Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cast off!

So I was just reading Jessie's blog from yesterday about Heavy Metal and I wanted to re-iterate her statement that You Really Can't Kill the Metal!! People ask me why I need a 160Gb iPod, like jeez how much music could you possibly want to listen to.. I gotta say I still listen to same music I did when I was first getting introduced to music with my father's WLEN tapes (My dad used to record a mock radio program onto cassette so that he and his friends could listen to music while in cars, etc). Granted I also listen to a whole bunch of new stuff and every year more and more music gets put into the mix, aside from the rare exception nothing ever comes out of that mix. Why do I need a 160Gb iPod? My question is how can you live with only an 8 or 16Gb iPod!? Everyone has memories linked with certain songs and points in their life when a particular song meant the world or summed up what you were feeling... Everyone has songs that make you happy, make you sad, make you sleepy, energize you, I can go on and on... How can you have that few songs that you can put them all on a 8 or 16Gb device? A world without music would be a horrible place to be...

I like Jessie's idea of a music timeline and I will hopefully steal it and make one of my own.. See how many times Kiss re-appears as a driving musical force in my life..

Last night I went out on a date with Kaitlyn, I drove up to her house and we went to a really good microbrew placed called the People's Pint. All of their beef is naturally grass raised and they have some really good ideas for cheese spreads like "chive-goat cheese spread" for the burgers. They also have live music, last night they had a pretty cool jazz band called Bok Choi Orchestra but they have Traditional Irish Sessions on every Sunday which I would love to bring everyone to. I had a few different beers:
Slippery Slope which is a 9.8% beer described as "A special blend of 1/2 cider, 1/4 malt and 1/4 honey then delicately spiced with ginger." It's a very good beer and the ginger really adds a great taste. I had two of these before I decided to switch over to..
The Peoples Pint Irish Red Ale which is as the name suggests a Red Ale. This is also a very good beer, makes Killian's seem weak.
I tried some of Kaitlyn's Farmer Brown and Tiger Bite.. All four beers were very good and the food was very good as well.
Here is Beer Advocate's ratings of them. I actually joined Beer Advocate too so I can rate different beers and different places.

After dinner we went back to Kaitlyn's and chatted, looked at pictures, and hung out till almost 3am. I probably would have slept over if not for the bathroom being downstairs and Lynz coming over this morning to "work from home"..

BIG news, ok, well, BIGGER news!! I got my cast off today!! My calf muscle is not atrophied as badly as I would have thought, but the muscle on the top of my foot is bothering me. Plus the whole foot having full range of movement is really friggin weird. I have stretching exercises I have to for the next few months while I build up strength. I'm supposed to do 25 stretches 3 times a day! I did 10 when I got home, I have decided to work it up to 25... One big bummer is that I have to sleep with the night splint on to make sure the foot does not get into any odd positions and the really shit pile is that I am not supposed to run and play any sports for 6 months!!! I guess that means I'll be playing Chatima at Laire, speaking of which I really need to update my Jan pre-req.. OK, changed that... Hopefully I will get medical cameos again so I can bring Daimone in at least for a few hours each month so he does not disappear..

I seriously don't remember that 6 month thing in the brochure for the surgery... Ah well, it will be better in the end.. Just gotta keep my eyes on the prize... :)

I updated my flikr site today, I added pics from the Holiday Dazzle Light Parade up to and including last night..

---Diversion of the Day

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