Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Weekend Update...

Laire was very good although my right ankle hates me now.. Friday night - I went out after my logistics shift ended. I was kinda doubting if I would because my knees and ankle were bothering me when my shift was over but I went down to the cabin and put my compression pants on and everything was a'ok.. Well, maybe not a'ok, but it was good enough.. :/

For some reason I was in a "killing" mood on my way down to Laire which is probably why I pushed myself to come into game on Friday night, plus I knew that they would be running stuff pretty late on Friday since the whole point of the weekend was that we were trying to remove a curse (hordes of undead at night) on Crossroads (a town in Medici). Anyway, I went out and quickly ended up in a rather large fight with said horde of undead. I got to kill lots of things, I felt kinda bad because my rage got the best of me when someone hit me in the back I turned and dropped them to the ground in three rather hard swings, as he dropped I saw another undead coming up behind me so I quickly turned and did an illegal uppercut move hitting Anne-Marie in the nose so hard her nose ring popped out of her nose!! She has a horse shoe septum piercing and puts it up in her nose to avoid someone hitting it, it didn't come out the hole it just came out of her nose. I got a combat violation warning which I accepted without argument even though Anne-Marie was trying to tell them that it was an accident and I didn't deserve the warning.

Shortly after that fight we went to bed (somewhere between 4 and 5am). Saturday during the day I went on a quest into the Catacombs to try and find items we needed to dispel the curse on the land. I found one, funny thing is it was cursed too! It's curse? The fool (me) who picks it up becomes a beacon for trouble and danger.. Ahh the fun.. Is there really a difference? I wear a House of the Sun necklace and carry the big-ass Order of the Watchtower shield so I am kinda already a beacon for trouble and danger.. Let me go back to "Ahh the fun", there was a bunch of Bainites fighting outside the inn, when I went to join the combat they saw me and left the foe they were engaged in and came running after me.. It's a good thing I can block with that shield.. :D

The real trouble found me Saturday night.. Dirt paths/roads + lots of rain = muddy squishy paths/roads. Muddy squishy paths/roads + big truck = wheel paths. Nice dry weather + wheel paths = dry crusty wheel paths. You might be wondering where I'm going with this? Walking along and "finding" a dry crusty wheel path when you already have hurting ankles is not a good thing! I went down pretty hard when I twisted/turned my ankle on said crusty wheel paths! End of fighting for me right? No... You have to remember I'm stupid and don't really take care of my body the way I should.. I got back up after about 10 minutes on the ground and continued to play, heck I even went into a death trap mod and ran my ass off to get past a line of undead jumping, ducking and swerving around swords while running for my life. Oh and I chased down an enemy getting away from us too at full speed..

Hey, wait, let's back up a second.. Back before I hurt myself.. Went to the Chinese/Japanese restaurant on Saturday night. After dinner I came back to camp and the feast had already started. Here I am walking into the Manor House while everyone is seated for a formal dinner, I walk up to Lascula and whisper in his ear and give him a silver, walk up to Aeon, Ladas, Zaygon each in turn and do the same thing. Everyone was seated in different areas so I got to walk around the whole dinning area with everyone looking at me.. Fun stuff.. Went back to Lascula and stood over him some more trying to figure out if the Order was having a meeting after dinner, he told me to go ask Chancellor Gareck. Up to the nobles table I go, kneel at the Chancellor and ask him if we are having a meeting, he says no and tells me to go sit with Lascula at the Guild Master table. I questioned it and he asked the Baron if I could sit there, the Baron said of course he can.. So here I am, a late arrival who walks around disturbing a bunch of tables including the nobles table and then sits down with the Guild Masters. It was very funny, especially since when I sat down I was asked what I was the Master of and I said "myself" to which someone else replied 'well, he is the tax collector, if we treat him well he will be nicer to us'.. Good times.. Good times..

Sunday night me and Jessie went to Hartford to see Matt Nathanson. We parked at the Webster and walked to get food, I have been in alot of different cities all over the world but I am shocked at how bad that section of Hartford is.. I actually felt uncomfortable walking around in that area, so much so we walked back a different way after dinner. Dinner was ok, we ate at an Italian restaurant (name escapes me). They gave us a hunk of cheese to go with our bread which was probably the best part. The concert was very good, the sound quality at the Webster was awesome. The mic probably could have been turned up a bit, but it sounded very good. When we got to the show I tried to get a coffee, when I went up to the concession stand and asked for a coffee the lady looked at me and said 'why would we have coffee tonight' I just pointed to the sign that said "coffee $2.00" and walked away.. I ended up going to the bar and getting an Adrenaline Rush by SoBe which was actually pretty good. We heard the end of the opening band, she was forgettable.. Matt Nathanson is really a great performer, he kept the crowd going with his witty banter and even did a little Jackson Five and New Kids on the Block to make everyone laugh...

Monday - CT Ren Faire! Went to the faire with Jessie, Sara, Rene, my mom and Joe. Everyone got there before they opened to we got to see the show before they opened the gates which explains the story line for the day. This year is Arthur and Guinevere's wedding. If you have not gone to the faire this year and you live close enough I would highly recommend going, it was amazing this year. The wedding show was movie quality, what an amazing job everyone on the cast did this year and what an amazing job the writers did! I really can't hype it enough, it was truly a show not to miss.. The ren faire was not all ups however as Sara lost her glasses down the shitter, she leaned over and they fell down, down, down the hole.. :( One of the highlights for me was Rene telling Arthur that he forgot to say cheese while he was taking a picture! Gotta love kids.. I was going to look on the MJ photo site to see if I could find a photo of us from the faire but worked blocks that site! Hopefully I can find one later and post another blog with a picture..

Jessie had to drive Sara's car home because of the glasses thing, afterwards we had our Anniversary meal at the Courthouse.. Only the best for you baby.. <3

No comic or thought yet, maybe later with the picture...

1 comment:

  1. A meal with you @ The Courthouse is definitely the best : ) ..(ok, it may have something to do with that magical fries and ranch dressing combo)

    A wonderfully memorable Ren day indeed.
