Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow.. I hates it!

First off let me just say in case you don't already know.. I hate snow.. Sure, it looks pretty when it's coming down and it looks pretty to see a great big landscape of pure virgin snow but then I remember I have to go out in it... If it was not bad enough normally because of ass-hats who can't drive and oh by the way, it's fucking cold... Did you know that it can't be warm and snow, hence snow is shitty.. Right, so... Now let's ramp up the "suck" level of this particular snow shall we, I have a very stiff wobbly ankle which is going to make walking in this crap even more of a pain in the ass.. By the way, did I mention how everything closes when it snows? It can rain like a mother fucker and shit don't close, you get some snow and everyone goes into a panic like the world is going to end... Seriously? Is this your first year in New England? No, you were born here, then buck up buddy it's just some fucking snow..

Oh, and just because you own a 4-wheel or all-wheel drive car does not automatically make you invincible, you still to know how to actually drive. I see that problem more in the 4-wheel drive SUV jackasses than the all-wheel drive Subaru/Audi people. I love the attitude of I'm high off the ground and have 4-wheel drive so I must be safe right? NAAHH!! You're safe when you learn how to drive...

Can it be spring now??

Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice, we are planning on going to the CT Audubon Solstice celebration tonight and a celebration at the Unitarian Universalists in New London tomorrow.

Today we have (starting at 7:30pm):
"Bring back the sun with festivities, folklore, and songs surrounding the shortest day of the year. Feasting, bonfire, and ceremonies representing cultures around the world." in Glastonbury CT which is just south of Hartford right off Rte 91 and Rte 2.

Tomorrow we have (starting at 4:00pm):
"We will once again celebrate the turning of the season and the coming of the longest night of the year. We’ll look to the light together as the choir and congregation journey into the dark of Winter, where seeds grow, babies wait, quiet dwells, people rest and anticipate. Then, finding the hope of light, we emerge in nature's cycle with spirits reborn and transformed. Our Winter Solstice is an affirmation of ancient wisdom, through music and storytelling that draws from an eclectic array of Greek mythology, Pagan chants, universal drumming, Native American texts and Western polyphonic singing." in New London CT which is right off 395/95 in Southern CT.

We are also planning on hanging with Sara and Ryan today during the day to do some last minute x-mas shopping.. btw - don't forget to put the "x" back in x-mas. I am so sick and tired of those "Put the Christ back in Christmas" things, read history you ass-hats he never belonged there to begin with... If anything we should just admit that Christmas is a secular holiday based on some fat ass (granted a cool fat ass) who breaks into our houses and leaves us gifts. Maybe they should rename is "Santamass" or "Clausmass"... Blah, or we could just all go back to celebrating the Solstice for the ubber party that it was meant to be (celebrations used to start on the 20th and end sometime on the 24th and 25th). In today's modern age of technology and needing to work imagine how cool it would be if we could all take off a week for Solstice?

Yesterday I walked around town a bit, I went to VSC and borrowed a whole bunch of Dream Theater CDs from Dave and then went to Wonderland Books to try and find a Harry Potter CD Wallet with no luck. After that I went to Radio Shack and Savage Systems trying to find a SATA to USB cable which they make now but neither place had one. Funny side note, I found out it existed by finding one on Radio Shack's website but they don't carry it in the store. I ordered one and should have it soon.

Jessie came home early and took a long nap, it's such a hard life staying up to all hours with all her boys... :P

Speaking of her boys... Kevin came over last night and we watched Robin Williams Live on Broadway and Batman Begins before screwing around on the internet/youtube for far too long.

The Robin Williams show was from 2002 and had some really good bits in it. I think my favorite was his bit on cats being like drag queens and marking their territory... You should check it out if you have not seen it.

Batman Begins is the fist Christopher Nolan Batman movie. After seeing Dark Knight I was not disappointed with Batman Begins. I really love the way Christopher Nolan brings the Batman series to the screen. I may need to revisit Michael Keaton and Val Kilmer to be sure of this statement, but... I really think Christian Bale is the best Batman I've ever seen. Keaton was a great Batman but a crappy up-tight Bruce Wayne. Kilmer was a perfect Bruce Wayne, but failed a bit as Batman when compared to Keaton. Bale's addition of the gruff voice as Batman put him on par with Keaton and his goofy antics as Bruce Wayne made him on par with Kilmer. He is the perfect combination of those two actors in his portrayal of Batman/Bruce Wayne. Not to mention the camera work was amazing, right up there with something I would expect from Sam Raimi.

Give us a 3rd Batman Mr Nolan... Oh, wait you are... Nice... Eddie Murphy to play the Riddler in the new Batman movie due out in 2010.

Oh, speaking of yesterday.. Me and Jessie had this great beer called Weyerbacher Heresy which has a A- rating on beeradvocate. Speaking of beeradvocate, they won't let you rate a beer unless you write 250 characters or more per review. I would really like it if I could just rate it without writing a review.

---Diversion of the Day

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