Monday, February 2, 2009


Today was the first day of work in here in Sydney. Now normally I try to go to the office on Saturday or Sunday when I first arrive in a new place, well I didn't do that because I was too busy wandering Sydney to bother going to work. Well, that was not the best idea..

I woke up around 6am today and left around 7am figuring I had two hours to make it to work. Well, I walked to the train station got on the 7:20 train. I arrived at Epping Station at 8:15 figured I didn't have time to walk, plus my leg is sore from all the walking over the weekend, so I jumped on the bus to the industrial park. First off, the bus was flying so I couldn't read any signs of the stations we were blowing by. I remember Matt telling me that the EMC building was right by the mall/food court so when we past the mall I hit the button to get off which dropped me off a few blocks away from the mall. I ended up calling Matt because I had no idea where the building was and the directions I had suck. Matt got me to the building, go to the mall so that you are standing in front of Subway, walk across the street and walk between the Nortell building and some university housing complex. Behind the Nortell building there is another building, EMC is in there! Oh man, I'm glad Matt was available to get me there today.

I arrived with about 5 minutes to spare before 9am start time. Apparently a bunch of students must have cancelled out because there are only four this week plus another instructor who is co-teaching. The classroom has a really old PC for the instructor PC and no student PCs and/or laptops. The instructor PC is so slow that when I hit the next button on Power Point it takes a good 20-30 seconds for it to proceed, which is actually pretty funny but also pretty sad. Anyway, class went well and I was done with lecture before lunch which is normal for Monday MDS class. Went over to the mall food court to eat lunch because that's what they do here. The mall food court has an ice skating rink, I took a picture... After lunch the students did labs and I was out around 4ish. I got back to the hotel around 5:30 and relaxed a bit before heading out to eat. I went down to Darling Harbor and ate at a steakhouse called The Meat & Wine Co.

When I left the hotel I thought I was going to get a Wagyu Ribeye, but after looking over the whole menu I ended up with the Kangaroo Fillet. Kangaroo is VERY tender and tastes like a cross between Venison and Beef. It was very very good but the portion was small. Imagine you order steak tips, now take four of those tips and put it on a plate with potatoes and sauce, that was the size of the dish. Don't get me wrong, it ended up being a good size, I actually got dessert because I was still a bit hungry when done. I also had two glasses of a great Shiraz, one with dinner and one with my chocolate pistachio dessert.

Back at the hotel and getting ready for bed, I will upload pics to flickr before bed so when you read this there should be some cool day 3 pics.. :D

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