Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Driving to Chicago v. Taking the Train

Yesterday in class we had a discussion on how to get into downtown Chicago.  The general opinion was that driving is actually quicker than the train.  So, looking at Google Maps and the CTA schedules it looked close, maybe even favoring the car..  I decided, what the heck, I'll give it a shot.. 

If it was not for the construction I think the car would have been much faster, with the construction obstacles it took just about the same amount of time the train would have taken.  Time v. Sanity, that is the real question..  Should have taken the train, on the train I could have relaxed and just listened to my book, instead I got to drive in stop and go traffic through one construction area after another..  I will say that the trip back was much quicker.  The other downside of driving was I felt I should leave earlier because I didn't want to leave my car in the Chicago Diner lot and didn't want to pay to park.  Almost all of the street parking in that area is resident parking pass required.

Dinner was certainly tasty, I got the "southern plate" which was setain strips, mac n' cheeze, collards, black eye peas and bacun corn fritters.  See picture on Flickr.  With it I got a class of wine.  My calorie intake for dinner was 881.  That brought my total calorie intake up to 1347, minus my lunch walk brings me well under my calories for the day..  My lunch was the same yesterday and today.  I decided to get a salad and then was disgruntled when I saw how many calories dressing was, the only option - no dressing..  I ended up with spinach, mushrooms, bell peppers, baby corn and chopped up egg.  121 calorie lunch and most of that was the egg. 

I think tonight is going to be a quiet night, I am going to try to find a local sports bar and watch the game/get food. 

--Diversion of the Day

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