Monday, December 15, 2008

the Fatness

So, loyal blog readers.. I am back from my Laire weekend and am sitting on the couch bed with my leg up about to watch Batman: The Dark Knight.. I'm sure you all read "Placeholder" and have been holding your breath waiting for details.. Well, never fear, in this blog you will get all that and more!

So where to start... Current events or old ones? Well, I'm all excited about current ones so I will start with one of those and then go backwards.. I got out of the shower tonight before Jessie got home and while I was using my "lushnue" my cell phone text message went off so I walked out to the phone... That's right, I walked without my crutches.. I figured that the crutches would bother my skin because of the rubber against my naked underarms so I would try to walk instead.. Well, I've been walking since, my leg is a bit sore but not in pain so I am going to continue do walk on it until/unless it starts to hurt. It is very uncomfortable to walk on because my foot is in the cast at a strange angle, but I figure that it will be good in the long run because it will help my leg to get stronger.

Well, now back to the beginning... Oh, wait... "lushnue"... Did you ever watch Family Ties? There was an episode where Alex was playing Scrabble and he used the work lushnue and they asked him what it meant and he said towel, they said use it in a sentence and he said when he gets done with his shower he uses his lushnue to dry off.. It was a pretty stupid moment in TV history, but for some reason stuck with me...

Ok, really going back to the list now... :D

The Mets built Citi-Field with the idea to lower the stadium, they built the field level at almost a movie theater angle, I don't mean a stadium seating angle, I mean a regular old movie theater angle. I would probably never buy a seat on field level because if anyone sat in front of me I would never be able to see the field. The good side is that because they did that the Excellsior level is at the altitude of the old field level/loge. The Metropolitian Box seats are at the level below the old mezinine and the Prominade runs the same alititude of the old Mezz all the way up the first row of the old Upper Deck. The Yankees built their new stadium with a bigger angle on the field and upper levels. The new Yankee stadium is just as tall as the old stadium, what they did is took the first 10 rows off the upper deck and created club boxes between the levels. I think the Mets move of lowering the stadium will get rid of the idea of "nose bleed" seats. The Yankees will still have a problem selling their upper deck seats.. Speaking of selling seats... The Yankees had most of their 2008 season tickets holders tell them to go screw themselves with their new pricing. The Mets have almost sold out their entire stadium for all Friday-Sunday games already and have not even opened up season ticket sales to the public yet.

So, onto item 3... Citi-Field food... Another thing that makes me happy about the new stadium is that the Mets have made a deal with US Food Group. They are still using Amarak for their normal concession stands but USFG is going to stock the new food areas, there are going to be a few different ones.. First is the Center Field Court which is going to be on the field level in center field, it will have a 7000 square foot Team Store and will open an extra hour or two before the game, for food it will have a Smoke Shack for ribs, a Taco stand, a Sushi stand and a bar with over 40 different beers on tap. The next one is the Sterling Club which is behind home plate on the field level, the Sterling Club is only accessable by people with seats in the field level. The next level up has the Excellsior Club which is the glass enclosed restaurant in LF. The Excellsior Club will seat 1,000 people and is only accessable by the 6,000 seat Excellsior level, my guess is that restaurant (the biggest one in the stadium) will be open to the public after the first year. The Metropolitian Club is the only one that does not have a view of the field and is only accessable from the Metroplitan sections. The Prominade Grill holds 600 people and is a glass enclosed restaurant behind home plate between the Prominade box seats and the Prominade reserve seats, that restaurant is only accessable from the Prominade sections. I talked to a lady at the Mets and she said that as long as you are eating/drinking they will not kick you out of the restaurant. USFG said that all of those restaurants (Sterling Club, Excellsior Club, Metropolitian Club and Prominade Grill) will have the same food which is awesome..

Phew this is going to be one long blog.. I only wrote about two of the things on that list... :)

I joined the Mets Club on, it gives you 15% discount at the Mets team store and the online store. It also gives you a free membership to the GameDay Audio which I buy every year anyway. The Mets Club is $19.99 and the GameDay Audio is $14.99 so for $5.00 it will give me 15% on anything I buy this year.. I should have the card in March sometime before the season starts.

I said I was going to mention "shower", but that almost seems obsolete now because of the whole walking thing, but I wanted to mention how I took a shower all by myself the other day, I did that again today so now I feel it's "old hat"...

Sara updated her OK Cupid page awhile back to include all of us in our little CT/RI community, I had been meaning to do so since then and I finally got around to it... If you have not seen it I wrote:
"On a typical friday night, I don't really have a "typical" Friday.. Friday's are pretty crazy for me, but on a typical Tuesday night (when I'm not traveling) I go over to my friend's house for our communal dinners.. It's pretty crazy actually, we end up having about a dozen adults and six kiddies. We all get together and bring food and let the kids run wild in the livingroom while the adults have some time to catch up. It's become (and hopefully will remain) a regular event.

The crazier part for me, when I stop to think about it, is that aside from my wife and my friend Matt I've met all of them because of this site in the last six months.So, if you think I'm cool, and you want to hang out you may want to check out our little poly family: jlinkens52, LynzM31, thescooch, cj_jpm, wittanman, dream__brother, puzzle_lover, darksoulseeking, and yodiebabie."
Back to the Mets... They signed K-Rod to a 3 year 37,000,000 deal which is very good considering the contracts most MLB players get. K-Rod broke, no "crushed" the single season saves record last year with 62 saves! So, after that glorious move the Mets made one I don't get, they traded Joe Smith, Endy Chavez and Aaron Heilman in a 3-Team trade with Cleveland and Seattle for JJ Putz. Putz was a premier closer in 2006-2007 but spent most of 2008 on the DL. I guess it's a good trade as it gets rid of Heilman who asked for a trade and Chvez who is apparently a dick in the clubhouse, but it also got rid of Joe Smith is who has been our best reliever for the last two years. Joe Smith had only been in the major leagues for two years too so he really has shown that he can be the "real thing".. Since writing the list the Mets also traded Scott Schoeneweis to Arizona, Scott has been nothing but crap since we got him so I'm glad we dumped him but we got nothing in return. I really wish Joe Smith the best of luck in Cleveland and hope that Putz can return to his 2006-2007 form.

In contrast to those moves the Yankees signed CC Sabathia and AJ Burnett for a total of 240,000,000.. 160,000,000 for 7 years for CC Sabathia and 80,000,000 for 6 years for AJ Burnett..

The New England area got hit hard by ice storms on Thursday night/Friday morning, my brother had lost power and it just returned on Sunday night. Here in Putnam we got rain, lots and lots of rain but no power outages. I arrives at work late on Friday because my friend Jay had lost power and was late picking me up.

So, what's left on that list? TSO and Laire... oh, and Prop 8.. Well, Prop 8 will be the Diversion of the Day, so skip tha one for now...

TSO - Me and Jessie went to see TSO on Thursday night.. It was an amazing show as normal, the first half was their normal "christmas show" which was just as good as normal, it may have been better becaue they had a few new people and the show seemed to be done better this year. This year they had one more person from Savatage on the east coast tour and during the 2nd half they played two old school Savatage songs as a Criss Oliva tribute. I kinda wish one year they would swap east and west coast touring bands so that we could see the Jon Oliva tour instead of the Alex Skolnick/Chris Caffery tour. Don't get me wrong, I like those guys, but it would be nice to see the other group.

Laire was a mix of good and bad this weekend. Good because I got to roleplay/train lots of people.. Bad because they didn't name a Sherrif and I couldn't fight so I was pretty useless in the grand scheme of things. The best part of the weekend had to be Desdimona showing up on Saturday night and finding me not in the inn because I was down at the Order meeting. When I arrived back at the inn she laid into me pretty hardcore because she had gotten all dressed up for me and I wasn't even around... Like I said, really good roleplay this weekend.

Speaking of Laire, or rather the ride to Laire... Me and Amber where driving down and we came up with a great idea for a new comedy sketch, Christmas Pirates.. OK, so here's the deal.. Draw with shaving cream on your back windsheild "Merry Christmas" then get a skull and crosscanes flag and hang it from your antenna. (Crosscanes are crossed Candy Canes instead of crossed bones). OK, so now your car is ready... Next, get yourself a big pair of scissors.. Now while you're driving down the road look for those people with the big-ass trees on their cars. Drive up real close and cut the ropes holding the tree on, as the tree falls off their car down the street wave, smile and say in your cheariest voice Merry Christmas!

Today I booked my flight to Australia.. I am flying Quantas from Boston to LAX to Sydney on January 29th and flying from Sydney to SF to Boston on Feb 13th. I will be missing the Feb Laire event but I think Australia is worth missing one month of Laire... I booked my hotel at the Harbor Marriott which is the one Matt said I should book.

Speaking of today and the blog title of "the Fatness", I went with Amber to Bills Bread and Breakfast today and got a chocolate chip and banana pancake and spread peanut butter on it to make it the most awesomist pancake ever...

Tomorrow is communal dinner.. Matt, Sile, Kristen, Caity and Libby won't be there so it should be a smaller group. Tomorrow looks like it will be mostly fondu of various kinds but I'm making a buffalo/quinoa dish since now I can stand and cook...

Well, that's all for now.. Sorry for the book but I guess that's what happens when I don't blog for a few days... :D

btw - Dark Knight was very good, I'm shocked actually at how good it was...

---Diversion of the Day

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