Monday, January 26, 2009

Mini Battlestar Galactica Golf

Saturday night did not end up being a lazy 4400 night.. Ryan and Jessie brought up a good point and that is that we never do any activities other than dinner and TV/movies so we decided that Saturday we would remedy that.. We kicked a few ideas around and decided on Monster Mini-Golf which ended up being bunches of fun. Before mini-golf we ate at the Lodge Restaurant in Webster which was good, when you walk in you're at the bar area which has a bar that is at normal table level for the patrons. The bar is a square and the inside is down a few steps so that they can serve you at normal table level. That type of bar makes it much more cozy because you don't have this big bar in your face as you walk in. The rest of the restaurant looks like it was an old hunting lodge, everything is wide open with great big ceilings. The waitress had a really grating voice when she tried to speak loudly and it was almost painful when she was talking to Jessie and Sara who were sitting on the inside of the booth we were seated at. I had steak and lobster which was very well cooked and some red skin potatoes which were done like home fries.

---- tangent
In case you need a label..
friend with benefits - little to no romantic involvement and no desire or ability for it to progress
dating - little to much romantic involvement and you're open to see where it progresses
girlfriend - a relationship that has progressed past dating
---- /tangent

After dinner we headed to Monster Mini-Golf which is a indoor mini golf course with black lights and various "monsters" decorating the place (put pics up on flickr) The course was a pretty easy one but I guess they want to keep it kid friendly and it's not big enough to have multiple courses. Still miss California mini-golf where they have courses ranging from beginner to expert in big complexes, but this was still a fun course. I won, Ryan came in second and Jessie and Sara tied for third. Jessie's game can best be summed up with the Facts of Life song "You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have a crappy score", she got two hole-in-ones but also got a bunch of bad holes. I guess I proved the theory that slow and steady wins the day.. :D

After mini-golf we went to Friendly's and then came home and watched two episodes of 4400.

Sunday I was supposed to go to Steve's house and play our Star Trek Roleplaying game but instead we ended up playing Battlestar Galactica the Board Game which was ok. It's based on the new series which I never watched but I did watch the original so I was not lost, except the fact that Boomer is now an Asian girl instead of a black man.. I really hate the fact that TV studios can't think of their own original ideas, how many remakes do we need to see?

---Diversion of the Day
Instant Messenger..

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