Friday, February 6, 2009

Iced Coffee?

Problem with not blogging at least once a day while I'm on the road is I forget details.. I can't for the life of me remember the name of the place I ate on Wednesday night. Oh well, maybe I'll look at the receipt at the hotel and add the name in later as a comment. Anyway, Wednesday I wondered around the city some more and ended up eating a really awesome pizza that had lamb, onion, cheese and tzatziki sauce. The place had a minimum charge of $20 AUS for using AMEX so I had two Cooper's Pale Ales with it..

Thursday I decided to try the bus route to work instead of the train. The night before I found out that there was a 6:54 bus from Circular Quay that would get me to work by 8:00am. I left the hotel and decided to grab a coffee so I went to the local shop next to the hotel. I ordered the Iced Coffee because I loves me the Iced Coffee. I was NOT expecting the Spanish Inquisition! They grab a plastic cup, they walk over to the freezer and scoop out Vanilla Ice Cream, then they pour milk in and then hot espresso, after the espresso they put whipped cream on it (without asking) and sprinkled coffee powder on top of the whipped cream! I was just standing there watching them make it dumbfounded. It was ok but it was not what I would ever consider an "Iced Coffee", I would consider it more a coffee flavored milk shake or ice cream float.

Walked to the bus and had no problem getting to work, actually got into the building a few minutes past 8:00. Class went good and by 2:30 I was ready to head back which was good because I needed to figure out the laundry thing.. OK, well, I had already figured it out at this point... The hotel wants to charge an ass-load of money to wash stuff, they wanted to charge $6 AUS per pair of underwear!! I found a drop off/pick up laundry on Cathedral street so I figured I was getting out in plenty of time to go back to the hotel, shower and drop of laundry and then call Lucy to figure out what time we were meeting. Well, my adventures in leaving work continued yesterday in real bad fashion. I got to the bus in time to get the 2:45 bus which of course didn't show up... I got on the 3ish bus and it took like 90 minutes to get into the city, at one point the driver slammed on the breaks so hard everyone in the bus went flying, I was sitting down and slid forward in my seat slamming my knee into the seat in front of me. I ended up getting off the bus before he got to Circular Quay and walked the rest of the way! Called Lucy and we decided to meet at 6:00 which left me not that much time.

I took a quick shower, packed up laundry and jetted over to the Cathedral St to drop of laundry. Dumped that and walked as quick as my lame right foot and now bruised and swollen left knee could take me across the city to meet at the movie theater. I got there with a few minutes to spare even so I went into the Albion Hotel Bar and had a glass of Beez Neez Honey Beer while waiting for Lucy. She showed up and we checked the movie times, there was nothing playing right away so we decided to go eat first. While we were looking for a place to eat we found a Cafe & Board Game place called Norita, we walked upstairs to check it out and found they only had coffee, and desserts so we moved on. We ended up eating a Spanish Tapas place and had some really good food, we had grilled bell peppers with garlic and oil, prawns in garlic butter, deep fried little fish (bait) and sausage in a wine sauce. Everything was ok, better once salted! The bait was probably the best thing we had, nice and crunchy and fishy.. The prawns were probably the only one that was "eh", I think they used frozen prawns.

After dinner we walked back to the movies and nothing was playing for hours that we wanted to see so we walked to a different movie theater which had crap playing. So, we started walking back figuring we would go see a later movie but needed to kill time. We ended up going back to Norita to get some coffee and maybe play a game. I was amazed at the selection this place had, they had simple games like Jenga and Rush Hour, they had card games like Uno and they also had hard core board games like Axis and Allies and Settlers of Catan! After much thought we ended up with Rummicube because she had never played it but likes Rummy.

We left Norita and she walked with me most of the way back to the hotel before heading home. I got back to the hotel and chatted with Ange for a few hours on the phone before bed.

Sorry for the long blog... But I was slacking in the updates.. I am sitting here at work, the students just finished the course so I'm going to pack it in and meet Jessie at the hotel!

---Diversion of the Day

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