Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Too many connections?

Somehow I keep getting more and more connected this friggin web.. Figure it's about time I took my section of the tubes..

I just created a youtube page and a flikr page. I posted 8 videos from Japan on my youtube page today. I will continue to add new videos I take with Camera Phone as I take cool things worth sharing. I may, depending on how bored I get, add older videos there too.. Don't worry, if I do I will probably make some sort of mention to it here.

I wanted to upload two pics from Great Big Sea and decided they shouldn't go in my japan pics link because they are not from Japan. So, now I have a Flikr site so I can upload pics that I want to share. As with my youtube page, I may go back and update that site with some older pics. Yes, I'm sure I will mention that here too..

The links are in my "Random Links" section...

Happy viewing.. :)

Communal Dinner tonight.. I am making rice balls for everyone's enjoyment, there will be three kinds tonight (tuna, shrimp and mushroom). I'll take a picture of them and post it tomorrow.. :)

Did I mention how much I like my MicroSD to USB adapter? I have this little adapter that's made by SanDisk, it was like $10 at the Verizon Store and it makes transferring pictures from my phone easy which means I can do it on a regular basis instead of once in a blue moon.

---Diversion of the Day

---Thought of the Day
It's 10:15 and I'm shocked that CNN has no results up yet.. Maybe this year they will be responsible about posting results? Wanna bet they call East Coast states by 1pm.. I really wish we had a media blackout today. It's gotta suck to be getting out of work in CA and finding out that your vote does not count because one candidate already won so many states. This thought of course brings me back to the rant about our Primary election system.. Why in the name of fuck do they not hold all primaries on the same day! Let everyone have an equal chance to vote for the candidates they want!

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