Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bored.. On the couch with my foot up...

Dinner last night was very laid back, or at least for me.. I laid down on the couch with my foot up for most of the night. I feel bad because this is two weeks in a row now that I have not cooked anything nor helped with the cleanup.. Kevin made roasted veggies, Sara made a veggie loaf, Kristen and Lynz made cookies and me and Jessie brought bunches of leftovers. Jessie cooked some turnips too while we were there. Joe ended up bringing Drew last night which was great because I had never met him before, I just wish I could have been more social.

Called the Mets today.. If you remember from my previous blog I was planning on getting Promenade Box seats for the "Sunday Package". I've been in contact with Ivon and he has been in contact with a few other people and we are all going to try to get into the same section. I was thinking about this and noticed that the promenade box section looks like it only has a few rows based on the pictures on the website. Anyway, so I call them today to ask how many rows are in each section. As it turns out the Promenade Box has anywhere from 4 to 7 rows depending on the section and the best seats we could buy today are in section 432 which are in fair territory! I refuse to buy seats in fair territory, I hate looking at the field from that angle. Remember that we can't buy tickets till Wednesday the 10th at 10am which means even those seats will be long gone by then. If instead we were to buy Promenade Infield Reserve seats we could get section 515 which is right behind home plate. Again, we can't buy them today but we will at least be somewhere in the infield, we may be high up but I would rather be higher up than further out.

The other good thing is that the Reserve seats are only $390 a seat, $390 * 8 seats = $3120. The Mets have $3032 of our money already which means the total charge now will be $88. Mike will give me the money for his tickets since and I will have 4 seats for 15 games next year. Dad will have 2 and Mike will have 2.

I will be running a con-call on Wednesday morning so all the people from Section 17 can try and get seats together. Wish us luck...

My fucking foot is killing me! Yesterday after my class left I (without thinking) got out of my chair to lay down while I was waiting for Elizabeth to pick me up. When I say got out of my chair I mean I stood up, no crutches, on my right foot! I know that Dr Scheffel said I could put weight on it, but I had never put all my weight on it till that moment and it really hurt. I sat with it up all night at Sara's house and slept with ice on it, this morning it felt "eh". Teaching again today make it kill again and now I'm laying on the couch at my house with my foot up and it is throbbing... I have only taken 1 percocet all day so I think I'm going to take another one or two once I'm done with this blog.

---Diversion of the Day

---Thought of the Day
If you don't have a reason not to sleep with someone does that mean you should sleep with them? Do you need a reason to sleep with someone? Or is no reason not to sleep with them a good enough reason to sleep with them?


  1. Guess what, guess what!! I'm all caught up on your blog now... you blog whore.
    Sorry your foot is still hurting. Hope the stitch removal went well.

    I suppose if you have no reason not to sleep with someone, and yet no reason TO sleep with someone... then its sort of an "if the opportunity arises, then sure why not" but no need for pursuit of an opportunity. Although I can't really see myself being that neutral about someone. Its usually more like a list of pros, and a list of cons and an inability to decide which list holds sway.

  2. I didn't mean for it to come across as statement of indifference, but more to make you (the reaaders) think about why to or why not to sleep with someone..
