Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday ≠ Dining Out?

Plan for last night.. Quickly eat some food, do some food shopping, cuddle on couch and watch TV... Well, as you know the best laid plans and all that... Jessie got home and we were both hungry and didn't want to deal with cooking so we decided we would eat out and after a short discussion we headed out to Clasicos which is a mexican restaurant just over the boarder in RI. I am torn as to which mexican restaurant in our area is better between Clasicos and Casa Mariachi, we decided on Clasicos because they have better Margaritas and they are closer to Stop and Shop.. So, funny story, Clasicos is closed on Mondays.. /sigh

Well, since we were already in RI we decided to drive a bit further and go to Three Amigos which is another Mexican restaurant at the 44/101 intersection.. Guess what.. They are closed on Mondays too!? Now we are even further into RI so we decided we weren't going to turn back now.. A bit further down 44 there is a restaurant Jessie went to with Ryan which she said was really good so we decided to head there, on the way we passed two restaurants that were open (Chester's and some pub place) but since we didn't know them and we had a goal we continued.. Bet you can't guess what we found when we got to the restaurant that they had eaten at.. Give up? Ok, I'll tell you.. They are closed on Mondays!?!

Starting to feel a bit frustrated but also laughing we had a choice, go back to Chester's or continue on to the 44/295 intersection where I thought there was a Ruby Tuesdays. We decided that onward towards food we know was a better choice than rolling the dice on Chester's. Notice I said "I thought there was a Ruby Tuesdays", well I was wrong.. There was an Applebees an Unos and a Chilis.. We ended up at Chilis where I had mini buffalo chicken sandwiches and a molten cookie cake which was all very good. Funny side note, we drove by Chester's on the way home and there were fire trucks in the parking lot.. Guess we made the right choice..

So, back to the plan at hand.. Food shopping, check.. TV/snuggling, check.. All in all the plan worked out but we ended up having less snuggle time then I would have liked.. Oh well, we had a really fun and funny food adventure so it's all good...

Funny side note.. Last night at dinner I realized that American Idol should be starting soon, I sent a text to Elizabeth figuring she would know when it started and she didn't. Why is that funny? I woke up this morning and while checking Myspace I saw a big ad on the website for American Idol's two hour premier tonight! I set the TiVo to record it but I wonder if there is any interest in watching it during family dinner tonight.

---Diversion of the Day

1 comment:

  1. If you ever have a question about what there is in Smithfield (44/295) then Ryan and I would know... just for future info. There is a Thai place over there too, and a natural grocery store that Jessie might like. Uno's is good but the service sucks. Although if you had asked if there was a Ruby's I might have said yes thinking that Applebee's was it. But, sounds like you had a good laugh anyway :)
