Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I finished listening to Twilight today, I didn't like it.. The book was about 17 hours and I would say for 16 hours the book was a badly done high school romance book, the one hour that was good was not good enough to make me download the next one... I am now listening to Nymphos or Rocky Flats which is so far a very good book about a soldier in the Iraq war gets turned into a vampire..

I am watching American Idol from last night with Amber and Jessie. They (American Idol) are once again doing that annoying thing that they did last year.. The first few weeks are auditions which they show tons of people, some good, some bad and some REAL bad... The thing that annoys me is that they show a little about each person before they audition, what's annoying about that you ask? You can tell who makes it and who does not based on the videos they show before they audition, if they show any footage of the person at home or anything you know they are in before they sing... They should show that crap after they sing so that you the viewer can guess if they make it or not... /sigh

One contestant, Aundre Caraway, was so funny.. He was a pretty bad singer and was having so much fun dancing around on the stage, when he was done he said "swing-a-dalla-doo" in a sing song voice that made me laugh my ass off..

There was a few good people on Tuesdays episode but nobody that really blew my mind.. Onto tonight's episode..

Casey Carlson was one of the early ones in Wednesday's episode and she was the best of the two nights so far. I will be keeping my eyes, err umm I mean ears on her.. All in all Wednesday night had a better set of people than Tuesday did. I just finished up Wednesdays episode and I would say that Casey was the best of the two nights.

I was going to write more about Tuesday dinner and all, but this AI episode is keeping me distracted.. Maybe I'll write more about that tomorrow.. :D

---Diversion of the Day

Aundre Caraway - Cactus
Uploaded by aiclips

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