Sunday, August 24, 2008

Generic Blog Title...

The only difference, on Sunday, between Ireland and Germany is that in Germany the coffee houses stay open. Me and Jessie went into Frankfurt center today to look around, do some shopping and do some tours.. Look around - check.. Tour - check.. Shopping - no so much...

We arrived in the city and ate at the train station, I had a BLT with cheese on a bagel and a Pretzel. Jessie had a tuna sandwich and a cheese danish. We went to the tour company and found the next tour to be in 2 hours. Killing 2 hours in a major city should be no problem right? Well, on any day but Sunday... The only thing open were pubs, restaurants and coffee houses.. We walked around some closed shops for a while before heading down to the river and walking along it for a while. We saw this really cool type of tree that grows pretty much straight before growing out (the only branches were way up), they had a line of them on either side of a walkway so it created a really awesome canopy. I think if you were stand under the canopy while it was raining you wouldn't get wet..

The tour was good, we saw a bunch of stuff and learned some neat things like the Euro was invented/started in Frankfurt, there is a big Euro symbol outside the building where it started. We also learned (realized) that none of the building in Frankfurt are older then World War II, the entire city was leveled by the Ally forces.. :( Even the "old/historical" buildings are recreations, some built as late as 1980!

We had some apple wine which I thought was really sweet and some Bockwurst which tasted like a bad stadium hot dog when the tour stopped in "Roman Square" which was the historical center of town.

As on each city tour I took a ton of pictures so I have something to bore you with when I get back..

Came back to the hotel via the train and a wooded path. For dinner we went to a traditional German restaurant and I had Hunter style Pork (Hunter's style = mushroom gravy) which was excellent. Jessie had Gypsy style pork (Gypsy style = spicy red sauce) which was also really good. Mine came with little potato puffs that I got to dip in the gravy - yum!

Heading to bed...

Oh, I forgot to tell you - Yesterday I saw an audiobook based on Settlers of Catan! I want to see if it's translated into English.

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