Saturday, January 24, 2009

Speaking of Relationships..

Welcome to my not-so-daily blog.. Lynz just left and I think I'm going to have a nice relaxing day at the house, Jessie is over at Ryan's house and I'm hearing Sam & Max calling to me from my Wii. Before I get to that though let me catch you all up..

Wednesday night me and Jessie had a nice night, it went later than we wanted but it's to be expected I guess. Jessie had yoga and afterwards we went down to Bed Bath and Beyond to get some coffee and Target to check and see if they had Streets and Trips 2009 cheaper then online (they didn't). The plan was to eat at the Thai Place on the way back from BBB and Target but by the time we got back to Putnam they were closed so we ended up getting some food to go from the Courthouse before coming back and watching the weeks American Idols. While at BBB I was speaking with the cashier about our mutual love of iced coffee, here's what we figured out.. Take a travel coffee mug that has space between the outer plastic and the inner metal and fill that space with water so that you can store the mug in the freezer like one of those freezer beer mugs, then make coffee and put it in that and you have instant non-watered down iced coffee. Now I just need to find the perfect coffee mug to make that happen.

Thursday night Kaitlyn came over and hung out with me and Jessie. I made a spicy Chinese style chicken/mushroom/spinach dish over Quinoa and Jessie made a raw cacao/avocado pudding with chili powder in it and fresh raspberries which was amazing especially when combined with the red wine Kaitlyn brought over. After we ate we all snuggled on the couch and watched the Daily Shows from the week and Big Bang Theory before heading to bed. It was very nice to have spent a night together with the two of them. I really hope we can do that more.. Cool side note about Thursday night - I slept without my boot and it didn't cause any pain/problems the next day.

Yesterday after work I went to visit Sara at her grandmother's house. Her grandmother lives in a beautiful condo complex in Bristol RI, on one side of the complex is the Audobon Society and in the back is Narragansett Bay. It was an unusually warm day so we walked down to the water and hung out on the rocks for a bit, while we were walking back her aunt arrived at the house so I went and got lunch while she was there. When she left I came back and we ended up hanging out some more before I headed home. Got home right as Jessie did so we got to hang out for a few minutes while she got everything ready to go out to Ryan's house. Lynz came over around 7:30 and we went out to Engine 6 in Norwich for gluten free pizza, I forgot who told me about that place but I'm glad we heard about it because it was awesome. I will certainly be going back there, they also have gluten free calzones, lasagna and cakes.

I updated my relationships on my OKCupid profile to include Sara and Kaitlyn yesterday while at work, apparently Elizabeth saw this and freaked out.. She has now blocked me on OKCupid and asked me to not come to her concert tonight. I don't understand how someone does not get happiness from seeing their friends happy.. /sigh

Speaking of relationships.. Robyn, a really cool girl I met at Laire who lives in Virgina, is coming up on Valentine's day weekend to go to a fair with Kevin on Saturday and to hang out with me on Sunday.. I'm very glad of the excuse to get her into this part of the country for the weekend. I land from Australia on Friday night and need to figure out plans for that weekend soon, the biggest trick will be getting quality time with everyone. This is when I could really use Hermione Grainger's Time-Turner.. I would rather have a problem scheduling time with all the people I want to see than not having any people I wanted to see..

Speaking of relationships II.. Carrie posted a facebook status the other day saying that Paul (not sure which one, but I assume her husband) was nasty because he had brought his laptop into the bathroom with him, I don't know why that's nasty. The way I look at is most guys read books or magazines while in there to pass the time, what's wrong with bringing your laptop in with you? I do it, what better way to pass time than on the Internet..

Speaking of relationships III.. Jessie posted this blog the other day titled "When will I be bored!" which I thought was awesome.
"Cool article - In defense of boredom talks about how technology is somehow attempting to make boredom obsolete and why that isn’t a good idea for us humans.. turns out, just as Kirk said in Star Trek V how we need our pain, we also need those routine periods of time in our lives that give us pause to reflect or use our imagination.. some call this state ‘being bored.’

So what exactly is happening to kill off the boredom? Well, it’s not so much killing it off as finding more micro-boredom escapes. Things like youtube videos or facebook and all its apps fill in snippets of time to get us to the next moment… Our tolerance level becomes less and less for time in which we have nothing to do.

It’s comforting and scary at the same time time that it is in those moments when we aren’t being social or plugged in that makes us who we are, just as much as when we are engaged in those activities. If we aren’t constantly communicating (tweeting, even) our thoughts and feelings out to the world we either feel cutoff or elated and basque in the freedom… Far fewer are the latter I suspect. How many of us smile when we discover we have forgotten our cell phones that day or that our destination for a few hours does not have a wifi connection?

How many steps away from Borg do we become when we reinforce those behaviors and attitudes that boredom and space to become reflective or creative are bad and only productivity and being social are good?"

One of the biggest things for me that has been invented for this purpose is the iPod, think about it. No matter where I am I have music or books or even videos. Taking a long train ride, no problem, just plug in and you can be engrossed in music, a book or TV show in seconds. Some people even put full movies on their iPods. I guess one way I will continue to avoid the "connection" is not get a blackberry.

Speaking of relationship IV.. Kaitlyn got tickets for us to go see Ryan Adams and the Cardinals towards the end of February, a few days after she got the tickets Ryan Adams announced that this is his last tour ever because he has balance issues and hearing loss. I had heard a few of his songs in the past without knowing who it was and I got a few CDs from Kaitlyn and have been listening to their newest CD "Cardinology" which is really good. I'm really looking forward to seeing them live but it's a shame that he is not going to continue to do music.

I'm going to go, I've let Sam and Max wait to long as it is, you know that Max guy, he can get a bit crazy if you keep him waiting.. Now that I'm not going to Elizabeth's concert tonight I imagine it will be a night of 4400.

Great quotes I heard on the Daily Show from this week..

"Why is cheese delicious on Italian food but when you melt it on Chinese food it's disgusting?" - Jason Jones

"I can't imagine someone like Osama Bin Ladin appreciates the joys of Hanukkah." - George W Bush

--Diversion of the Day

1 comment:

  1. The nasty part was not his taking the laptop into the john, but his IMing me. First of all, I was in the next room - a decent holler, and he could talk to me. Second, its like calling someone while taking a shit. Please no communication with me while going to the bathroom.

    I may be odd. I don't care.
