Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oh, no.. Not the Dentist...

Last night was a great success, I finally met Kristen (Yoda) and her daughters Libby (2) and Caity (1). Rene had a blast having all the kids over, one of the funniest things of the night was when we were about to eat. The kids had their own table and Rene and Caity were sitting down, Daniel was standing at the table and Libby tried to get him to sit down. She grabbed his hand and said 'come on, sit down', Daniel pulled his hand away and said 'no', she swatted at him and Daniel yelled at her, she looked at him and said 'no scream'. I thought it was so cute.. Caity's "game" was climbing the stairs, she would climb up, an adult would bring her back down and she would climb them again.. At one point I was carrying Libby and Caity down (one in each arm).. You could tell the night was a success for the kiddies because when we left Rene was passed out on the couch (I have never seen Rene sleep before).. :D

One of the nice things about communal dinners is good food.. Sile made a "Sheppard’s pie", I use quotes because when I think of Sheppard’s pie I think meat and potatoes.. This was Sheppard’s pie for a new healthy generation, it had tofu, beans and mashed cauliflower.. It was very good and it was a nice surprise to have it be a healthy Sheppard’s pie.. I made a tofu "east meets south" rice dish, east because it had Chinese style sauce, south because it had onions, peppers, mushrooms, and corn. Sara made Bean and sweet potato burritos which were very good, I never would have thought of sweet potatoes in a burrito but it was a really good flavor enhancement to a normal burrito. Me and Matt got a bit crazy and ended up making a 2nd burrito which consisted of my tofu rice dish, the beans and the sweet potatoes.. so good... For dessert Kristen made a chocolate cake with Peanut Butter Mousse between the layers of chocolate cake.. It was better than a dry Guinness.. :D

Matt and Sile ended up leaving before the cake because it was late and a bit (under exaggeration) past Daniel's bed time.. We were trying to convince them to stay for the cake and Sile said she was too full, in order to try and convince her to eat a bit Ryan said to think of the cake as a dry Guinness.. It was pretty funny...

Next week things will be better planned (this week we planned it all in the morning) and hopefully we can get dessert and everything in before people start heading out.. Speaking of next week... Oh, wait... Hold on to that thought...

So, after cake Jessie and Sara washed the dishes and I dried and put them away. Kristen, Libby, Caity, Jessie and myself all left around midnight.. Caity and Libby were both still up and running when we left which is a bit surprising since Rene was passed out.. I guess Rene lost his crown as the stay up champion.. :D

So, we are planning on doing these dinners on Tuesday nights.. We are already planning next weeks menu.. When I go to Chicago I go to this restaurant called the White Chocolate Grill and get a Balsamic Marinated Rib Eye steak. Next week I am going to make that! I am planning on starting the marinating on Monday night so they will be nice and tender and tasty..


I am at Patrick Subaru getting an oil change right now and it is POURING out! I used to go to a dentist in Westboro MA when we lived in Grafton and even when we moved to Putnam because I was working in Southboro which was right down the street from the dentist. Since I transferred to Franklin I stopped going to that dentist because they are just so far away from anywhere I would be it was not worth the drive.. Unfortunately that was about 2 years ago now and I have not been to a dentist since.. I know, I know, but I really hate dentists and it's not the biggest priority to go suffer at a dentists office.. I switched to a dentist in Webster MA and had an appointment in May that I had to cancel because I ended up being on the road, I tried a few more appointments and had to cancel each one. So, today (1:45) is finally my first dentist appointment with the new dentist.. Since it's a "first" appointment I am doing x-rays as well as a cleaning.. I am sooooo not looking forward to it..


I just got this email forward from Matty 2 Fatty...

"If you had purchased $1,000.00 of Delta Air Lines stock one year ago you would have $49.00 left.
With Enron, you would have had $16.50 left of the original $1,000.00.
With WorldCom, you would have had less than $5.00 left.
But, if you had purchased $1,000.00 worth of beer one year ago, drank all of the beer, then turned in the cans for the aluminum recycling REFUND, you would have $214.00 cash.
Based on the above, the best current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.
It's called the 401-Keg"

---- Comic of the day

---- Thought of the day
When faced with something you don't want to do, like go to the dentist, the right thing to do is NOT to avoid it for 2 years.. The longer you put it off the more you dread doing it.. The reason you dread doing it is because it's inevitably going to be harder the longer you wait..

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