Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Now that's a beer?!

Last night after going to the Galeria de Rock me and Paulo went to Casa de Mortadela which is a restaurant downtown that serves, what else, mortadela sandwiches. They also have a really good sausage sandwich too. Oh, speaking of the Galeria de Rock.. I looked online and found that the Galeria closes at 8pm, what they failed to mention is that most stores close between 6 and 6:30.. We got there with not much time to look around, most of the stores were either already closed or just about to. I did get a live Blackmore's Night DVD/CD which is PAL and from some crazy region and I got Jessie a Helloween shirt. I saw some amazing Blind Guardian long sleeve shirts but none in my size. Well, Friday is a holiday which means I don't have to teach so I can come back right? No.. The entire Galeria is closed on Friday! I'm going to attempt to go back Thursday after work, hopefully I can get there earlier this time so I can spend more time looking around.

Back to Casa de Mortadela... Are you ready for this?? This is a beer that they serve there, it's actually the reason we went there... It is... Caracu hit with oats, egg, peanuts and powdered guarana. I know it sounds nasty but it was REAL good, it was like a chocolate/coffee milk shake. The only bad part was the end which had all the ground up peanuts floating in it.

I really need to get my laptop taken apart and cleaned, the heat off it is crazy and it's froze a few times on this trip already from overheating.

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