Friday, September 19, 2008

Circles and Lines

Last night me and Jessie went over to "3rd Thursday" in Willimantic. 3rd Thursday is a street festival in Willimantic that they do on the 3rd Thursday of every month during the summer, they have street vendors, food and live entertainment. We met up with Lynz, Anja, Lynz's friend Berk, and her daughters. It was good to finally meet Berk, she is very cool. After meeting up we had some dinner and some ice cream before heading to the beer garden to have a drink and watch a good blues band called the Kingpins ( We hung out there for a bit before walking Lynz and Berk out so they could get the kiddies to bed..

On the way back to the car we saw a fire dance show and of course had to check it out.. Jessie's comment to me when we saw the fire from afar was "try not to sleep with any fire dancers on the way to the car" - LOL! I can understand her concern because of my past fire dancing experience and desires.. The girl was wearing pink camouflage pajama pants that were way to big for her, they looked like Hammer pants so she really didn't turn me on.. The guy however was pretty hot.. We watched them for a bit before finishing the walk to the car.

After they (Lynz, etc) left me and Jessie went back to watch the rest of the fire dance show. The girl ended up dancing with a flaming hula hoop which was really hot. After the fire dance we went into a store called Bench Shop and I got a new sticker for my car and a really awesome patch. I have to figure out where to put the patch, any ideas? I was thinking of maybe putting it in my car on the dashboard but I don't know how realistic that is. I could also put it on my laptop bag.. But, I am really up for ideas...

After the festival we went to a drum circle.. There was a nice lady who was showing people how to hit notes on the drum. I drummed for one song before switching to a Tail Shaker ( which was much more my style and my hand was already hurting from drumming on one song.. Jessie however took very well to the drum, her arm hurts now but she had a great time. Apparently the guy who owns the Bench Shop holds drum lessons every Wednesday for $5! Possible future plans?


So, lately I've been thinking about Lines.. My cousin and her boyfriend are talking about shifting their relationship to a poly relationship. I am talking to them trying to show them the benefits of poly and the pot holes of it. This brings up a good point about Lines, the line between friend and girlfriend/boyfriend is one that comes up.. Is that line sex? If you have been friends with someone for a long time and have sex with them once are they now your girlfriend/boyfriend? Is there an amount of sex you need to have with a friend before they are a boyfriend/girlfriend? I am friends with Jessie but obviously there is more, is that "more" a paper that says we're married? I am friends with Lynz but obviously there is more there too, what makes the difference between friends and boyfriends/girlfriends? Does distance make the difference? I guess it's safe to say that whoever you don't have sex with is just a friend, but just because you have sex with someone does not really mean they are more than a friend.. I guess this is why Jessie hates labels.. :D One thing that I will say for certain, if you are having sex with someone and are NOT their friend you're just having random sex (which is not a bad thing if everyone is ok with that)..

In the same vein where is the line between friend and acquaintance? I have been told that I call too many people friends when what I really mean to call them is an acquaintance.. I tend to put the friend label on almost everyone I hang out with, I think it's because I feel that everyone I enjoy hanging out with is a friend. If you bring joy to my life and I enjoy spending time with you then you are a friend right?

Random quote I just heard on the Daily Show "John McCain, the only P.O.W. who was brainwashed after his release"

---- Comic of the day

---- Thought of the day
What's the point of labels? Do you feel better if you can call someone who you care about a girlfriend/boyfriend?

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