Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Coke dissolves a tooth?

Whats the difference between Shepherd's Pie and Cottage Pie? Most Americans would say that Cottage Pie and Shepherd's Pie are the same thing or that Cottage Pie is made up. If you talk to a proper Brit or Irish person they will tell you the answer...

Cottage Pie is made with Beef and Shepherd's Pie is made with Mutton. Speaking of Mutton, what's the difference between Mutton and Lamb? I just found out on Wiki that Lamb is a sheep that's less than 1 year old that has no permanent incisor teeth, a Hogget is a sheep that has one or two permanent incisor teeth. A Mutton is a sheep that has three or more permanent incisor teeth.

I bring this up because last night we had Sara's "Shepherd's Pie", she made two kinds: one with meat flavored tofu and the other with just beans. So, I guess the question is should either of these be classified as Shepherd's Pie? If not, what should they be classified as?

Speaking of food.. Ted Allen from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy has a new show on Food TV called Food Detectives. When I say new I mean new-ish, it started airing over the summer. The funny thing about TiVo is that I am sill watching Iron Chef America episodes from over the summer and one of the last episodes I watched had Ted Allen as a judge promoting his new show so I set my TiVo to record a season pass. Anyway, so I watched the "first" episode today which talked about hang over cures, cola rotting teeth and lemon wedges in drinks. The hang over cures were all a failure, they tried vodka, tomato juice, a burger, water and coffee. The only thing that worked in terms of lessening the hang over was drinking water between each drink while drinking. The coca cola thing was somewhat anti-climatic, they put a penny, a nail, a fly and a tooth in glasses of coke. After 24 hours nothing changed except the penny and nail were cleaner. After four days of sitting in the coke the tooth had started to dissolve, it had lost 2 millimeters in the four days. The penny, fly and nail were all un-affected. Most interesting thing on the show is that Orange Juice will do the same thing to a tooth as Coke does!

---Diversion of the Day

---Thought of the Day
You have to wonder about a 6 year old boy who likes the feeling of closing his penis in a book.. How far will that escalate?

1 comment:

  1. Water between your alcoholic drinks will stave off a hangover? DUH! ... and sugar rots your teeth? Boy, that Ted sure is teaching me lots...
