echo Uganda (or at least some of Echo Uganda) played for a half hour. There was only 6 of them today and they really didn't have the energy level they had last night. When they arrived I chatted with them a bit and they were all excited to play and happy to see the crowd, when we got back they were almost listless.. I guess the festivities went long than they were supposed to so Echo Uganda didn't go on till a lot later than they were supposed to.

We got a really cool accordion poster at the peace celebration, Jessie got a coexist bumper sticker, and we got Echo Uganda's studio CD.

We, (me, Jessie, Sara, Ryan and Rene) went to dinner at the new Mexican restaurant (Casa Mariachi) in Putnam, they have maybe the best salsa ever made.. The food was pretty good too, but the salsa was the best part of the meal..

---- Comic of the day

---- Thought of the day
Why do they feel need to put religion and faith into everything? Couldn't this have been a peace festival with no faith ties? If they had cut out all the unique prayers they could have had more music.. I guess they figure only religious people want peace..

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