Monday, December 1, 2008

Legend of the "Lame-Ass" Seeker

Apparently Sam Raimi wanted to make another Hercules or Zena and somehow suckered Terry Goodkind into giving him the Sword of Truth Series for his characters and for the general plot/storyline. I just finished watching the 6th episode and I'm dumbfounded at how much they are not following the storyline in the book. Terry's books were so amazing and had such great stories, I was so excited to hear that they were making a full show of the series with each season being one book. I was more happy when Terry mentioned in an interview that they were going to be filming stuff that was not shown in the books, for example stuff that they mentioned in the past was going to be filmed so that instead of just saying this or that happened they could show it. Sounds good right? The first two episodes (2 hour premier) followed the general storyline, they changed some things (most minor but one major) but I was willing to let that go because it is a new medium and obviously they need to change it up for the TV audience.

Episode three didn't have anything to do with any story that Goodkind wrote or even alluded to, it did at least have a good point about people in the mid-lands needing to trust the seeker and showing that Richard was going to need to help out people for that to happen. Major problem in episode three was that all the women in the mid-lands have long hair and people didn't instantly recognize Kahlan for being the Mother Confessor.

Episode four once again had nothing to with anything Goodkind ever wrote or alluded to. Once again all women had long hair and for some reason people recognized Richard by site but not Kahlan! One thing from the stories was mentioned but it was something that was not talked about until book three and really kinda craps on some of the big surprises later on.

Episode five was something I would have expected to see on Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel but certainly NOT on a Sword of the Truth show. They are inventing magics that have no place in the Goodkind world, instead of inventing new stuff can they please focus on something that actually DID happen in the series!

So that brings us to episode six. For the fourth consecutive episode we are not going to follow anything written, remember (if you read the books) that there was only one wizard other than Zedd and he worked for the queen and princess who had the box of ordan. Apparently they decided it would be cool if there was another random wizard floating around, and this one would have a Radahan and a Quilliam! If you don't know what those are I'm not going to go into detail but the Radahan is used by the Sisters of the Light in book 2 and the Quilliam is used by the Sisters of the Dark!

Other issues with the series? Well, it's episode six and there is no mention of the Mud People who were a main part of not just the first book but a main part of four different books. They were also the people who started Richard in learning about the sword's magic. No mention of the boxes of ordan and the only mention of the Book of Counted Shadows was in episode one and two and they burned the only known copy. In every episode so far people in the mid-lands did not immediately recognize Kahlan, on more than one occasion Zedd or Richard had to say something about her being the Mother Confessor before people would pay her heed!

How many episodes am I going to watch before I give up? I don't know, I'm pretty stubborn but I know a bunch of people who gave up already and Jessie is on the verge.

Today was my first day back at work, it was tough to go back to teaching. I had my foot not-elevated for far too long and it was really bothering me by the end of the day, it was actually bothering me around lunch-time and got worse from there. I did manage to draw on the board and everything so I don't feel I shorted the students which is good. I did leave early, because Elizabeth is my ride for most of the week and she got there at 2:30, which is good because I don't know how much longer I could have lasted with my foot.

Got home and called Ikea to have them mail me the "missing" parts for the day bed. We had two broken 60Gb iPods, one of them had a broken drive and battery, the other one had a broken click wheel. I took them both apart today and made a working one from the parts.

Jessie ordered the Raw Box last week from Rawvolution. We had been eating it a little at a time over the last week and finished it up tonight. One of the things we ate tonight was the French Onion Soup, it was frikkin amazing. Jessie found the recipe online and we are going to have to make it. I also would love the recipe for their raw bread (hint, hint).. :D

We can't do anything about getting the Mets tickets till Dec 10th at 10am so that gives us time to get everyone from Section 17 together so we can try and get seats together for next year. I am going to setup a con-call on Monday morning so we can all dial into the Mets together and request our seats.

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