Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Seibu Lions win Asia Series

The Asia series ended on Sunday with the Seibu Lions winning the Asia series. The Asia series has been in effect for 4 years and Japan won it all four times. The first ever series was won by the Chiba Lotte Marines in 2005. The Nippon Ham Fighters won it in 2006 and the Chunichi Dragons won it in 2007. This years standings were:
Tianjin Lions - CBA - 0-3
Uni Lions - CPBL - 2-1
Seibu Lions - NPB - 2-1
Sk Wyverns - KBO - 2-1
They count runs scored vs runs allowed to break the three way tie to determine the final two teams. The final game was the Uni Lions vs the Seibu Lions. The Seibu Lions won 1-0 with the only run being scored in the 9th inning!

The first ever female was drafted into professional baseball! I would love to say it happened here, but.. It happened in Japan. 16 year old Eri Yoshida was drafted in the 7th round in the Nippon League amateur draft, she is a sidearmed knuckleball pitcher who struck out the only three batters she faced in her tryout. She will join the Kobe 9 Cruise next year.

I will not be at our communal dinner tonight because I'm going to see Jonatha Brooke with Lynz, this was the concert that got cancelled back in October. Originally Glen Phillips was opening for her and playing guitar in her set but Glen cancelled after his accident and she cancelled shortly afterwards. Glen will not be with her tonight, there will actually be no opening band. I called the Paradise and they said they don't know yet if she is planning on doing two sets or just one longer one. I'm happy about the concert but also sad that I will be missing Rene's birthday dinner..

Tomorrow I'm having my right Achilles tendon lengthened, the recovery time should be about four weeks. Two weeks with a hard cast, two weeks with a soft cast and then time to strengthen my foot/leg. Hopefully I will be able to have my second surgery (left foot) in the beginning of January because if not it will have to wait till March because of my work schedule..

Laire was amazing this weekend, Mark Struzzi has shown once again that he is the best head of plot that game has probably ever seen. This month was the 200th event of Laire and they did a really cool trip down memory lane. The 5 Lions Inn went back in time to some of the more critical events in Laire history so that we could do things in the past that were never clear on how they happened. We did a bunch of jumps and out of all the jumps I was only not at one of them. I have been playing Laire since it's first event but I took a break for a few years after me and Jessie moved to MA because I felt it was too far to drive.

---Diversion of the Day
Barack Obama's weekly address youtube site:

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