Sunday, November 30, 2008

Colbert Christmas

So, I'm going through blogs to label everything. I saw the blog where I mentioned the WPA (Works Progress Administration) website and remembered that at that time their Myspace page had no songs, I figured I would check it out again now and they have three songs up now.. YAY! Check it out...

Colbert Christmas special is amazingly funny. Watched it the other day and was pleasantly surprised by it. I went into it thinking it might be on par with the Star Wars Holiday Special but after the first few minutes I realized it was going to be good. Stephen Colbert had a bunch of new original songs written for it, they are guaranteed to be Christmas traditions. The plot of the show is that Stephen Colbert is stuck in his cottage because there is a bear outside and while he is there guest after guest come in and sing a song with him. The first guest is Toby Keith who sings his War on Christmas song "Have I got a Present for You", it's really funny but I really hope it's not supposed to be serious. Willie Nelson is the next "guest" and he sings a song called "Little Dealer Boy", I think it was one of the best of the show.

Jon Stewart was next and he sung "Can I interest you in Hanukkah", I can't believe they got Jon to sing. The other awesome song was "Nutmeg" by John Legend. After each guest They would be standing under the mistletoe and Colbert would say some awkward comment..

Joe came over tonight and we eating pizza and going to play Rummicube. I might keep working on and off on my blog labels.


I laid on the couch today and but labels on a bunch of blogs, I'm up to Oct 6th right now.. While I was doing that Jessie watched a bunch of House episodes. After House I watched Throwdown with Bobby Flay, it was the first episode of this season. It was an hour long rematch episode. They had three contestants Bobby had beat come back and challenge him to a throw down, the three had to lead on one dish and help out on the other two. As Bobby was making the final dish another contestant showed up and challenged him to a throwdown rematch. Bobby had beaten him in a "mixology" drink throwdown in the past and I thought it was great that they had him show up in the middle of everything and challenge Bobby. They picked a winner for each dish and an overall winner. Bobby won two and lost two on the dishes but won in the overall challenge.

Now watching the 2nd episode of the season of Throwdown and going to go back to labeling my blogs. The Holiday Dazzle Light Parade was moved to Dec 7th because of weather..

This boot was made for walking..

I was watching ICA today. I watched three episodes today to catch up finally. The 2nd battle was chef Art Smith vs Cat Cora. Art Smith has been a judge on ICA a bunch of times and decided that he could hold his own in Kitchen Stadium. The ingredient for that battle was Cheddar cheese. Art Smith lost and I learned something interesting about Cheddar.. The color of Cheddar cheese depends on when the cow was milked, if the cow is milked in the spring or summer the cheese will be yellow, if the cow is milked in the autumn or winter the cheese will be white.

The 3rd episode was the latest one which was a Thanksgiving special. Almost two years ago they announced that Mark Ecko was going to design new uniforms for each Iron Chef, they finally unveiled them on the Thanksgiving special. Batali was not in Kitchen Stadium but they showed his fitting, he has a white chef's coat. If you didn't know Mario Batali got into a fight with Food TV and is not actually still on ICA, the writers and producers of ICA will not remove him from the Iron Chef list because they are hoping that he will settle his contract dispute with Food TV and come back. In the meantime he is allowed to be shown in the credits as an Iron Chef and can do publicity shots but he is not allowed to cook on air. Symon has a black coat, Flay has a dark blue one, Cora has a blue one and Morimoto has a silver japanese style coat. Speaking of Morimoto, he lost a bunch of weight, he looks really good again. I really like the Iron Chef America patch that is on each coat's right sleeve. I tried to find a picture of it on the web but I can't find one right now, I guess since the episode is still the "current" one they are not releasing pics of it yet. Anyway, the battle was Cora and Morimoto vs. Symon and Flay. I was not surprised by who won but I am not going to spoil that for anyone who has not and wants to see it. I called the winner when they announced the teams though.

My dad sent me a funny email today...

Young Chuck moved to Texas and bought a Donkey from a farmer for $100.
The farmer agreed to deliver the Donkey the next day.
The next day he drove up and said, 'Sorry son, but I have some bad news, your donkey died.'
Chuck replied, 'Well, then just give me my money back.'
The farmer said, 'Can't do that. I went and spent it already.'
Chuck said,'Ok, then, just bring me the dead donkey.
The farmer asked, 'What ya gonna do with him?'
Chuck said, 'I'm going to raffle him off.'
The farmer said: 'You can't raffle off a dead donkey!'
Chuck said, 'Sure I can. Watch me. I just won't tell anybody he's dead.'
A month later, the farmer met up with Chuck and asked, 'What happened with that dead donkey?'
Chuck said, 'I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at two dollars a piece and made a profit of $998.'
The farmer said, 'Didn't anyone complain?'
Chuck said, 'Just the guy who won. So I gave him his two dollars back.'

Tomorrow is the Holiday Dazzle Light Parade in Putnam, it starts at 6pm, if you live close enough I hope to see you there.. :)

My foot has been feeling pretty good so I decided to try and walk today. I put on the cast boot and walked to the bathroom this morning, it hurt a bit but felt better a few minutes later. I walked again a few hours later, just to the bathroom again. It hurt a bit again, but I figure I have to push it a bit right?

Went to dinner at Matt and Sile's house and leftovers, Sile made an awesome stuffing for Thanksgiving which she MUST make again for one of our Tuesday dinners. My foot is in a lot of pain tonight which I think is less to do with the walking and more to do with having it not elevated for so long while at Matt's house.

Tomorrow I think I'm going to try and drive, figure I'll have Jessie drive to a parking lot and see if I can operate the gas and brake with confidence.

Anyone watch Supernatural? A few people told Jessie that she should watch it and we are watching the first episode of the season tonight, it seems pretty good so far, the problem is that it's in the 4th season and we are a bit lost on the characters/story. I'm going to need to see if we can find the earlier seasons on DVD.

---Diversion of the Day

---Thought of the Day
"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." - Thornton Wilder

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday - no mall for me...

There is nothing more fun and exciting than the crowds at the mall on Black Friday. I used to love the adrenaline rush of working retail during the Christmas season, I still may try to get a part time Christmas help position at the semi-local Saturday Matinee just so I can relive the joy and fun of working during Christmas. I don't think anything puts me in the holiday mode more than running my ass off as a clerk in a video sales store.. But alas, my ailing foot has me locked far away from a mall today.. I know, I could go and enjoy the crowds but would I really enjoy it with crutches? ho-hum...

So, where was I.. The Citi-Field ticket plans/prices for 2009! WTF, no strike that, WHAT THE MOTHER FUCKING CHRIST SHIT EATING plans are these?! They are offering seven plans for ticket plan holders. Two 40-Game Plans and five 15-Game Plans. If you buy the a 40-Game plan you can pick your seat level:
--Metropolitan Box (behind home plate field level)
--Excelsior Club Gold (middle level - infield)
--Field Box (field level infield)
--Baseline Box (field level outfield)
--Excelsior Club (middle level - outfield)
--Promenade Club (lower upper deck infield)
If you buy a 15-Game plan you only get to choose from:
--Left Field Landing (the overhang in the outfield)
--Promenade Box (lower upper deck outfield)
--Promenade Reserve Infield (upper upper deck infield)
--Promenade Reserve (upper upper deck outfield)
So, it's pretty friggin lame that they won't let 15-Day plan people get the Promenade Club seats but that's not the worst part... The worst part are the plans themselves.. They are:
-Friday Plan (10 Friday games and 5 random weekday games)
-Saturday Plan (10 Saturday games and 5 random weekday games)
-Sunday Plan (10 Sunday games and 5 random weekday games)
-Weekend Plan (3 Friday, 3 Saturday, 3 Sunday and 6 random weekday games)
-Weekday Plan (opening day and 14 random weekday games)
There is also some disclaimer that says you will get the same priced seat for each game in your plan which leads me to believe that they are not going to guarantee that you even get the same seat for all games.

Looking at the schedule there are 13 Sunday games which means if you buy the Sunday plan you don't get to go to 3 of the Sunday games, but you do get the privilege of going to 5 random weekday games which is oh-so convenient since I live right down the street from the stadium! Well, bitch all I want but we are going to buy tickets this year. We are going to get the "Sunday Plan" in the Promenade Box section. I spoke with Ivon and gave him my account number, he is going to get me his account number so we can try and make sure we get to sit together still.

Yesterday we had a pretty crazy Thanksgiving.. My mom and Joe decided to cook some chicken and bring it over, they cooked 2 whole birds and I think only 1 was partially eaten, it was very tasty but there was so much food. They also brought over rice stuffing, carrots, broccoli and mashed potatoes. My grandmother cooked a big bin of mushrooms, a sweet potatoe pie, a pound cake and rice pudding. We also had the lemon cake Sandy brought over the other day. Food was a plenty and all very good, we have bunches of leftovers which will be served at Tuesday's dinner.. Want to send a big thank you to Ryan for coming over twice yesterday to help move my uncle Vinny up and down the stairs! We had some fun family drama yesterday.. Jessie's mom got so upset yesterday that she stormed out of the house and started to drive away, she was gone for about 15 minutes before she came back.

After dinner Ryan and Sara came back over and we had a nice time playing Guitar Hero World Tour and had a nice midnight snack before finally going off to bed.. By the way, that game rocks.. I sang last night on it (on easy) and it was lots of fun although certainly challenging on songs I didn't know.

---Diversion of the Day

Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's official.. We have a spare bedroom

We took the media room and turned it into a spare bedroom. Amber came over yesterday and I put her to work.. I had her pack up all the books we didn't want (Nest helped) and we brought them to the library. We packed up all the Laser Discs that we didn't want and put them into the circular file by the schools.. After that we went to New Haven and bought a day bed at Ikea, walking (crutching) around Ikea was *NO* fun (actually going up the escalator was pretty fun), I hate the fact that they make you walk all around the store to get anywhere. Finally got to the self serve boxes area and had Amber drive me around on the cart while she got all the boxes down and on the cart.

Drove home and I called in the reinforcements (Ryan and Sara) to come over and help but the bed together and clean up the house for Thanksgiving. Amber put some of the small screw captures in the big holes so we didn't have enough small screw captures to complete the last drawer. Need to call Ikea and get a few more small captures.

The Mets finally sent the ticket plan information.. I will rant about that later because the family is all here now so I need to get off the PC and be social..

Happy Thanksgiving.. :D

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Coke dissolves a tooth?

Whats the difference between Shepherd's Pie and Cottage Pie? Most Americans would say that Cottage Pie and Shepherd's Pie are the same thing or that Cottage Pie is made up. If you talk to a proper Brit or Irish person they will tell you the answer...

Cottage Pie is made with Beef and Shepherd's Pie is made with Mutton. Speaking of Mutton, what's the difference between Mutton and Lamb? I just found out on Wiki that Lamb is a sheep that's less than 1 year old that has no permanent incisor teeth, a Hogget is a sheep that has one or two permanent incisor teeth. A Mutton is a sheep that has three or more permanent incisor teeth.

I bring this up because last night we had Sara's "Shepherd's Pie", she made two kinds: one with meat flavored tofu and the other with just beans. So, I guess the question is should either of these be classified as Shepherd's Pie? If not, what should they be classified as?

Speaking of food.. Ted Allen from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy has a new show on Food TV called Food Detectives. When I say new I mean new-ish, it started airing over the summer. The funny thing about TiVo is that I am sill watching Iron Chef America episodes from over the summer and one of the last episodes I watched had Ted Allen as a judge promoting his new show so I set my TiVo to record a season pass. Anyway, so I watched the "first" episode today which talked about hang over cures, cola rotting teeth and lemon wedges in drinks. The hang over cures were all a failure, they tried vodka, tomato juice, a burger, water and coffee. The only thing that worked in terms of lessening the hang over was drinking water between each drink while drinking. The coca cola thing was somewhat anti-climatic, they put a penny, a nail, a fly and a tooth in glasses of coke. After 24 hours nothing changed except the penny and nail were cleaner. After four days of sitting in the coke the tooth had started to dissolve, it had lost 2 millimeters in the four days. The penny, fly and nail were all un-affected. Most interesting thing on the show is that Orange Juice will do the same thing to a tooth as Coke does!

---Diversion of the Day

---Thought of the Day
You have to wonder about a 6 year old boy who likes the feeling of closing his penis in a book.. How far will that escalate?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lazy rainy day blog..

"One thing about your food, when you really hit it you can't stop eating it and I've stopped." - Jeffrey Steingarten (ICA) speaking to Bobby Flay in battle corn.

I called the Mets ticket office today, the lady I talked to was stuffing the envelopes for the Sunday packages when I called her. The letters should arrive in the next few days so I will finally know what the Mets are offering for packages.

Speaking of new baseball stadiums.. I was looking at the Yankee Stadium information the other day and I absolutely love their stadium seat selector. The seat selector has 360 degree 3D renderings of what the stadium would look like in each row of each section! As if that was not cool enough they also have estimated sun/shade pictures for 1pm, 4pm and 7pm on May 15th and August 15th so you get a really good idea of what seats you want if you want to be in the shade.

The Mets don't even have a seating chart on their website. In order to find a Citi-Field seating chart you need to go to StubHub... Speaking of StubHub, they are selling tickets to the exhibition game at Citi-Field against the Red Sox on 4/3 for $300 - $23,000!

Last night I had to have my cast changed because the one I had was too lose, Lynz drove me up to the doctor's office and the changed it out. If you've never had a cast removed it is a very odd feeling, they take what appears to be a circular saw and cut the cast on either side. It's not really a saw, it does not spin, it cuts with the vibration of the blade, the vibration feels nice in one way but it's just very weird feeling. So they take the old cast off and you have this free feeling, the first instinct is to move your leg around but I know better... So, I'm concentrating with all my might to make sure I don't move my leg so that my Achilles does not move. The air on the leg felt so good.. Dr Scheffel then moves and holds the foot on an upward slant and puts the new cast on. The new cast is not lose at all which is good, it is heavier (I think) and it's blue which is better than white.

After the doctors appointment me and Lynz went to the Japanese restaurant in Kelly Square and got a sushi/sashimi boat for two. It was the first time in my life of eating sushi that I was actually served on a boat. I always see the boats but I've never actually been served with one so that was cool. A few months ago Lynz would not eat sushi because she was scared of the idea of eating raw fish. She has been eating it now on a somewhat regular basis because (as you know) sushi is one of the best foods on the planet. So each time she eats sushi we push it a little bit further and I was very proud of her last night because she ate octopus, she didn't like the texture but she ate it.. :) When we sat down the lady at the restaurant turned on a small heater fan and put it next to us and told us to let her know when it got to hot so she could turn it off, she asked us twice during the meal if we wanted it off yet.. Little did she know that she put the fan next to two people who love the heat and that little fan could not possibly make either of us too hot..

All of the books me and Jessie want have been pulled from our bookshelves, now I need someone with two legs and a car to bring them to the library... Amber is coming over tomorrow and staying for Thanksgiving, I already warned her that I would be putting her to work.. I would really like to get that room turned into a real guest room soon and the Ikea in New Haven does have the day bed that my mom has that me and Jessie liked. I see lots of running around tomorrow when Amber gets here.

---Diversion of the Day (I tried to embed it and it was acting weird so, here's a link)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Guitar Hero World Tour

I've been laid up on the sleeper the last few days. My dad came over last night and we played with iTunes and music files most of the day, he brought over a Berry Berry Pie from Mrs. Mack's Bakery in Worcester. If you live near there and love berry pies I would highly recommend it. A few years ago he brought one over to my brother's house for one of the holidays and Sandy (my sister in-law) horded the whole pie. The 2nd time he tried to bring one over it was different and just all right, this year they brought back the original Berry Berry Pie and I'm very glad that he brought it over yesterday, we ended up eating six of eight slices yesterday! After playing with music Jessie and my dad went to Casa Mariachi and brought back dinner. I had a vegetarian burrito which came with a really good Tomatillo sauce, excellent burrito.

After dad left Jessie went and got Guitar Hero World Tour for the Wii and we stayed up way too late playing.. This version allows up to 8 players! You can have 4 players on this end (guitar, bass, drums, vocals) playing online against another 4 players in a battle of the bands.. We didn't get the drum kit yet because we already have two guitars and a microphone and the drums are only sold right now in a "full band kit" which comes with 2 guitars and a microphone. The drum kit will be sold separately in early 2009 so until then we can only play with 3 people on this end (guitar, bass and vocals). I know the big argument is between Guitar Hero and Rock Band, I think Guitar Hero is more fun to play in general (granted I have not played Rock Band 2) and the song selection in World Tour is really good so far. When Rock Band came out on the Wii I purchased the "game only" version and found out that they programmed their game to not work with the Guitar Hero guitars which pissed me off. There is no reason for me to have to buy two sets of guitars and two drum kits because I want to play two different games. Not to mention that the Guitar Hero guitars are made better and have a much lower failure rate. This version of Guitar Hero added in downloadable content as well but we have not played with that yet.

Today has been a very busy day for me so far, I had an electrician come over and fix our kitchen light problem, apparently you can't have two dimmer switches on a 3-way light. He will be switching our fuses to circuit breakers sometime in the spring too so that's a good thing. Does $1600 sound too high to do that? After that Sandy came over and brought me a lemon cake for Thanksgiving and a home made pickle.. Don't know how the cake is but I'm sure it will be either too dry or too sweet.. :P The pickle however was really good and want her to bring more.. Went with her to VSC and got lunch (was supposed to go to Bella's but they are closed on Mondays).. The tree guy came over afterwards and we have a date set to remove the tree (next Sunday unless it rains), he is going to remove it and trim up the crab apple for $750!

Lynz just came over and we are going to hang out for a bit before my doctor's appointment tonight, they are going to check the cast to see if it is really too big or not. If it's too big they will have to remove it and re-cast it.

Over the next few days I will be going through my books and donating bunches of them to the library. Also, does anyone want Laser Discs? If not I will be dropping them either at the Salvation Army or into the circular file..

---Diversion of the Day

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cyanide and Happiness

Ryan introduced me to Cyanide and Happiness so now I must spread the word.. It's good stuff.. I started reading them today.. I added the link in my Random Links section..

Speaking of Ryan.. He came over last night and he and Jessie made me a wonderful venison steak dinner with pierogies, collards and okra. This meat was so fresh Ryan's friend cut it off the deer the day before.. Yumm.. They did a very good job of cooking it to the correct wellness.. Don't know if wellness is the word or if it's even a word, but you know what I mean..

After dinner we watched King Arthur, the one from 2004 with Keira Knightley. It was a good movie but I think it would have been better if they didn't call it King Arthur, there was a statement in the beginning of the movie saying that the Arthurian legend was based on a real man in the dark ages and this was his real story.. I think had they just made up new names for the characters it would have been much better because there wouldn't be this expectation based on the names. Anyway, I would recommend it if you like fantasy/medieval movies, just try to forget the Arthurian legend names.

I'm about to head out to VSC, gotta get out of the house for a bit, I've been wearing the same clothes for a few days and the furthest I've gone is the picnic table in the back yard. Here's to getting changed and getting some fresh air... :)

---Diversion of the Day

Friday, November 21, 2008

and so winter begins..

I was speaking with Amy today and she was driving through NJ and it was snowing!?! I guess this is the beginning of winter... Hopefully it won't be very long this year.. I very much hate winter as you probably all know..

Looking forward to spring and picnic season.. In one of my previous blogs I posted a video of the First of May by Jonathan Coulton, I wonder if he knows about these awesome Picnic Supplies? If you have not heard that song you should check it out..

Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it is to link my own blog? I really need to put tags on my blog so I can find things quicker, maybe I can work with Jessie to do that tomorrow during the day...

First of May lyrics:
I woke up this morning I had a scone and a large house blend And then a little conversation with my squirrel and chipmunk friends I said I'm sick and tired of winter And I wish that it was spring And then a little fellow named Robin Redbreast Began to sing

And he sang Ooh ooh child, what'd you think the cold winter's gonna last forever? Ooh ooh child, now's the time for all the people to get together Outside

Cause it's the first of May, first of May Outdoor fucking starts today So bring your favorite lady Or at least your favorite lay The water's not cold baby dip in your big toe Maybe I'll see you in flagrante delicto Grass below you, sky above Celebrate spring with a crazy little thing called fucking outside

I thanked him for the information I cried a little when he flew away I watched an episode of The People's Court And I tried to plan my day I called up my old lady She wasn't home so I called my girl I asked her if she'd like to join me as I Entertain the world

And I said Ooh ooh child, I'll bring a blanket and I promise I will brush the ants off Ooh ooh child, you're gonna like it when we're taking each other's pants off Outside

Cause it's the first of May, first of May Outdoor fucking starts today So bring your favorite lady Or at least your favorite lay The water's not cold baby dip in your big toe Maybe I'll see you in flagrante delicto Grass below you, sky above Celebrate spring with a crazy little thing called fucking outside

So we went to the park together We were walking in the midday sun We met all kinds of people and we We fucked everyone We fucked a lady who sells ice cream We fucked a man with a tan Shar Pei Everyone who needed fucking well they They got fucked today

So come on Ooh ooh child, open your mind and your heart, feel the spirit moving through you Ooh ooh child, you'll feel the warmth of the love when I stick it to you Outside

Cause it's the first of May, first of May Outdoor fucking starts today So bring your favorite lady Or at least your favorite lay The water's not cold baby dip in your big toe Maybe I'll see you in flagrante delicto Grass below you, sky above Celebrate spring with a crazy little thing called fucking outside

My leg is feeling a bit better today although I am concerned that it can move inside the cast. I am going to see my doctor on Monday so he can check on the cast, he may need to change it if it's not tight enough..

Watched HellBoy II last night and it was much better than the first one. If you liked the first one you will love the second, if you thought the first one was eh or ok you will like the second one.

Speaking of sounds that have turned into words... "meh" is being added to the dictionary! The ironic thing about meh being added to the dictionary is it comes up mis-spelled... :D

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Diversion of the Day

I was watching How I Met Your Mother from last week and they had a new holiday created called Not a Father's Day.. Here is the website.. Check out the Postcards, the first one is the best!

A thought for the holidays..

I am going to be home for Thanksgiving.. My mom and Joe are going to make food and bring it over since I can't really go anywhere.. My grandmother, my Uncle Vinny and Jessie's mom are coming too.. Here's a little song for the occasion.. I know it's for Christmas/Solstice, but it works for Thanksgiving too.. :D

ARTIST: Dar Williams
TITLE: The Christians and the Pagans

Amber called her uncle, said "We're up here for the holiday Jane and I were having Solstice, now we need a place to stay" And her Christ-loving uncle watched his wife hang Mary on a tree He watched his son hang candy canes all made with red dye number three He told his niece, "It's Christmas eve, I know our life is not your style" She said, "Christmas is like Solstice, and we miss you and it's been awhile"

So the Christians and the Pagans sat together at the table Finding faith and common ground the best that they were able And just before the meal was served, hands were held and prayers were said Sending hope for peace on earth to all their gods and goddesses

The food was great, the tree plugged in, the meal had gone without a hitch Till Timmy turned to Amber and said, "Is it true that you're a witch?" His mom jumped up and said, "The pies are burning," and she hit the kitchen And it was Jane who spoke, she said, "It's true, your cousin's not a Christian" "But we love trees, we love the snow, the friends we have, the world we share And you find magic from your God, and we find magic everywhere"

So the Christians and the Pagans sat together at the table Finding faith and common ground the best that they were able And where does magic come from, I think magic's in the learning Cause now when Christians sit with Pagans only pumpkin pies are burning

When Amber tried to do the dishes, her aunt said, "Really, no, don't bother" Amber's uncle saw how Amber looked like Tim and like her father He thought about his brother, how they hadn't spoken in a year He thought he'd call him up and say, "It's Christmas and your daughter's here" He thought of fathers, sons and brothers, saw his own son tug his sleeve saying "Can I be a Pagan?" Dad said, "We'll discuss it when they leave"

So the Christians and the Pagans sat together at the table Finding faith and common ground the best that they were able Lighting trees in darkness, learning new ways from the old, and Making sense of history and drawing warmth out of the cold

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Purple Carrots

Ever see a purple carrot? I never have.. The question is, do they exist? Lynz brought over Purple Carrot juice yesterday before the concert. I didn't think they existed so I figured I would look 'em up... So... Here is what Wiki has to say about them:

Eastern carrots
Eastern carrots were domesticated in Central Asia, probably in modern-day Afganistan in the 10th century, or possibly earlier. Specimens of the eastern carrot that survive to the present day are commonly purple or yellow, and often have branched roots. The purple colour common in these carrots comes from anthocyanin pigments.
Western carrots
The Vegetable Improvement Center at Texas A&M University has developed a purple-skinned, orange-fleshed carrot, the BetaSweet, with substances to prevent cancer, which has recently entered very limited commercial distribution, through J&D Produce of Edinburg TX. This variety of carrot is also known to be high in β-carotene which is an essential nutrient. The high concentrations of this nutrient give the carrot its maroon shade.

So, bet you didn't know you were going to get a carrot lesson.. :D

Last night me and Lynz went to see Jonatha Brooke, she was very, very good.. I have really liked every band that Glen Phillips supports and/or tours with. He plays on her a song (Sweetest Angel) on her newest CD (The Works).

Here is one of her older songs - River on the Right from her last CD.

I'm watching Big Bang Theory and this episode has a new version of "Rock, Paper, Scissors".. It is "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock". Here are the rules...

Scissors cuts Paper
Paper covers Rock
Rock crushes Lizard
Lizard poisons Spock
Spock smashes Scissors
Scissors decapitates Lizard
Lizard eats Paper
Paper disproves Spock
Spock vaporizes Rock
Rock crushes Scissors

btw - thanks to those of you who insisted I give this show a shot, it's really funny... :D

---Diversion of the Day

---Thought of the Day
I'm glad to have so many people great people in my life.. I was going to type more, but everyone is here and we are going to eat.. so.. today will be an incomplete thought of the day.. :P

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Links and Flickr Update

I updated my Random Links section to make it more user friendly by adding in categories.. I also just uploaded a few pics to the Flickr site..

---Thought of the Day (Quoted from Sara's Blog)
"Some people live to find the truth of things. Some people live to be perceived a certain way. Once you get to know a person, you get to know pretty quickly which type they are. Those who live by perception have to keep you at arms length to maintain their image, and will not open up. They will not admit mistakes, and are quick to point out the ones that others make. People who live for truth are an open book. They invite you into their lives. They like to learn from their mistakes, and will gladly recount them for you to help you learn from them as well. Seekers of truth put their energy into finding the substance of things. Illusionists put their energy into maintaining the illusion, and lose any substance they may have acquired in the process."

Seibu Lions win Asia Series

The Asia series ended on Sunday with the Seibu Lions winning the Asia series. The Asia series has been in effect for 4 years and Japan won it all four times. The first ever series was won by the Chiba Lotte Marines in 2005. The Nippon Ham Fighters won it in 2006 and the Chunichi Dragons won it in 2007. This years standings were:
Tianjin Lions - CBA - 0-3
Uni Lions - CPBL - 2-1
Seibu Lions - NPB - 2-1
Sk Wyverns - KBO - 2-1
They count runs scored vs runs allowed to break the three way tie to determine the final two teams. The final game was the Uni Lions vs the Seibu Lions. The Seibu Lions won 1-0 with the only run being scored in the 9th inning!

The first ever female was drafted into professional baseball! I would love to say it happened here, but.. It happened in Japan. 16 year old Eri Yoshida was drafted in the 7th round in the Nippon League amateur draft, she is a sidearmed knuckleball pitcher who struck out the only three batters she faced in her tryout. She will join the Kobe 9 Cruise next year.

I will not be at our communal dinner tonight because I'm going to see Jonatha Brooke with Lynz, this was the concert that got cancelled back in October. Originally Glen Phillips was opening for her and playing guitar in her set but Glen cancelled after his accident and she cancelled shortly afterwards. Glen will not be with her tonight, there will actually be no opening band. I called the Paradise and they said they don't know yet if she is planning on doing two sets or just one longer one. I'm happy about the concert but also sad that I will be missing Rene's birthday dinner..

Tomorrow I'm having my right Achilles tendon lengthened, the recovery time should be about four weeks. Two weeks with a hard cast, two weeks with a soft cast and then time to strengthen my foot/leg. Hopefully I will be able to have my second surgery (left foot) in the beginning of January because if not it will have to wait till March because of my work schedule..

Laire was amazing this weekend, Mark Struzzi has shown once again that he is the best head of plot that game has probably ever seen. This month was the 200th event of Laire and they did a really cool trip down memory lane. The 5 Lions Inn went back in time to some of the more critical events in Laire history so that we could do things in the past that were never clear on how they happened. We did a bunch of jumps and out of all the jumps I was only not at one of them. I have been playing Laire since it's first event but I took a break for a few years after me and Jessie moved to MA because I felt it was too far to drive.

---Diversion of the Day
Barack Obama's weekly address youtube site:

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I mentioned before that the Seibu Lions won the Nippon League. The winner of the Nippon League moves onto the All Asia Series. The All Asia Series is the winner of the Nippon League, the Chinese Baseball Association, the Chinese Professional Baseball League and the Korea Baseball Organization.

The really odd thing is I just looked at the teams playing and they are:
Tianjin Lions - CBA
Uni Lions - CPBL
Seibu Lions - NPB
Sk Wyverns - KBO

I guess it's a good bet that the Lions will win.. Unfortunately it may not the be ones from Seibu... Seibu lost it's first game which was to the Wyverns. The Uni Lions beat the Tianjin Lions which is surprising because China Taipai was the worst of the Asian teams in the World Cup in 2006.

The Asian Baseball Association has once again asked the Major League Baseball winner to play the winner of the All Asian Series, they are waiting on the Phillies answer. I would give the Phillies a lot of credit if they go over and play but I kinda doubt they will.

---Diversion & Thought of the Day

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Yesterday was communal dinner night and once again it did not disappoint. Kristen made pork, Sile made a salmon/pasta dish, Sara made a Moroccan vegetarian dish, Kevin made a vegetable medley, I made rice balls and we brought corn and an amazing chocolate cake (Lynz brought Ice Cream for the cake).. The kids were crazy with markers, Anja had drawn on herself earlier in the day with washable markers and apparently started a craze.. By the end of the night Rene had so drawn on himself so much he looked like a patchwork doll.. I ordered a really cool Pagan/Poly bumper sticker for my car and for Ryan's car.

Sara showed me my new pouches for my new shield yesterday, she did a great job on them. It will really make my shield much more user friendly and the pouches will be much more stable.. Thanks Sara..

I had my pre-surgery appointment yesterday, they asked me a few questions and did a quick physical. Surgery on my right foot is next Wednesday, they will call me on Tuesday night to let me know what time to show up at the hospital. Apparently I will be at the hospital for 4 hours on Wednesday including recovery time. I am so not looking forward to the surgery but I am very much looking forward to walking with no knee or ankle pain.

---Diversion of the Day

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Some things that glitter

Once I loved a butterfly
Don't wonder how, don't ask me why
But I believed what I'd been told
"All things that glitter can't be gold"

Ooooo ooo yeah
All things that glitter can't be gold

Those jealous minds conspired to say
Just let that creature fly away
How can it be she has it all
Her pride is headed for a fall

Ooooo ooo yeah
All things that glitter can't be gold

Oh Lord, what races we run
Seeking our place in the sun
Reaching and hoping we'll find the right one

Now every day a new joy brings
My butterfly grew golden wings
It seems we find as we grow old
Some things that glitter may be gold

Ooooo ooo yeah
Some things that glitter may be gold

So let us mind what's there to see
Before our hearts become too cold
In spite of all that we've been told
Some things that glitter may be gold

Ooooo ooo yeah
Some things that glitter may be gold

Ooooo ooo yeah
Some things that glitter may be gold

Monday, November 10, 2008

Denny Crane

Caught up on Daily Show and Boston Legal this weekend. Boston Legal only has a few more episodes before the end of the show, or at least the end of it's run on ABC. In the last episode we watched Denny Crane said that if they didn't make Jerry Espenson a partner he would walk and take his name off the door. When the partners talked about maybe letting him go Jerry went off on a rant about how if Denny left, he would leave and probably Alan and they can make their own spin off, he even went so far as to say the network didn't even want them anyway. I really love that show.. There is talk of ION TV (don't know that network) picking it up for another season next year.

Posted pics from Joe's 50th birthday party, the problem with taking pictures on my mom's camera is now I don't have them to post to my flickr page. I posted the few I took but need to get the rest from her..

---Diversion of the day

---Thought of the day
Today would have been my three year anniversary with Elizabeth, I can't believe it's been that long. I know some people shit on her, but everyone comes into your life when they are supposed to. I can't even imagine where my life would be had I not met/dated her.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Zack and Miri Make a Porno - A+

Zack and Miri Make a Porno kicks ass.. If you have not seen it I would recommend it, Kevin Smith has proven once again to be the king of the "dick and fart" jokes! I was laughing so hard at one point I thought I was going to piss myself.. This movie finally gave Jason Mewes an opportunity to show the world his penis, yes that's right - full frontally nude Jason Mewes! If that's not enough reason to see this movie I don't know what else to say.. Oh, and "remember I'm down here guys, watch the pull out"!!!!

Speaking of things that kick ass.. I was watching a Family Guy from a few weeks ago and I saw this scene! Background for this is.. They are in the past (Nazi Germany) via a time machine that Stewie made. When they tried to get back into the present they found out the didn't have any uranium so they went to Berlin to get uranium.

I'm pretty tired tonight.. Plan for the rest of the night is catching up on some Boston Legal and Daily Show.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Queen + Paul Rodgers

Last night me, Jessie and my dad went to see Queen + Paul Rodgers in the Millbury movie theater. When we arrived we found out that they had sold ten whole tickets. Guess EMI needs to advertise a bit better...

This show was recorded on Sept 12th in Kharkov Freedom Square in the Ukraine. It was a free concert that they did to start the new tour. The setlist for the concert was:
One Vision
Tie Your Mother Down
The Show Must Go On
Fat Bottomed Girls
Another One Bites The Dust
Hammer To Fall
I Want It All
I Want To Break Free
A Kind Of Magic - Cut from Movie
Love Of My Life
I’m In Love With My Car
Say It’s Not True
Wishing Well - Cut from Movie
Shooting Star
Bad Company
Last Horizon - Cut from Movie
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Feel Like Making Love
Radio Ga Ga - Cut from Movie
Bohemian Rhapsody
Cosmos Rockin
All Right Now
We Will Rock You
We Are The Champions
God Save The Queen

Paul Rodgers was amazing, if you have seen or heard "Return of the Champions" you might be thinking I'm crazy. On that CD/DVD/Concert Paul Rodgers' voice was not good, he sounded like a guy who smoked way too much in his life and did a poor to fair job of singing most of Freddie's songs. Other than Hammer to Fall the "Return of the Champions" CD really made me wonder why they chose this guy to take Freddie's place, on that CD he didn't even really sound good on the Bad Company songs.

In this concert he was amazing as I said before, I don't know what he did in the last few years but he got his voice back. I was cringing at the beginning of each song because I was waiting for this to be the song he screwed up, that song never came. He even pulled off Crazy Little Thing Called Love. To say I was impressed would be a massive understatement. I now understand why they picked him to front the new Queen, he did a great job of taking each song and making it his own. Had he tried to mimic Freddie he would have failed because nobody will ever be able to do that.

The stage was crazy big and they had a ramp leading to a smaller center stage. After "I Want to Break Free" everyone but Paul Rodgers left the stage, he walked to the center stage and played an acoustic version of "Seagull" which I assume is a Bad Company song? After that he introduced Brian who replaced him on the center stage and did an acoustic version of "Love of my Life" letting the crowd sing a good portion of it. Him doing "Love of my Life" alone on the stage was very touching.

After that Roger Taylor joined him on the stage with one bass drum and they started '39. Half way through they had the rest of the touring band (all but Paul Rodgers) come join them on the center stage.

After '39 Roger Taylor did his drum solo, this might be the best drum solo I've ever seen! He started playing the stand up bass with his drum sticks, they brought over a single drum and he moved to that, they added one drum at a time until he had an entire drum kit on the center small stage. What an amazing solo!

After solo they did "I'm in Love with my Car" and then went back to the full band performance. During "Say it's not True" the band members all rejoined as their turn to sing came up. After a few Bad Company songs Brian May did a version of Bijou with Freddie! They had Freddie up on the TV singing, it's amazing what technology can do!

Freddie also sung most of Bohemian Rhapsody which was the beginning of the encore.

By the way, the entire concert is up on Youtube including the songs that were cut from the movie theater production. This concert was broadcast in the Ukraine on 9.12.2008.. If someone (Jessie) has a program on their laptop that can capture music from youtube videos it would be awesome if they (Jessie) would do that so that we could have this concert on our iPods! It can be found if you search for "queen paul rodgers live in kharkov 08"...

I forgot to mention - The version of Bad Company they did was the best version of that song I've ever heard. The addition of Brian May's guitar was incredible and that song ROCKED!

Tonight I'm going to Zack and Miri make a Porno with Christian and Mara.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Two Quick Links - Worldwide Celebration

Lynz just sent me these links.. They are pictures from around the world celebrating Barack Obama's victory...

Link 1 -- Link 2


Cosmos Rocks?

The new Queen + Paul Rodgers CD showed up yesterday and I've listened to it a few times between last night and this morning. Last night I listened to the first three songs and was kinda disappointed by the fact that it is not Queen. As a first listen I found it sounded more like Bad Company than Queen which makes sense because Paul Rodgers sings 2 of the first 3 songs. This morning I started over and found I was still cringing a bit on the first few songs, I found myself thinking each song was getting progressively better than the song before it. The last track is a reprise of the fourth track and I found myself loving the reprise but I remember not really thinking it was very good when it was track 4. I decided to let the CD repeat and it was almost like listening to a different first few songs, I found that on the repeat this morning I really liked those songs, some better than the later tracks.

I don't really think the CD gets better with each track I think I let go of it not sounding like Queen a little bit each track so I was able to enjoy it more and more as it went on. I will say that right now I like the Brian May sung songs better but I've always been a big fan of his voice.

When you listen to this CD try to remember that the band is not Queen anymore, I know it's hard to do but the "+ Paul Rodgers" tied to the band name is the key to really enjoying this CD. I think this CD is a good blend of the Queen and Bad Company sounds, I would have like to have seen more Brian May but it is worth buying.

I still don't have access to the Queen +Paul Rodgers Album club, I emailed Queenonline to try and get that figured out. I did go to Brian's Soapbox here is his blog from Nov 5th.

**Wed 05 Nov 08**
Congratulations to America. And your brave new leader.
Wishing you, in this memorable moment, all that you dreamed of.
Love Bri

I added Brian's Soapbox to my links page. I also checked the tour information and they now have dates listed for Brazil. They are coming to America, just don't have dates yet. Tonight I am going to the Millbury movie theater to see Queen + Paul Rodgers live, they are airing the first show of the tour.

We Believe I put up a new version at 1:15PM on 11.06 because the one I had was cut..
I believe there's no evil out there we didn't have a hand in
You believe it's a time for peace and a time for understanding
Some of us believe that we are chosen
And if god is on our side we'll win the game
And some of us believe that there's a heaven
When the trumpets sound and the judges call your name
But let's get it straight...

I believe there's just once chance in this world to hear our brothers
You believe there's a better way to listen to each other
We don't get what the other guy is saying
We hear the words but we don't understand
So around the world the same old anger raging
And we all cry for shame and the same old tragedy goes down

We believe there's a better way to fight
There's a way to make our children safe at night
We believe there's a war we could be winning
But the only way to win it is to give what we need to receive

I believe we need a hero to step boldly from the shadows
You believe there must be someone on the scene that fits the bill
A man or a woman who knows how to say i'm sorry
With courage in his heart to match his creed
A leader who can build a brand new morning
And match the tide of changes
Match the intent with the deed

We believe there's a deed of obligation
To bring reconciliation
To make peace with every nation - in our time
We believe there's not a minute we should be wasting
When the darkness falls it's too late to fix the crime
It's peace that we need

Every father every mother knows the meaning
Human treasure that our leaders do forget
And the bullets fly in the face of common reason
And the pain we give is the legacy in the end we get

We believe there's a song that's worth the singing
It's a song of truth we're bringing
There's a way to share the earth with everyone
We believe every creature has a being
Has a right to respect and feeling
To live and breathe and flourish in the sun
That's what we believe

---Diversion of the Day

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama wins!

Lynz sent me a blog from Jill Hussein C. You should check it out, it's very well written (I stole this pic from there).. There's really not much for me to say except thank you America for voting in Obama! I'm really looking forward to the next 4-8 years, I have a lot of hope that he can fix the shit Bush brought to the US. I don't know if he can get us all the way back the Clinton golden era but hopefully he can get us close. I really think we will see almost immediate results because the rest of the world is breathing the same sigh of relief that we are. My class this week has a bunch of people from Europe in it and they are all celebrating almost as much as the Americans are.

Last night we had a great dinner. The food last night was very good, Kristen made a rice dish that we put in lettuce with hummus for an appetizer. Sara made a great salmon dish, Sile made some really good pea soup, and Kevin made chocolate covered bananas and strawberries. I did not make the rice balls because of time restrictions so instead I made a shrimp scampi spinach salad.

After dinner Joe, Kristen, Sara, Kevin, Ryan, Jessie and myself all played Apples to Apples. Joe was winning but ended up having to leave early, after he left I staged a massive come back victory.. :)

When Matt, Sile and Daniel got there little Daniel walked right past all the adults and right into the living room to see Rene and everyone. He did come back and give me a hug after he had been playing for awhile.. I was glad to see Rowan come out of his shell last night, he really got into hanging out and playing with the other kids. This had the added benefit of freeing Joe up to hang out with the adults.. Libby came out a little after Daniel left wondering where he went, it was pretty cute..

Lynz and Anja couldn't make it because they went to an election party last night instead... Missed you guys, see you there next week..

I posted a bunch of pictures on my Flickr site, there are now 218 pictures from 2008 including 41 pics from Singapore.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Palin Prank Call!!!

This is a real call!

Flikr Update...

I just posted a bunch of pictures from my laptop from 2008. Included are pics from Chicago, Cork, Frankfurt and the final year at Shea. I will probably post more later in the week.. :)

It's 3pm and CNN has not called one state yet!

Flikr - Japan

I added all of the Japan pics to Flikr including one new one! I am going to delete the Japan Picture site on my friend's server and will be using Flikr for pictures from now on.

Too many connections?

Somehow I keep getting more and more connected this friggin web.. Figure it's about time I took my section of the tubes..

I just created a youtube page and a flikr page. I posted 8 videos from Japan on my youtube page today. I will continue to add new videos I take with Camera Phone as I take cool things worth sharing. I may, depending on how bored I get, add older videos there too.. Don't worry, if I do I will probably make some sort of mention to it here.

I wanted to upload two pics from Great Big Sea and decided they shouldn't go in my japan pics link because they are not from Japan. So, now I have a Flikr site so I can upload pics that I want to share. As with my youtube page, I may go back and update that site with some older pics. Yes, I'm sure I will mention that here too..

The links are in my "Random Links" section...

Happy viewing.. :)

Communal Dinner tonight.. I am making rice balls for everyone's enjoyment, there will be three kinds tonight (tuna, shrimp and mushroom). I'll take a picture of them and post it tomorrow.. :)

Did I mention how much I like my MicroSD to USB adapter? I have this little adapter that's made by SanDisk, it was like $10 at the Verizon Store and it makes transferring pictures from my phone easy which means I can do it on a regular basis instead of once in a blue moon.

---Diversion of the Day

---Thought of the Day
It's 10:15 and I'm shocked that CNN has no results up yet.. Maybe this year they will be responsible about posting results? Wanna bet they call East Coast states by 1pm.. I really wish we had a media blackout today. It's gotta suck to be getting out of work in CA and finding out that your vote does not count because one candidate already won so many states. This thought of course brings me back to the rant about our Primary election system.. Why in the name of fuck do they not hold all primaries on the same day! Let everyone have an equal chance to vote for the candidates they want!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Book of Counted Shadows

Great Big Sea was great last night, the Merrill Auditorium had amazing sound quality.. Went back to the hotel and crashed, glad to have the extra hour to sleep..

Just finished watching Legend of the Seeker. They did a great job of casting and a great job of moving the book to TV. They made some small changes to make the story fit better into a TV format. I am not going to go into any specifics because I don't know if you saw it yet. If you have not you should. The one thing I will say was I didn't like what they did with the Book of Counted Shadows.. Again, no specifics here because well, you might not have seen it or even read it so I won't be that guy who ruins the christmas (this time)..

About to head to my welcome home dinner at the Courthouse..

Go see Zack and Miri bitches! I'm planning on seeing it on Friday..

---Diversion of the Day
Zack and MIri Make a Porno Trailer

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Time travel has a lot of turbulence...

Flight from Tokyo to Houston was very turbulent, I really didn't get much sleep on that flight. I did however watch Get Smart of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Get Smart was sorta disappointing, it was good, just not as good I was expecting. I guess the more I think about it, it was good a good movie, it's not the kind of movie I would own. Indiana Jones was just as good as the previous Indiana Jones movies, I went into that movie with no expectations because everyone told me how bad it was. Let me say that I was never an enormous Indiana Jones fan, I put them in the same league as the Romancing the Stone movies, I liked them but they didn't define my childhood.

On the flight from Houston to Boston I had a entire row all to myself so I laid out and slept the whole flight. I didn't even get up for the food service.. :)

I am now a Silver Elite member on Continental Airlines, which means I get to board early, I get to go through the "elite" security lines and if there are open business class seats available when I check in for my flight I automatically get upgraded.. :D I didn't get upgraded on either of these flights, but I am looking forward to my next flight and having that happen.. The security line is a big advantage and I did get to use that in Tokyo and in Houston, it was amazing how quick I got through security in Houston..

Today I am going to Maine with Jessie, Lynz and Anja to see Great Big Sea.

The Lions beat the Giants today in Game 1 of the Japan Series by a score of 2-1.

---Diversion of the Day
Legend of the Seeker promo 1