Friday, October 10, 2008

13th 13th

Is 13 an unlucky number? People are so afraid of 13 that they build buildings with no 13th floor. One thing that always got me was just because you call the 13th floor the 14th floor does not mean it is still not the 13th floor! If someone is deathly allergic to apples and you hand them an apple but call it a pear are they any less likely to die? So, why do people feel better because the 13h floor is called the 14th floor? It's not like they build a 13th floor and just don't put anything on it.

Anyway, I have never looked at 13 as an unlucky number, I don't really think any number is more or less lucky than any other number. Granted I have some "favorite" numbers but those numbers are not "lucky" they are just my favorite numbers and most of those are based on baseball players.. I know, I'm lame sometimes.. But, Baseball is what makes the world spin right?

Wait, wait, wait.. I'm running away from the point here.. So, 13th.. It's a good number, it's just as good as 6 or 7 or even 42. 42? Really? 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything, what the heck is 13? I can't really be saying that 13 is equal to 42 aka "the answer".. I assure you I am..

1995 seems like it was only yesterday.. To put it in perspective Sara was 13 and Lynz was 15 when I started dating Jessie. Other 1995 events: Ebay was founded in September! OJ Simpson was found not guilty of killing his wife on October 3rd! The first ever Calvin and Hobbes comic was published in December! The Braves won their first National League East Division title! Braveheart, Cutthroat Island, Die Hard with a Vengeance, Mallrats, Toy Story and Usual Suspects were all released.

Gotta get back to packing for Laire.. Sunday night I'm going to see Matt Nathanson with Jessie and Monday is the Faire..


  1. Yes, yes... before the health revolution took hold. However, I will say that I had the Whopper *Jr* meal and not the full size version :D

    I think we argued for five whole minutes on whether or not I was going to let you pay for me. I think we both made out pretty good on the deal..... <3

  2. Awww you guys are so cute :)

    Yeah, so it would be a whole year before I even went on my first real date... crazy.

    Congrats you guys!
