Thursday, March 17, 2011


I went to my friend's house in Sturbridge last night and on the way home got pulled over at a stop light for doing 60 in a 30!? The night was very foggy and visibility was down to feet at best, while I was driving I was playing with lights to see what would give me the best visibility, while I was at the red light I was playing with them again. While I was playing with the lights a car came up behind me, when the light turned green I started to pull out and before I was across the intersection the lights came on. I figured maybe I had a light out or something, she said she caught me speeding, my first reaction was something like 'where, at the red light?'. Seriously pissed me off. I freely admit I do indeed speed, but unless she saw me in another dimension I was not speeding.. So, I guess I will have to deal with that in court..

In other news.. I think I'm going to start up a D&D campaign, thinking one Wednesday night a month. I have not seen 4th addition D&D so if you have and have opinions on it send me an email, I am interested in seeing what people think. I can either do that or an older addition since I have books from when I used to play 3rd.

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