Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Santamas

Just a quick, well quickish, blog to say Merry Santamas...

So, I don't take vacation from work on Santamas week because in the past we have always been told to just "work from home" so I don't waste the vacation time. Last year my boss got upset because nobody came in on Christmas Eve or the day after Christmas and he said that if you're not taking vacation you should come in... Anyway so on to this year.. I didn't take vacation again and last week my boss sent out an email saying that everyone who was not on vacation had to come in Mon-Wed and Friday, he said that we didn't have to stay long but that we did at least have to come in each day.. Well... I showed up on Monday and found that the elevator didn't work! It took me awhile to get up the stairs and when I did my boss said he was just about to call me and tell me not to come because the elevator was not working... Oh well.. It was good for me to go in anyway because I hadn't seen my boss in awhile so we had a good meeting.. As it turns out the elevator was broken because it froze up due to the cold weather so I was told not to come in for the rest of the week.

Tuesday ended up being a very busy day, Kaitlyn went to buy an exercise bike and Ryan agreed to help her pick it up from the person selling it. She got stuck in really bad traffic and got here later than we expected, Ryan came over and we drove up to get the bike. On the way back we ate lunch at Bill's Bread and Breakfast which was the first time I had eaten lunch there. It was good, I had a kielbasa, onion and pepper wrap. After lunch we moved the bike into my garage and Ryan and Kaitlyn left and I made my home made Teriyaki and started to marinate the pork for last night. Amber came over and when Jessie got home we went to Sara & Ryan's house for dinner.

Sara decided she would do pizzas because it would be quick and easy, unfortunately it was nothing but hard work for her, we may think of catering big holiday weeks in the future. I had a great time wandering around the house handing out presents one at a time. Lynz brought over candles for everyone which were a big hit until one of the kids threw one through the coffee table... Joe brought over home made candies which were really good, I stole most of the peanut butter cups... We had a full house this week with the addition of Amber and Badger (Jessie's friend), speaking of Badger he brought over a home made blueberry mead which was so good. Me and Amber left around midnight after we watched the Colbert Christmas DVD.

Yesterday I spent the whole day cleaning with Amber to get the house ready for Santamas Eve. We put the oven on the cleaning cycle and it finished right before I would have needed to start cooking, in my hurry to get things going I forced the latch and broke the locking mechanism for our oven... I ended up bringing the pork over to Elizabeth's house and using her oven.. So between Elizabeth's oven and my stove I cooked my teriyaki pork tenderloin, my caper pancetta cauliflower and spinach & broccollini and somehow managed the timing so the pork was perfectly cooked! Jessie made her raw sauce and zucchini pasta as well as rice pasta and regular pasta, for some reason we only had half a bag of rice pasta so we had to make both kinds. How many people can you sit at your table? We managed 13 people at ours, Lenny, Derek and Rachel got the bench on one side, mom and Jessie got the piano bench on the other side and we had 4 people on each long side (Matt, Lenny, Sandy and Joe on one side, dad, Jessie's mom, me and Amber on the other). After dinner while everyone was still at the table we did gifts and then dessert and Wii playing for the rest of the night. I got a new Rayman party game that everyone played for awhile and then Lenny and Rachel challenged me to Guitar Hero World Tour face offs. I like the idea of doing the presents here like that, makes it so we don't have to bring anything with us over to my brother's house today... By the end of the night my foot was killing me, I certainly feel like I pushed it yesterday being on it all day cleaning and moving furniture and cooking and everything else...

This morning we watched the entire Colbert Christmas DVD including the bonus song, the three alternate endings and the 25 little skits in the advent calendar.. Why do they call it an advent calendar? I'm not going to go down that tangent because I would have to actually look it up... One of the days in the advent calendar had the full version of "Jingle Man, Christmas Boy" which was the song he was doing in the beginning of the special.. Here are the lyrics, I want to rip it off the DVD so I can put it on my iPod...
Oh, Jingle man, Christmas boy
Fighting crime with toys
Catching smugglers in New York and thieves in Illinois
Oh, Jingle man, Christmas boy
Fighting crime with toys
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
Dashing through the town
In a one-horse Escalade
Hunting criminals down
Punching all the way, PUNCH! PUNCH! PUNCH!
Helping the police
Eating candy canes
Wearing polar fleece
And an umbrella if it rains
Oh, Jingle man, Christmas boy
Fighting crime with toys
Catching smugglers in New York and thieves in Illinois
Oh, Jingle man, Christmas boy
Fighting crime with toys
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
Dashing through the snow
In a pizza delivery van
Over the streets they go
Hitting pedestrians, Just kidding!
Never doing drugs
Calling their grandmas
Giving lots of hugs to
Everyone who needs a hug
Oh, Jingle man, Christmas boy
Fighting crime with toys
Silver bells and do be do
I lost my train of thought...
Jingle man, Christmas boy
Fighting crime with toys
Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho

The more I listen to the Colbert Christmas the more I like the Feist song "Please be Patient", I really like her voice and will need to check out more of her stuff.. She is apparently a folk artist out of California. For more of her check out my diversion of the day... :)

Jessie's mom just left and I'm going to put an end to this "quick" blog so I can spend some time with Jessie before we go over to my brother's house...

---Diversion of the Day

Jessie found this on polyweekly's forum and I figure it's Santamas so why not have two diversions.... :D

---Diversion from the Diversion of the Day
Have a jolly poly Christmas
It's the best time of the year
Quads and vees are trimming trees
While metamours bring cheer.
Have a jolly poly Christmas
And when you walk down the street
Show your glee and NRE
To everyone you meet.

Oh, ho, the mistletoe
Hung where you can see;
When your quad reaches it
Kiss her and him and me.
Have a jolly poly Christmas
And in case you didn't hear,
Oh by golly have a jolly,
Poly Christmas this year!

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