Monday, October 6, 2008

What spirit is, man, can, be

Everyone has a future they want for themselves.. When you're a little kid growing up you see so many futures, you're going to be the president, a baseball player, a superhero, an astronaut... As you grow up most of those futures disappear for various reasons, you're not smart enough, you're not physically adept, you lose interest, etc..

In all of these futures you are happy, why are you happy in these futures? Is it because you're a superhero and you're saving everyone? Is it because you're a baseball player and you have the pride of winning the big game? If you really look at most of your childhood futures they are based on childhood visions of what happiness is. What is that vision? What is happiness? Almost every child is full of happiness, it's when we grow that we sometimes lose that.. What is love as an adult? Is it brought by being loved by others? Is it brought by helping others? Is it brought when you're team wins a big game? Is it brought by the smell of the woods or the smell of a new car? Is it brought by buying your first house? Is it brought by having children?

Nothing can bring you happiness.. Happiness is something you have to find in yourself.. I've seen the poorest of men who are ridiculously happy, I've seen the richest men who have major hit records and millions of fans kill themselves because they were not and could not find it.

Anyone who looks for happiness outside themselves will never find it. They might find happy moments but they will never find happiness.

I believe I have found happiness.. It's not the people in my life... Sure, they bring me happy moments, they also bring me sad moments too.. If you took everything away it would suck but I would start over and I would rebuild and I would be happy in whatever form my life would take.

Sometimes it takes that total destruction to find true happiness. A friend of mine had a car, a job, a place to live and friends around him.. For him that was not enough, he needed a girl, he needed a relationship more than any of those things so he went searching for one. He forced himself into one and it was a lie, because of this he lost his job, his place to live, his car and most of his friends. He ended up filing chapter 11 and living in a monastery before finally realizing that happiness comes from inside. Once he learned this he was able to put his life back together, and now has re-connected with almost all of his friends, has a car, a good job (best of his life), a place to live and a girl he loves.. Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom. It does not have to be that way, but it does have to come from yourself..

A big step to happiness is being honest with yourself. You can hide yourself from others, but as long as you're hiding yourself from yourself you will never know what you need to do to find happiness.. Once you know what you need to do, the next (and possibly hardest) step is doing it..

Karma is tied to happiness is it not? If you are nice to other people and do good things you will find that people are nice to you and that seemingly random good things will happen to you. If you live your life stabbing people in the back you will be stabbed in the back yourself. If you kick a man while he is down you can guarantee that man is looking for his moment to kick you back. If you help him instead you will have gained an ally, and he will be looking to return the favor if it's ever needed. Karma is tied to happy moments which can in turn be tied to happiness, but I would not say that Karma is tied directly to happiness..

Someone who is filled with happiness can almost always find some happy part to even the worst news or situation..

Love = Happiness.. Love of oneself, yes.. Love of others, that just brings happy moments..

The grandest future, and in my mind the only one that is important, is one that you find happiness. Once you see that future, head towards it at all speed..

"second star to the right and straight on till morning"

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