Thursday, January 8, 2009

I will not take these things..

Jessie just got her tickets to Australia, we are actually flying back on the same flight which is really cool, she even got the seat next to me.. :D

Is ESPN kidding with their articles? I am sick and tired of that website/network commending the Yankees for spending hundreds of millions!!!!! AARGGHHH!!

Last night I went to the People's Pint again with Kaitlyn. We got there and the place was packed so we asked if they had live music and as it turns out they were having an "old time session" night starting at 8:30. What that means is that people from all over the area come to the bar with their instruments and jam/play old time songs, if you've read my Ireland blogs you will remember that type of thing is big in Ireland and it's awesome to have a place to go nearby that does the same things. Last night there were a few fiddle players, a banjo, a washtub bass and a few other instruments as the night went on. I had a steak salad which came with a sesame dressing that reminded me very much of Anne's Shitake Sesame dressing. We had chips and salsa and Kaitlyn had a burrito, apparently she is a big fan of spicy because she dumped a ton of this really, really hot sauce they called Rooster Sauce which tasted really good but jeez it was HOT! She said it's a similar sauce to this stuff. I had one bite of her burrito and my nose started to run it was so hot, it's a good thing I had good beer to kill at least some of the spice.

Speaking of good beer.. After dinner it was snowing again so we went driving around on back roads while listening to music, talking and drinking Slippery Slope beer, I didn't drink much of it since I was driving.. After the drive we went up and hung out in her room for a bit before I headed home.. So I am a big believer in the idea that everyone's stories are what makes them who they are, last night while hanging out I found Kaitlyn's coaster collection and we spent a bunch of time going through each one and the story associated with it. Did I mention lately how much I love my life.. :D

Today was the 2009 Northeast International Auto Show in Providence.. Lame, lame, lame! So, I get out of work and drove all the way there to find basically a big sales floor. Every car manufacturer was there and they each had all of their current cars on display. They didn't have any cool concept cars or even upcoming 2010 models. You would have seen just as much if not more if you went into their individual dealers showrooms. The only semi-interesting was the stuck up rich bitch who jumped into the Black GMC Yukon Hybrid and proclaimed "this is my car", when her friend questioned if her mom would get it for her she replied something like "she told me I'm not allowed to spend more than $40,000 on a car today but this is the car I want", ugh! Speaking of a Hybrid Yukon, guess how many miles per gallon it gets? 20! That's right, it's a hybrid that gets 20 miles to the gallon! I really wonder why the American car companies are surprised nobody is buying the shit they are selling...

Speaking of which, my friend sent me an email awhile ago which had a really cool picture.. I am going to post it here, the fine print is amazing.. :D

(the fine print says "you probably thought it was smart to buy a foreign import of superior quality with better gas mileage and resale value. Maybe you even thought that years of market share loss might prod us into rethinking our process and redesigning our products with better quality in mind. But you forgot one thing: We spend a shitload of money on lobbyists. So now you're out $25 billion, plus the cost of your Subaru. Maybe next time you'll buy American like a real man. Either way, we're cool.")
Lynz and Anja came over tonight, we got some Chinese and Anja watched Muppet Treasure Island while me and Lynz chatted. She left a little while ago so I'm here at the blogging machine typing this stuff up before bed. Ok, well I started typing it while she was putting Anja to bed. Dani called while they were here and is apparently really sick so I will be running logistics this month which is just as good since I will still need to take it easy on my foot. Speaking of Laire.. Kevin will be coming down with me to NPC this month, hopefully this will become more of a regular occurrence.

My friend Chris sent me a email the other day with some cool facts about Orange County NY.. Here are some of the more interesting ones:

'Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese' was invented in Chester , NY (1872)

'Velveeta' cheese spread (1923) and 'Liederkranz' cheese (1882) were invented in Monroe , NY

The oldest (1839) continuously operating winery in the US is in Washingtonville , NY (The Brotherhood Winery )

The Tuxedo dinner jacket originated in Tuxedo Park

The first Registered National Historic Landmark (1850) is Washington 's Headquarters in Newburgh , NY

Bear Mountain State Park has more visitors annually than does Yellowstone National Park .

The main runway at Stewart International Airport (SWF) (formerly Stewart Air Force base) is over two miles long (11, 818 feet) and is an alternate landing site for the Space Shuttle.

Kristen sent out a video of how to make cows jealous, I think you'll all appreciate this one..

Speaking of risque stuff.. Carrie sent me a really cool Facebook invite.. I urge you all to join us in celebrating the end of Bush on 1-20-2009!

---Diversion of the Day

btw - Check out my Flikr and Youtube if you have not recently. I uploaded a bunch of new stuff on Tuesday night.


  1. :D Frubble frubble frubble...

    That whole first paragraph makes me smile...

    And you should have ditched the lame car show and visited me at my Grams... you were halfway there you know ;)

  2. I really should have, it would have been a much better way to spend my afternoon..
