Monday, April 15, 2013

Gratitude - in the form of food for the heart and soul..

"Don't lead, I'll wander off bored. Don't follow, I'll get you lost. Stand beside me and help me cause trouble."


After eating crap the last few days I decided to be healthy today.. Crap = Royal Bacon Blue fries at the game yesterday and Wendy's for dinner. Anyway, Happy Cow to the rescue right? What can I possibly find in KC that's healthy?  You may have heard of Cafe Gratitude from my previous blogs, if not they are a vegan (mostly raw) restaurant from CA. Well, they have one in KC that opened last year!

Tonight's choices:
Drink - Klamath Lake live Algae with Kale, Beet, Celery, Apple and Ginger
Appetizer - Kale with garlic and Pumpkin seeds
Dinner - Hemp seed Pesto bowl with Quinoa, shredded Kale, Tomato and a Brazil Nut Cheese drizzled with Olive Oil and topped with Sprouts


I sat at the bar and ended up talking to a regular customer and one of the waiters for a while. The waiter told me about a few other vegan restaurants in the area including a place called FuD which has vegan BBQ, apparently they entered a BBQ contest without telling anyone it was not meat and won 2nd place! I think I'm going to go there tomorrow night. He also told me about a local beer house that had lots of local beer choices so I went there after dinner. Turns out it is the Flying Saucer which is a beer house from Texas. I recognized it as soon as he put the coaster down..  I actually have a membership there from when I was in Texas with Becca. I had Boulevard's DoubleWide IPA which was very good, not Maharajah good, but really, what is..

Speaking of Becca..  The waiter at Cafe Gratitude told me before he gave me the bill he had to ask me the "question of the day" which was "name a problem in your life that turned into a blessing", I had already seen the question on the black board by the bathroom so I had my answer. I told him that the problem was my ex deciding not to give me another chance and that the blessing is that I was single long enough to re-discover who I am and that life put me in the right spot to meet Kaila..

Who is Kaila?  More on that later..  ;)  Sufficed to say, she is the girl I'm dating now, and she is pretty smeggin' awesome.. I'm not going to "wax poetic" about her here yet, but I will say she is someone who I hope will come up a lot in future blogs..

Back to the matter at hand..  Kansas City reminds me a lot of Pittsburgh, with the winding hilly streets and lots of odd roads and bridges, the difference is this city seems a lot cleaner than Pittsburgh.

Ah, the tangent is back baby...  :D

I showed up for work today and have eight students, seven are local and the eighth is in India via webcam!? The lighting in the room was such that once I started using the white board we had to re-arrange all the furniture so that he could see what I was writing, the downside is the white board is pretty low so while I was not writing the student in India got to watch my crotch while I talked..  LOL! 

The facility here is really cool, they have an outside eating area in the woods next to the cafeteria, it was nice enough today that I got to sit outside with my lunch which is always a win..
I am going to head to bed but I wanted to write a little something before bed..

One last time, as a nod to someone I hold dear..

Good night my lovelies..

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