Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Final post before bed...

The Lions won their game 9-0 which means they go on to face whoever wins the Central League Climax Series in the Japan Series. A few years ago Japanese baseball asked Bug Selig and the MLB to rename their championship series the American Series, I agree... A "World Series" should be the winning Japanese team and the winning MLB team.. In 2005 the Marines won the Japan Series, the day after the series ended he invited the Chicago White Sox (who had won the World Series) to play a series to determine the true World Champions. The White Sox declined...

Anyway, so the Lions won 9-0, all the players ran out onto the field to swarm the mound as you would expect when winning your league. Instead of swarming the pitcher and everyone creating a dog pile they all ran real close and then stopped and each waited for the pitcher to shake his hand?! It was really odd because everyone ran out and just at the moment where you know the dog pile is going to start everyone just stopped and waited with their hand extended... Odd...

Giants v Dragons tied 3-3 in the bottom of the 8th with a man on 1st and 2nd with 1 out, manager goes to the mound to make a pitching change... This is the end of tonight's broadcast, I hope you will join us tomorrow at 7pm when these same two teams will battle it out in the Central League Climax Series!!!!!!!!!!!

I now have the game up on the Internet ticker because my hotel does not get the Giants satellite channel.. It's now 3-3 in the 9th, I am fighting keeping my eyes open so I think this is the end for me tonight... I'll post the final in the morning...

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