Sunday, October 26, 2008

14 floor mall!?!

I called La Rochelle and have a reservation for Tuesday night which was the only night this week they had a table! I thought about it more and decided I really should go to Michiba's restaurant if I can get reservations. I am in Japan having wonderful food everyday (except in Disney), but I really should have a top notch traditional Japanese meal. I thought about that tonight as I sat and ate sashimi in a dive next to the mall I went to.

Yes, the mall was 14 floors!! One whole floor was HMV, I looked in there for way too long and got frustrated not knowing what I should be and not be buying.. They re-released the entire Queen library again last month when Cosmos Rocks came out over here. They also had all the Blind Guardian re-releases and lots and lots of other stuff. Most CDs were about $20. I looked at DVDs and really wished we had a region free DVD player, there are so many great looking movies over here and they are pretty cheap.. $10-$20 per movie.

I also went into a game store and was floored by the amount of Wii games, I was also floored at the price.. $70-$80 per game! Wii Fit is $280!!! Speaking of price, holy crap clothes are expensive here!!! I was really planning to buy a new pair of dress pants and maybe even a jeans/cargo pant since they all fit over here. The Jeans are $300!!! The cheapest cargos are $150, the cheapest dress pants are also in the $150 range. Any good dress pants are $280+!!! I will not be buying clothes here.. Oh, well.. I guess people here are better off ordering clothes from Singapore, I gotta think even with a plane ticket it would be cheaper if you were buying back to school clothes or something.

I also checked out Tokyo's Central Park tonight, it was neat in the fact that it was on the 2nd story, there was actually a street under it with stores, etc.. Very odd..

One thing I forgot to mention, today I was wearing my Totoro shirt and when I was at the museum people kept asking me where I got it.. :) If memory serves it was a gift from one of my loving friends so I have no idea where it came from..

OK, it's 8:30 and I'm going to start looking at today's pictures. I will try to get some posted tonight.. :)

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