Monday, January 12, 2009

Snow rehab?

I went to Laire this weekend and played "Brother Hawk". Brother Hawk is my Southern Barbarian Druid/Warlock wannabe, he currently casts low magics and is a pacifist which means I can avoid any real combat and quick movements. Unfortunately (or fortunately) what I can't avoid is the snow.. I brought my walking stick and after putting some foam on the sharp pointy end I was able to use it in game. I have to admit, I've always seen people walking with walking sticks/canes and I never really got it. Don't get me wrong a good walking stick can be real nice when you're walking in the deep woods and need to test ground before stepping, need an extra balance point or need to push/pull something closer to be able to step on it in a river/stream, but other than that I always felt like I was just carrying extra weight. I certainly never got why people need to use them when walking on flat even ground. Well, I get it now...

Friday night I just worked Logistics and hung out before going to bed. I played all day on Saturday, I stayed in the inn for most of the day but I did walk to the cabin once to get clothes to change into Daimone for after feast. Kevin came down and NPCed the event which was cool to have him there, I hope he continues to come down with me and Amber. Saturday night the three of us and Al went to get sushi instead of eating the in game feast. After feast I came in as Daimone, I probably did more in the few hours I played Daimone than I did in the rest of the event. Saturday night I was walking back to the cabin by myself to go to bed and it seemed that the walk was never going to end.. I had to take very small steps and keep my eyes down on the ground in front of my feet to make sure I didn't step on any ice, every once in a while I would lift my eyes and look at how much further I had to go. It reminded me of Monty Python's Holy Grail when Lancelot was running towards the castle and they kept showing him running in the distance. I was actually getting frustrated at how long it was taking me but I did a good job of not speeding up.

So, I forgot who told me this but I was told that the best kind of rehab I could do for my ankle would be to walk on the beach because the foot would sink into the ground but not twist. I would say that the snow had the same affect. I might have hated walking in the snow while I was doing it but in the end I think it did a lot of good for my foot. Maybe I can convince Jessie to go for a walk tonight after dinner.

I just realized that next Tuesday dinner is Obama's inauguration.. I'm so excited for him to take control of this country, perhaps we can get back to the Clinton glory years. If you've missed them you really should catch up on his YouTube videos, he has done a great job of going over some of his economic recovery plans.

---Diversion of the Day

1 comment:

  1. I still say the ribbon was on too tight... thats all. Cause you know, I would have opened the box if I could ;)

    BTW... my Glen listening regimine has become a little obsessive... I keep getting songs stuck in my head. Which, isn't bad - I just can't fathom listening to anything else for a while...
