Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No more BUSH!!

I really need to get back into blogging more often.. The problem is that I forget some of the finer details the further back I have to go and I liked it when I was using this blog to reflect at the end of the day.

Jessie got home around 6:00 and we (Kris, Amber, Sara, Jessie and myself) headed out to Providence to meet Kevin at Cheesecake Factory for dinner for his birthday. The waiter at Cheesecake Factory was amazing, he was able to spout all kinds of information about any of the cheesecakes and meals and took our table of six order with no pad. I had ahi carpaccio as an appetizer which was holy crap amazing, it's "Thin Slices of Raw Ahi Tuna, Wasabi Pesto, Creamy Avocado and Togarashi Aioli".. For dinner I had pan seared albacore which was also really really good, it's "Fresh Albacore Tuna - Seared Rare with Shallots, Garlic, Red Chiles, Cilantro, Wasabi Pesto and a Spicy Soy-Ginger Sauce. Served with Sauteed Vegetables and Steamed White Rice".. However good the albacore was I probably would have been fine just eating another of the ahi carpaccios for dinner. After dinner we went to Dave & Busters and played some games before heading home and to bed.

Sunday was spent as a lazy day hanging around the house which ended with us all (Kevin, Kris, Amber, Jessie, Sara and myself) going to Empire Buffet and scaring the locals.. We were having a pretty implicit discussion and the people at the table next to us were laughing a lot.

I just got back from watching Obama's inauguration and speech.. What a great speech to start his presidency.. I tried to bring it up on my laptop for CNN Live and got a waiting room screen so I ended up hurrying down to the break room and got there just as they were announcing him.. Speaking of Obama, I ordered the circle logo bumper sticker for my car.. I want to show my support for him during these next 8 years.

So, back to Monday.. I am teaching Invista this week, this is the first time I am teaching this class since I was qualified back in December and the better thing is it's a new version of the class that I hadn't seen yet. So far it's been a great class, I came in on Monday and found that one my old friends from the PSE lab is in my class this week.. I was talking to Sara during the day and decided I would make a flank steak for dinner tonight which of course means I need to fix my oven. If you don't remember I broke the latch lock on the oven on Santamas Eve and have been far to unambitious to actually fix it. I got home yesterday and finally took the top of the oven apart and fixed the latch.

After fixing the oven we did some laundry and got pizza at Pyzzz. The pizza I got was dairy free, I got goat cheese, bacon, olives and green peppers with red sauce. Speaking of pizza, I still really need to bring Lynz and Sara down to Engine 6 in Norwich CT which has gluten free pizza.

Back to Monday.. Me and Jessie got some time to relax alone on the couch and we watched the first two episodes of Scrubs from this season. It was nice to finally have some down time with her, it was a very crazy fast paced weekend so it was nice to just relax at home before ramping everything back up again...

Amber called a little while ago, she is at my house and will be coming to dinner with us tonight before heading back up to school for the semester.

---Diversion of the Day

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