Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Keep keep it together"

Sorry I've been absent for such a long time, the problem with a public life blog is that when things get tough it's hard to put it all out there.. Well, I've been putting it all out there for a while but never anything bad, now that things are in general chaos I don't feel like blogging the everyday activities because it would involve talking about stuff I would rather not..

What's been going on? Well, if you talked to me recently you know that me and Jessie are not doing good. I'm still not really ready to talk about the specifics of that in a blog, but the bottom line is that I'm looking for (and almost have) an apartment with the theory that if we are not living under the same roof maybe we can get along better and at least salvage some part of our relationship/friendship.

In the last few months I've been travelling a lot which is good and bad, been to Dallas, Chicago, San Antonio, and Austin. This week I'm heading to London and then I come home for a week before going to Seattle. Me and Lynz broke up a while back and me and Jessie are (as stated above) on the outs and trying real hard to just be friendly with each other. Hopefully once I am under my own roof it will give us time to hang out in a friendly way.

I've never lived on my own and this is a great big scary adventure but I think it will be good in the long run. I am not looking on moving far, the apartment I want is in Danielson CT which is only about 15 mins from Putnam.

Been getting into HeroScape big time, it's an expensive hobby and I'm trying real hard not to get sucked into it. It's a fun game, you build your army out of hundreds of possibly characters (have to buy each one you want) and then it's a turn based strategic battle game sort of like the Shining Force series on the Sega Genesis, Saturn and Dreamcast. If you play HeroScape and want to play some time let me know.

My car has been through hell lately, it has already needed more work than my 2001 probably ever did but it's finally running well. Well, except for the stupid brake light that keeps coming on and off. Last month I went to the Fetish Flea Fashion show and after wards was backing out of the parking space and hit the stupid pole denting the drivers side front by the wheel, I was so pissed at myself I punched the steering wheel and broke the horn.. Which made me more pissed at myself, I have not gotten that fixed because it's going to cost lots to fix the horn which involves replacing the whole wheel including air bag.. /sigh

Last week I was in Austin TX and was very impressed with that city, a block all around the river and lake was the "hidden" part of Austin which was full of new age places, micro brews and vegetarian / vegan restaurants. Part of me is tempted to move there, I would have a job in a heart beat with RackSpace which is a great company. I've taught there twice (once in San Antonio and once in Austin) and they really impressed me as a great place to work. If you have money for random stocks I would buy some of their stock.

This week, as I said, I'm heading to London.. Well not technically London, I'm going to Bracknell which is close to London via train and underground. I'm looking forward to it because there is a Queen exhibit this week at a bar in London. I think I'm going to go there tomorrow after I land. I figure going into London on a day I don't have class is a good idea because I can see how long it will really be on train, etc. According to the web it's less than an hour from Bracknell to the Waterloo Underground station.

I guess that's all I have time for, the flight will be boarding in a little bit.. I'll try not to be a stranger.. Sorry for all those who use this as their main way of keeping up with me..

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