Monday, September 8, 2008

Welcome to Cold and Rainy Chicago...

Update from last week... Went with Elizabeth on Thursday and she got a new phone (Chocolate 3). John and I didn't hang out on Thursday because he needed to catch up on sleep.. Mon-Wed he had classes so he was up late.. Instead Jessie made raw pasta sauce on Thursday night which was awesome... Friday I went to Lynz's house for lunch and had leftover pasta sauce before going for a nice long ride with Matt. Dinner with Matt was good, but good god that sword fish was spicy..

Saturday Lynz, Anja and Mike came over and we went for lunch before playing Catan.. Hold on to your seat, but I lost Catan, Mike won!! Riverfire was cancelled due to the rain but we ended up seeing a really good show at VSC, me and Lynz ended up standing in the doorway for most of the show while Anja ran around in the rain... Gotta love kids sometimes...

So... Now on to new things... Yesterday I flew into Chicago, actually got an earlier flight and got in just around when the Mets game was starting. The flights were good, the Hartford to Newark flight was quick and I was in a row by myself. The flight to Chicago was PACKED, they were offering $400 and a room in Newark to anyone who would take a flight the next day.. I met a guy who was flying from the UK on the plane, he was a cool guy.. Unfortunately there was a newborn baby in the row directly behind me who decided he would yell/cry for almost the entire trip, luckily I had my iPod and headphones to drown out most of it.. Sunday night I ate at Red Robin...

Today.. I went to work and found that I only have two students this week, they didn't ask any questions during lecture and they were done with their labs around 1:30.. I tried to go to Borrowed Earth (the raw vegan lunch place) but they are closed on Mondays.. After work I went into the city and wondered around in the area of the Chicago Diner..

Saw lots of "cool" shirts in a few stores, here is a sampling of them:
Some of these are not direct quotes because my memory is not perfect...
Stick figure man with penis - under says Weapon of Ass Destruction
Picture of a fork and knife and a cat
Alright I'm sorry, unfuck you!
shh, hey you.. Less talky more sucky
what starts in the mouth stays in the mouth
I fucking <3 Fucking I really wonder who wears those, I can't imagine anyone wearing those is getting laid anytime soon.. Had good raw food at the Chicago Diner to make up for not eating it for lunch.. Dessert was a raw cocoa orange cheesecake! So good... After dinner I went to Goose Island and had a Blueberry Cubbie Ale before heading back to the hotel.. Anyway, I'm back at the hotel at the hotel now and heading to bed... I'll see you all tomorrow...
--- Comic of the day

--- Thought of the day
A friend of mine started a new activity where each night they look at the best thing from the day and the worst thing from the day.. I decided to give it a shot and I recommend everyone do it.. You would be surprised at how trivial the worst thing usually is and how good the best thing usually is.. Plus it gives you time to reflect on each day.. As Ferris Bueller once said "Live moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

1 comment:

  1. That shirt with the cat on a plate with fork and a knife has a saying under it: It's Good! I bought that shirt for a friend of mine - he's married. Also got myself one that said: Ladies Don't Spit

    See - even people that get laid on a regular basis wear those silly shirts. :D
