Thursday, April 18, 2013

Obesity has found it's new home.. Kansas City..

I have noticed as I've been walking around that the obesity rate in this area seems to be much higher than I would have expected. Usually when I travel somewhere warmer the people are thiner because they are not "stuck inside" all winter. But here seems to be the reverse, maybe it's the BBQ and lack of veggies on a normal plate. My class this week is at a health insurance company so they try their best to provide "healthy" options in the cafeteria but those lines are generally very short and still not what I would put in the "healthy" category.

I got stuck at work till 5 again today so no museum trip for me, I fly out tomorrow at 5:45 so I told the students I need to leave at 2 so I could make the airport. Of eight students two of them are done with today's labs, two of them are still on Monday's labs and the other four are on Day 3 labs.

After getting out I came back to the hotel and researched food options. I found a "microw-brew" called Landing's Neighborhood Eatery and Micro-Brew which had $5 burger dinners tonight and said they had a wide selection of micro-brews. The burger was good and I had a Boulevard Nitro 7 which was a Belgium Triple, it was good, I know I keep saying beers were "good", that's because nothing has jumped out as awesome. The burger was very good and while I was there a blues band came on and was playing some live music. The band was fun to listen to, I didn't catch their name. I was talking to the girlfriend of the drummer and she was telling me they just got back from NYC where they recorded a few tracks.

After a few songs I had finished my burger and beer so I decided to head back to the hotel, I'm pretty tired and still had to pack for tomorrow's flight.

I am going to head to bed but I wanted to end this with some wise words from a wise friend..

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it"

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