Saturday, January 31, 2009

Landed in Sydney!

I am sitting on the flight from LA to Sydney and can't sleep.. I slept for a while but now I'm wide awake, got a Golden Ale from James Squire to try and put me back to sleep.. James Squire's Golden Ale is a beer that was made specifically for Quantas airlines, one of the big things that people don't realize about airline food/drink is that your taste buds are less active at high altitudes. With that in mind James Squire developed this beer, I bet it tastes horrible on the ground, but on the plane it tastes really good.

Speaking of tasting really good, Jessie had signed me up for the Vegetarian meal which meant two things. One - I got my food before everyone else! Two - I got a Indian style tofu/rice dish which was amazing. The girl next to me got the chicken dish and it looked ok. Speaking of the girl next to me.. I was in the LA airport waiting for the flight and I ended up chatting with a girl also waiting for the flight, we were talking about the ridiculousness of the LA airport when I saw her ticket was the seat next to mine. She lives north of Boston and is studying for her masters degree in Sydney and is going back for her second year. She is very cute but has a boyfriend in Sydney that she is pretty serious about. As I type this she is reading the 2nd book in the Twilight series, I might give book two a shot depending on the Audible play lists..

Let me back up to the first flight.. I got on the flight from Boston to LA and there was a seat empty in my aisle, it stayed empty till the last person got on the flight.. Now, my first thought was crap now I'm in a full row but when the lady sat down I was very happy to have her next to me. She was probably in her late 50s or early 60s but she looked like she was in her 40s at most, she works as a nurse for a cosmetic surgeon. We had a very long talk about people with body images and how sad it is that so many of these women come in and keep getting bigger boobs, flatter stomachs, etc. She was on her way to LA to meet her daughter who works teaching classes world wide, her daughter was coming from Texas and they were going together to Australia. They were flying to Melborne for the first week and Sydney for the second week before flying home. It would be really funny if we were on the same flights home. I have never had a problem with my ears on a plane before today, I had taken a decongestant before boarding but I didn't take one on the way down, in retrospect I really should have. Old plane + head cold = ears that won't pop. I took the decongestant when I landed but my ears are still not fully popped. I have one more decongestant which I'm going to take an hour before we land in Sydney.

Now to LA.. Land in the airport terminal and there is a shuttle bus to a secondary terminal for the Quantas flights. I went to get on the bus and they told me that if I wanted to eat or shop I should stay in the main terminal since there was nothing in the secondary one. I got a cookie and some water, looked at the shops and got bored so I jumped on the bus. Speaking of food, I ate sushi and miso soup in Logan airport which was real good, but real expensive. When I got over to the other terminal it was a dump, there was a few terminal desks and doors which led to buses! When they board the plane they have you check in a desk, go outside and get on a bus, then they drive you to the plane and have you get off the bus and walk on the plane.

Landed in Sydney around 8am local time which I guess makes it a 16 hour time difference! It's 4:30pm now and 12:30am for you east coasters. Took the train from the airport to Circular Quay which is pronounced Circular Key. Walked the few blocks to the hotel and checked in and changed before getting changed and heading back out. I walked down Pitt St and saw all kinds of stores which will be fun once I'm in shopping mode, I walked across Cockle Bay and all around Darling Harbour which has the IMAX and the Aquarium. Walked back over the Harborside Bridge which is a walking bridge across the bay and back up the Circular Quay area which has the Ice Bar and the Opera House. Why in the world would I want to go into the Ice Bar? You pay for 30 minutes in the bar and it's basically like sitting outside back home!

First let me tell you that I felt like shit on the whole plane ride, I was constantly blowing my nose and drinking Gypsy Cold Care Tea and EmergenC. Once I got into the sunshine and heat I felt 100% better, after walking around for hours however my right foot is killing me which is why I'm back at the hotel. Plan for tonight is to soak my feet in the hot tub and then go back down Pitts St and find something good for dinner. For lunch I grabbed a Lamb Souvlaki wrap from a stand on the street. I found but didn't eat Movenpick ice cream, I didn't feel like ice cream since I was enjoying the heat but will most likely eat some tomorrow since it's close to the hotel.

That's all for now, I will probably post again before bed or at the latest in the morning to tell of my dinner experience. By the way, my stupid left ear is still not popped!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Next stop Australia...

Just finished packing to head to Australia.. Going to load up the car, have breakfast with Lynz and get out of dodge.. Problem is that I've had this stupid sinus head cold since Monday night and I can't seem to shake it. Lets take the pressure I already have in my head and add to it the pressure of being in a plane for almost 24 hours.. /sigh

It will be worth it when I land in 80+ degree weather though. At least that's what I have to keep telling myself.

Tuesday night for dinner I made a pineapple honey teriyaki chicken dish with cherries, broccoli and peppers over rice. It was tasty..
one bottle gluten free soy sauce
two table spoons of honey
one half an onion
four pieces of garlic
get a bottle of cherries and pour one half the juice into the sauce along with 4-5 cherries
about 1/4 of a pineapple
puree in a food processor and pour over the chicken for the night.

2 cups rice in rice cooker with half the 9-10 cherries and about the same amount of pineapple cut up into small pieces.
steam broccoli till tender
cook chicken in sauce in wok
when chicken is done use a slotted spoon to take chicken out
put 2 bell peppers (cut into large pieces) in and cook them just enough so they get soft
take them out with the slotted spoon and put in the broccoli so that it can soak up the flavor.
dump everything in with the rice and stir.. Throw out the extra sauce.

That's all for this hemisphere.. Oh, remember that Australia is 14 hours ahead.. It costs me .23 a minute to receive calls, .25 for each text received and .20 for each text sent.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Mini Battlestar Galactica Golf

Saturday night did not end up being a lazy 4400 night.. Ryan and Jessie brought up a good point and that is that we never do any activities other than dinner and TV/movies so we decided that Saturday we would remedy that.. We kicked a few ideas around and decided on Monster Mini-Golf which ended up being bunches of fun. Before mini-golf we ate at the Lodge Restaurant in Webster which was good, when you walk in you're at the bar area which has a bar that is at normal table level for the patrons. The bar is a square and the inside is down a few steps so that they can serve you at normal table level. That type of bar makes it much more cozy because you don't have this big bar in your face as you walk in. The rest of the restaurant looks like it was an old hunting lodge, everything is wide open with great big ceilings. The waitress had a really grating voice when she tried to speak loudly and it was almost painful when she was talking to Jessie and Sara who were sitting on the inside of the booth we were seated at. I had steak and lobster which was very well cooked and some red skin potatoes which were done like home fries.

---- tangent
In case you need a label..
friend with benefits - little to no romantic involvement and no desire or ability for it to progress
dating - little to much romantic involvement and you're open to see where it progresses
girlfriend - a relationship that has progressed past dating
---- /tangent

After dinner we headed to Monster Mini-Golf which is a indoor mini golf course with black lights and various "monsters" decorating the place (put pics up on flickr) The course was a pretty easy one but I guess they want to keep it kid friendly and it's not big enough to have multiple courses. Still miss California mini-golf where they have courses ranging from beginner to expert in big complexes, but this was still a fun course. I won, Ryan came in second and Jessie and Sara tied for third. Jessie's game can best be summed up with the Facts of Life song "You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have a crappy score", she got two hole-in-ones but also got a bunch of bad holes. I guess I proved the theory that slow and steady wins the day.. :D

After mini-golf we went to Friendly's and then came home and watched two episodes of 4400.

Sunday I was supposed to go to Steve's house and play our Star Trek Roleplaying game but instead we ended up playing Battlestar Galactica the Board Game which was ok. It's based on the new series which I never watched but I did watch the original so I was not lost, except the fact that Boomer is now an Asian girl instead of a black man.. I really hate the fact that TV studios can't think of their own original ideas, how many remakes do we need to see?

---Diversion of the Day
Instant Messenger..

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Speaking of Relationships..

Welcome to my not-so-daily blog.. Lynz just left and I think I'm going to have a nice relaxing day at the house, Jessie is over at Ryan's house and I'm hearing Sam & Max calling to me from my Wii. Before I get to that though let me catch you all up..

Wednesday night me and Jessie had a nice night, it went later than we wanted but it's to be expected I guess. Jessie had yoga and afterwards we went down to Bed Bath and Beyond to get some coffee and Target to check and see if they had Streets and Trips 2009 cheaper then online (they didn't). The plan was to eat at the Thai Place on the way back from BBB and Target but by the time we got back to Putnam they were closed so we ended up getting some food to go from the Courthouse before coming back and watching the weeks American Idols. While at BBB I was speaking with the cashier about our mutual love of iced coffee, here's what we figured out.. Take a travel coffee mug that has space between the outer plastic and the inner metal and fill that space with water so that you can store the mug in the freezer like one of those freezer beer mugs, then make coffee and put it in that and you have instant non-watered down iced coffee. Now I just need to find the perfect coffee mug to make that happen.

Thursday night Kaitlyn came over and hung out with me and Jessie. I made a spicy Chinese style chicken/mushroom/spinach dish over Quinoa and Jessie made a raw cacao/avocado pudding with chili powder in it and fresh raspberries which was amazing especially when combined with the red wine Kaitlyn brought over. After we ate we all snuggled on the couch and watched the Daily Shows from the week and Big Bang Theory before heading to bed. It was very nice to have spent a night together with the two of them. I really hope we can do that more.. Cool side note about Thursday night - I slept without my boot and it didn't cause any pain/problems the next day.

Yesterday after work I went to visit Sara at her grandmother's house. Her grandmother lives in a beautiful condo complex in Bristol RI, on one side of the complex is the Audobon Society and in the back is Narragansett Bay. It was an unusually warm day so we walked down to the water and hung out on the rocks for a bit, while we were walking back her aunt arrived at the house so I went and got lunch while she was there. When she left I came back and we ended up hanging out some more before I headed home. Got home right as Jessie did so we got to hang out for a few minutes while she got everything ready to go out to Ryan's house. Lynz came over around 7:30 and we went out to Engine 6 in Norwich for gluten free pizza, I forgot who told me about that place but I'm glad we heard about it because it was awesome. I will certainly be going back there, they also have gluten free calzones, lasagna and cakes.

I updated my relationships on my OKCupid profile to include Sara and Kaitlyn yesterday while at work, apparently Elizabeth saw this and freaked out.. She has now blocked me on OKCupid and asked me to not come to her concert tonight. I don't understand how someone does not get happiness from seeing their friends happy.. /sigh

Speaking of relationships.. Robyn, a really cool girl I met at Laire who lives in Virgina, is coming up on Valentine's day weekend to go to a fair with Kevin on Saturday and to hang out with me on Sunday.. I'm very glad of the excuse to get her into this part of the country for the weekend. I land from Australia on Friday night and need to figure out plans for that weekend soon, the biggest trick will be getting quality time with everyone. This is when I could really use Hermione Grainger's Time-Turner.. I would rather have a problem scheduling time with all the people I want to see than not having any people I wanted to see..

Speaking of relationships II.. Carrie posted a facebook status the other day saying that Paul (not sure which one, but I assume her husband) was nasty because he had brought his laptop into the bathroom with him, I don't know why that's nasty. The way I look at is most guys read books or magazines while in there to pass the time, what's wrong with bringing your laptop in with you? I do it, what better way to pass time than on the Internet..

Speaking of relationships III.. Jessie posted this blog the other day titled "When will I be bored!" which I thought was awesome.
"Cool article - In defense of boredom talks about how technology is somehow attempting to make boredom obsolete and why that isn’t a good idea for us humans.. turns out, just as Kirk said in Star Trek V how we need our pain, we also need those routine periods of time in our lives that give us pause to reflect or use our imagination.. some call this state ‘being bored.’

So what exactly is happening to kill off the boredom? Well, it’s not so much killing it off as finding more micro-boredom escapes. Things like youtube videos or facebook and all its apps fill in snippets of time to get us to the next moment… Our tolerance level becomes less and less for time in which we have nothing to do.

It’s comforting and scary at the same time time that it is in those moments when we aren’t being social or plugged in that makes us who we are, just as much as when we are engaged in those activities. If we aren’t constantly communicating (tweeting, even) our thoughts and feelings out to the world we either feel cutoff or elated and basque in the freedom… Far fewer are the latter I suspect. How many of us smile when we discover we have forgotten our cell phones that day or that our destination for a few hours does not have a wifi connection?

How many steps away from Borg do we become when we reinforce those behaviors and attitudes that boredom and space to become reflective or creative are bad and only productivity and being social are good?"

One of the biggest things for me that has been invented for this purpose is the iPod, think about it. No matter where I am I have music or books or even videos. Taking a long train ride, no problem, just plug in and you can be engrossed in music, a book or TV show in seconds. Some people even put full movies on their iPods. I guess one way I will continue to avoid the "connection" is not get a blackberry.

Speaking of relationship IV.. Kaitlyn got tickets for us to go see Ryan Adams and the Cardinals towards the end of February, a few days after she got the tickets Ryan Adams announced that this is his last tour ever because he has balance issues and hearing loss. I had heard a few of his songs in the past without knowing who it was and I got a few CDs from Kaitlyn and have been listening to their newest CD "Cardinology" which is really good. I'm really looking forward to seeing them live but it's a shame that he is not going to continue to do music.

I'm going to go, I've let Sam and Max wait to long as it is, you know that Max guy, he can get a bit crazy if you keep him waiting.. Now that I'm not going to Elizabeth's concert tonight I imagine it will be a night of 4400.

Great quotes I heard on the Daily Show from this week..

"Why is cheese delicious on Italian food but when you melt it on Chinese food it's disgusting?" - Jason Jones

"I can't imagine someone like Osama Bin Ladin appreciates the joys of Hanukkah." - George W Bush

--Diversion of the Day

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Heart Attack Grill..

Dinner last night was very tasty, John and Lynz made the most amazing Chicken/Bacon/Corn chowder, it really stole the night. I made a flank steak, Kristen made carrots, Badger made an Indian dish, Sara made mashed potatoes and a cake and Kevin made apple crisp.. As always we stayed up way too late..

Check out this burger place.. I was not going to post a blog till maybe tonight but JEEZ!!! I saw this video and knew I had to post it! (you have to watch the ad before the real video starts)

---Diversion of the Day

Watch CBS Videos Online

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No more BUSH!!

I really need to get back into blogging more often.. The problem is that I forget some of the finer details the further back I have to go and I liked it when I was using this blog to reflect at the end of the day.

Jessie got home around 6:00 and we (Kris, Amber, Sara, Jessie and myself) headed out to Providence to meet Kevin at Cheesecake Factory for dinner for his birthday. The waiter at Cheesecake Factory was amazing, he was able to spout all kinds of information about any of the cheesecakes and meals and took our table of six order with no pad. I had ahi carpaccio as an appetizer which was holy crap amazing, it's "Thin Slices of Raw Ahi Tuna, Wasabi Pesto, Creamy Avocado and Togarashi Aioli".. For dinner I had pan seared albacore which was also really really good, it's "Fresh Albacore Tuna - Seared Rare with Shallots, Garlic, Red Chiles, Cilantro, Wasabi Pesto and a Spicy Soy-Ginger Sauce. Served with Sauteed Vegetables and Steamed White Rice".. However good the albacore was I probably would have been fine just eating another of the ahi carpaccios for dinner. After dinner we went to Dave & Busters and played some games before heading home and to bed.

Sunday was spent as a lazy day hanging around the house which ended with us all (Kevin, Kris, Amber, Jessie, Sara and myself) going to Empire Buffet and scaring the locals.. We were having a pretty implicit discussion and the people at the table next to us were laughing a lot.

I just got back from watching Obama's inauguration and speech.. What a great speech to start his presidency.. I tried to bring it up on my laptop for CNN Live and got a waiting room screen so I ended up hurrying down to the break room and got there just as they were announcing him.. Speaking of Obama, I ordered the circle logo bumper sticker for my car.. I want to show my support for him during these next 8 years.

So, back to Monday.. I am teaching Invista this week, this is the first time I am teaching this class since I was qualified back in December and the better thing is it's a new version of the class that I hadn't seen yet. So far it's been a great class, I came in on Monday and found that one my old friends from the PSE lab is in my class this week.. I was talking to Sara during the day and decided I would make a flank steak for dinner tonight which of course means I need to fix my oven. If you don't remember I broke the latch lock on the oven on Santamas Eve and have been far to unambitious to actually fix it. I got home yesterday and finally took the top of the oven apart and fixed the latch.

After fixing the oven we did some laundry and got pizza at Pyzzz. The pizza I got was dairy free, I got goat cheese, bacon, olives and green peppers with red sauce. Speaking of pizza, I still really need to bring Lynz and Sara down to Engine 6 in Norwich CT which has gluten free pizza.

Back to Monday.. Me and Jessie got some time to relax alone on the couch and we watched the first two episodes of Scrubs from this season. It was nice to finally have some down time with her, it was a very crazy fast paced weekend so it was nice to just relax at home before ramping everything back up again...

Amber called a little while ago, she is at my house and will be coming to dinner with us tonight before heading back up to school for the semester.

---Diversion of the Day

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wonder Twin Powers Activate!

I don't really have too much to say today but I really wanted to post this video as a diversion of the day.

Last night Lynz came over and somehow the conversation turned to the Wonder Twins, I know don't all conversations eventually turn to the Wonder Twins... Anyway, Lynz didn't know who they were so we started looking them up on youtube. What I found was the "new" adventures of the Wonder Twins which is a spoof of how lame they are.

I hope you appreciate this as much as I do..

---Diversion of the Day

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Baracklyn Cyclones

The New York Mets announced that the Brooklyn Cyclones (A ball team) will be changing their name to the Baracklyn Cyclones for a game on June 23rd. They will be wearing red, white and blue uniforms and will be giving out a Barack Obama bobblehead..

While the name change and bobblehead giveaway will be the undisputed highlights of the evening, the club has already announced a wide range of other innovations.

The first 1,000 fans will receive "Universal Health Care" in the form of a complimentary Band-Aid, and -- as part of the team's "Clear-Cut Exit Strategy" -- American flags will be handed out to fans as they leave the ballpark.

Additionally, a "Bi-Partisan Consolation Prize" insures that anyone named "McCain" or "Palin" gets in free, and plumbers with the first name of Joe will receive two free tickets thanks to a "spread-the-wealth special."

I think this is a great idea and think it would be cool if they did the name change for the entire season to celebrate our new president.

I've been running Get Data Back on Kaitlyn's hard drive, it dropped ready the other night and I had put it in the freezer for Laire weekend. I started it again on Monday morning and it failed again Tuesday night. I put it in the freezer and decided I would run it in parts so that it does not heat up too much. I ran it in 10 gig chunks last night and managed to get 20 gig before it started to flake out. It's currently back in the freezer and I will run a few more chunks tonight. If you are not familiar with Get Data Back it's a program that scans broken hard drives for any data it can find, it can even find data that had been formatted. As long as the drive can spin it will find something.. Think about that next time you want to delete files off your PC, they say that if you want to really get rid of data you need to format the area 7 times...

I recently got the demo of Streets and Trips 2009, it will run for 30 days without activation so I installed it to make sure it worked on my work PC. Streets 2008 never worked because there was a conflict between it and the way EMC has our CISCO security program setup. I have been running 2009 now for a few days and it has been working so I will go buy a real copy soon.

Speaking of CISCO.. The A's are having problems with the city of Fremont, apparently the city feels that if they build a stadium there it will bring in a bad crowd so they don't want to let CISCO build the stadium. They are currently trying to convince the city that they will not bring in a bad crowd by having a stadium. The people in the city are going to vote on it in the next few months. If they deny the stadium CISCO will be looking for alternative locations to put the stadium. I thought they had broken ground on it already, but I guess I was wrong.. So much for it being open for the 2011 season..

Yesterday I mentioned I wanted to talk more about dinner on Tuesday.. Well... I made a southwestern tofu/rice dish and it came out a bit too spicy for me plus the idea to make a salsa/sauce out of the veggies didn't work well. The texture was all off and the spice was too much making me not want to eat it. The good news was that Sara made her black bean and sweet potato filling for burritos. We also had ground venison, ground faux beef, faux chicken which I did a great job of spicing, cheese, veggie cheese, guacamole and salsa for the burritos. John brought some of his home made pastrami which was "holy cow" great and Lynz brought some of her amazing cookies.. Kevin made a cheesy shrimp asparagus pasta dish with thai style rice noodles, I think it was his best dish to date, I'm glad I took a Lactaid so I could eat it without causing stomach problems.. So, yeah.. The Lactaid thing has been helping a lot, I am ready to admit (un-happily) that it's dairy that was kicking my ass all this time.. But, as Lynz said, at least there is something I can take to make it so I can still eat dairy. Her food problem (wheat) has no such pill or medicine so I really can't bitch..

After dinner Lynz and Joe started playing SET on the floor. Me, John and Drew were talking over them and started calling out sets so we ended up joining the game. The first hand (when I was standing and talking) I came in 2nd place, the next hand I did much worse. I guess the trick to playing was not focusing too much. Speaking of SET, did you know that there is a Set Daily Puzzle on their website?! After SET John and Lynz left and I played Cro-Magnon with Sara, Kevin, Joe and Drew. Sara won and I came in second, stupid word section is so annoying..

I leave for Australia in two weeks from today so I'm hoping to get as much time with everyone as possible till then.. To that note Lynz is coming over tonight, Kaitlyn is coming over on Friday and I'm going to have lunch with Sara on Saturday.. I guess it's true when they say pimpin' ain't easy, but it sure is worth it though..

---Diversion of the Day

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I finished listening to Twilight today, I didn't like it.. The book was about 17 hours and I would say for 16 hours the book was a badly done high school romance book, the one hour that was good was not good enough to make me download the next one... I am now listening to Nymphos or Rocky Flats which is so far a very good book about a soldier in the Iraq war gets turned into a vampire..

I am watching American Idol from last night with Amber and Jessie. They (American Idol) are once again doing that annoying thing that they did last year.. The first few weeks are auditions which they show tons of people, some good, some bad and some REAL bad... The thing that annoys me is that they show a little about each person before they audition, what's annoying about that you ask? You can tell who makes it and who does not based on the videos they show before they audition, if they show any footage of the person at home or anything you know they are in before they sing... They should show that crap after they sing so that you the viewer can guess if they make it or not... /sigh

One contestant, Aundre Caraway, was so funny.. He was a pretty bad singer and was having so much fun dancing around on the stage, when he was done he said "swing-a-dalla-doo" in a sing song voice that made me laugh my ass off..

There was a few good people on Tuesdays episode but nobody that really blew my mind.. Onto tonight's episode..

Casey Carlson was one of the early ones in Wednesday's episode and she was the best of the two nights so far. I will be keeping my eyes, err umm I mean ears on her.. All in all Wednesday night had a better set of people than Tuesday did. I just finished up Wednesdays episode and I would say that Casey was the best of the two nights.

I was going to write more about Tuesday dinner and all, but this AI episode is keeping me distracted.. Maybe I'll write more about that tomorrow.. :D

---Diversion of the Day

Aundre Caraway - Cactus
Uploaded by aiclips

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday ≠ Dining Out?

Plan for last night.. Quickly eat some food, do some food shopping, cuddle on couch and watch TV... Well, as you know the best laid plans and all that... Jessie got home and we were both hungry and didn't want to deal with cooking so we decided we would eat out and after a short discussion we headed out to Clasicos which is a mexican restaurant just over the boarder in RI. I am torn as to which mexican restaurant in our area is better between Clasicos and Casa Mariachi, we decided on Clasicos because they have better Margaritas and they are closer to Stop and Shop.. So, funny story, Clasicos is closed on Mondays.. /sigh

Well, since we were already in RI we decided to drive a bit further and go to Three Amigos which is another Mexican restaurant at the 44/101 intersection.. Guess what.. They are closed on Mondays too!? Now we are even further into RI so we decided we weren't going to turn back now.. A bit further down 44 there is a restaurant Jessie went to with Ryan which she said was really good so we decided to head there, on the way we passed two restaurants that were open (Chester's and some pub place) but since we didn't know them and we had a goal we continued.. Bet you can't guess what we found when we got to the restaurant that they had eaten at.. Give up? Ok, I'll tell you.. They are closed on Mondays!?!

Starting to feel a bit frustrated but also laughing we had a choice, go back to Chester's or continue on to the 44/295 intersection where I thought there was a Ruby Tuesdays. We decided that onward towards food we know was a better choice than rolling the dice on Chester's. Notice I said "I thought there was a Ruby Tuesdays", well I was wrong.. There was an Applebees an Unos and a Chilis.. We ended up at Chilis where I had mini buffalo chicken sandwiches and a molten cookie cake which was all very good. Funny side note, we drove by Chester's on the way home and there were fire trucks in the parking lot.. Guess we made the right choice..

So, back to the plan at hand.. Food shopping, check.. TV/snuggling, check.. All in all the plan worked out but we ended up having less snuggle time then I would have liked.. Oh well, we had a really fun and funny food adventure so it's all good...

Funny side note.. Last night at dinner I realized that American Idol should be starting soon, I sent a text to Elizabeth figuring she would know when it started and she didn't. Why is that funny? I woke up this morning and while checking Myspace I saw a big ad on the website for American Idol's two hour premier tonight! I set the TiVo to record it but I wonder if there is any interest in watching it during family dinner tonight.

---Diversion of the Day

Monday, January 12, 2009

Snow rehab?

I went to Laire this weekend and played "Brother Hawk". Brother Hawk is my Southern Barbarian Druid/Warlock wannabe, he currently casts low magics and is a pacifist which means I can avoid any real combat and quick movements. Unfortunately (or fortunately) what I can't avoid is the snow.. I brought my walking stick and after putting some foam on the sharp pointy end I was able to use it in game. I have to admit, I've always seen people walking with walking sticks/canes and I never really got it. Don't get me wrong a good walking stick can be real nice when you're walking in the deep woods and need to test ground before stepping, need an extra balance point or need to push/pull something closer to be able to step on it in a river/stream, but other than that I always felt like I was just carrying extra weight. I certainly never got why people need to use them when walking on flat even ground. Well, I get it now...

Friday night I just worked Logistics and hung out before going to bed. I played all day on Saturday, I stayed in the inn for most of the day but I did walk to the cabin once to get clothes to change into Daimone for after feast. Kevin came down and NPCed the event which was cool to have him there, I hope he continues to come down with me and Amber. Saturday night the three of us and Al went to get sushi instead of eating the in game feast. After feast I came in as Daimone, I probably did more in the few hours I played Daimone than I did in the rest of the event. Saturday night I was walking back to the cabin by myself to go to bed and it seemed that the walk was never going to end.. I had to take very small steps and keep my eyes down on the ground in front of my feet to make sure I didn't step on any ice, every once in a while I would lift my eyes and look at how much further I had to go. It reminded me of Monty Python's Holy Grail when Lancelot was running towards the castle and they kept showing him running in the distance. I was actually getting frustrated at how long it was taking me but I did a good job of not speeding up.

So, I forgot who told me this but I was told that the best kind of rehab I could do for my ankle would be to walk on the beach because the foot would sink into the ground but not twist. I would say that the snow had the same affect. I might have hated walking in the snow while I was doing it but in the end I think it did a lot of good for my foot. Maybe I can convince Jessie to go for a walk tonight after dinner.

I just realized that next Tuesday dinner is Obama's inauguration.. I'm so excited for him to take control of this country, perhaps we can get back to the Clinton glory years. If you've missed them you really should catch up on his YouTube videos, he has done a great job of going over some of his economic recovery plans.

---Diversion of the Day

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I will not take these things..

Jessie just got her tickets to Australia, we are actually flying back on the same flight which is really cool, she even got the seat next to me.. :D

Is ESPN kidding with their articles? I am sick and tired of that website/network commending the Yankees for spending hundreds of millions!!!!! AARGGHHH!!

Last night I went to the People's Pint again with Kaitlyn. We got there and the place was packed so we asked if they had live music and as it turns out they were having an "old time session" night starting at 8:30. What that means is that people from all over the area come to the bar with their instruments and jam/play old time songs, if you've read my Ireland blogs you will remember that type of thing is big in Ireland and it's awesome to have a place to go nearby that does the same things. Last night there were a few fiddle players, a banjo, a washtub bass and a few other instruments as the night went on. I had a steak salad which came with a sesame dressing that reminded me very much of Anne's Shitake Sesame dressing. We had chips and salsa and Kaitlyn had a burrito, apparently she is a big fan of spicy because she dumped a ton of this really, really hot sauce they called Rooster Sauce which tasted really good but jeez it was HOT! She said it's a similar sauce to this stuff. I had one bite of her burrito and my nose started to run it was so hot, it's a good thing I had good beer to kill at least some of the spice.

Speaking of good beer.. After dinner it was snowing again so we went driving around on back roads while listening to music, talking and drinking Slippery Slope beer, I didn't drink much of it since I was driving.. After the drive we went up and hung out in her room for a bit before I headed home.. So I am a big believer in the idea that everyone's stories are what makes them who they are, last night while hanging out I found Kaitlyn's coaster collection and we spent a bunch of time going through each one and the story associated with it. Did I mention lately how much I love my life.. :D

Today was the 2009 Northeast International Auto Show in Providence.. Lame, lame, lame! So, I get out of work and drove all the way there to find basically a big sales floor. Every car manufacturer was there and they each had all of their current cars on display. They didn't have any cool concept cars or even upcoming 2010 models. You would have seen just as much if not more if you went into their individual dealers showrooms. The only semi-interesting was the stuck up rich bitch who jumped into the Black GMC Yukon Hybrid and proclaimed "this is my car", when her friend questioned if her mom would get it for her she replied something like "she told me I'm not allowed to spend more than $40,000 on a car today but this is the car I want", ugh! Speaking of a Hybrid Yukon, guess how many miles per gallon it gets? 20! That's right, it's a hybrid that gets 20 miles to the gallon! I really wonder why the American car companies are surprised nobody is buying the shit they are selling...

Speaking of which, my friend sent me an email awhile ago which had a really cool picture.. I am going to post it here, the fine print is amazing.. :D

(the fine print says "you probably thought it was smart to buy a foreign import of superior quality with better gas mileage and resale value. Maybe you even thought that years of market share loss might prod us into rethinking our process and redesigning our products with better quality in mind. But you forgot one thing: We spend a shitload of money on lobbyists. So now you're out $25 billion, plus the cost of your Subaru. Maybe next time you'll buy American like a real man. Either way, we're cool.")
Lynz and Anja came over tonight, we got some Chinese and Anja watched Muppet Treasure Island while me and Lynz chatted. She left a little while ago so I'm here at the blogging machine typing this stuff up before bed. Ok, well I started typing it while she was putting Anja to bed. Dani called while they were here and is apparently really sick so I will be running logistics this month which is just as good since I will still need to take it easy on my foot. Speaking of Laire.. Kevin will be coming down with me to NPC this month, hopefully this will become more of a regular occurrence.

My friend Chris sent me a email the other day with some cool facts about Orange County NY.. Here are some of the more interesting ones:

'Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese' was invented in Chester , NY (1872)

'Velveeta' cheese spread (1923) and 'Liederkranz' cheese (1882) were invented in Monroe , NY

The oldest (1839) continuously operating winery in the US is in Washingtonville , NY (The Brotherhood Winery )

The Tuxedo dinner jacket originated in Tuxedo Park

The first Registered National Historic Landmark (1850) is Washington 's Headquarters in Newburgh , NY

Bear Mountain State Park has more visitors annually than does Yellowstone National Park .

The main runway at Stewart International Airport (SWF) (formerly Stewart Air Force base) is over two miles long (11, 818 feet) and is an alternate landing site for the Space Shuttle.

Kristen sent out a video of how to make cows jealous, I think you'll all appreciate this one..

Speaking of risque stuff.. Carrie sent me a really cool Facebook invite.. I urge you all to join us in celebrating the end of Bush on 1-20-2009!

---Diversion of the Day

btw - Check out my Flikr and Youtube if you have not recently. I uploaded a bunch of new stuff on Tuesday night.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You take the good, you take the bad...

Karma has a way of balancing everything out sometimes... I was reminded of this in a very quick and real way this weekend..

I really have been bad at blogging lately, I guess there had to be a dry spell sooner or later.. I could blame my foot or my Norwalk virus but it really is just the man-whoring.. Last I blogged was last Wednesday and I had just gotten home from Tuesday night dinner.. So.. Now I'm here at Tuesday night dinner blogging because I told Sara I would blog today even if it means bringing my laptop to dinner and blogging here.. It might not be a very good blog because everyone is talking around me and I'm only half paying attention to this blog that I'm typing...

Tonight Jessie made her raw white sauce, Joe made a faux chicken, broccoli and pasta dish, Kevin made wonderful "Autumn explosion" cookies and his barley asparagus risotto. Me and Ryan made venison which came out sooo good... Jessie was making raw pasta with her veggie slicer while me, Ryan and Badger sat in the kitchen drooling over the venison while it was cooking/being cut up. Matty brought Matt Belinski and Pat from NJ which was cool because Matt B ended up playing some guitar.

But I will rewind till Wednesday... :)

Wednesday (New Years Eve) we went to Dianne and Randy's house to play board games. It was a good time, Randy, Vin, Chris and Randy's friend Jason hid in the other room playing games while the women (Jessie, Dianne, Kim, Janine and Mariah) watched TV and chatted in the living room. The ladies watched Dr. Horrible and the Buffy musical with the volume loud enough for us to hear which was good, before mid-night we went into the other room to watch the Dr. Horrible extras before they changed the TV to Dick Clark. Me and Chris went out of the room just in time to NOT see Dick Clark kiss some lady on TV, all of the people in the other room were traumatized and we just smiled at the glory of missing it! After midnight I got to snuggle on the couch with Chris while we watched the Colbert Christmas which is always a good time. Before the board games me, Chris and Vin played Bloom Blox for the Wii which I need to get because it's so much fun.

I really don't mean for this to be another big ass-blog but...

Thursday me and Jessie went to AJ's new house and hung out with AJ, Chondra, Grifo, Kris and Amber for a little while before heading back to CT. Friday Lynz came over and we went to Mohegan Sun to goto Lush and eat at the seafood restaurant.

Onto Saturday now and probably the end of this blog because you already know how I spent Sunday and Monday.. Well, Sunday before I got sick we (me, Jessie, Sara, Ryan and Kevin) went to the Motorcycle Expo in Hartford which is where the sickness hit me hard. I did see some cool bikes, expect pictures on flikr soon..

---Diversion of the Day
It's been a while so I have two Diversions.. I was going to post three but I will do two today and maybe the third tomorrow...