Friday, October 2, 2009

Yoga.. It's good for you?

I have lost so much flexibility over the last year, Achilles Tendon surgery will do that, so I decided I would start doing yoga with Jessie and Hoyle. Plus, I figure yoga is also good for my gut-be-gone plan so it's a win all around. Well, I am so not ready for yoga yet. It was nice to get stretched out but my left ankle was so not ready, I ended up sleeping with my soft cast on and even that wasn't enough so I took three Advil before I was able to fall asleep. All day my ankle was killing me too so I ask you... Yoga, it's good for you?

I've been a bit slack the last few months but I think October is going to be my return to blogging. The original idea of this blog was to keep everyone updated of my travels and I haven't been travelling so therefore haven't been blogging. Well, travel is back on. If you don't know I recently stepped down as global lead instructor and am now a regular instructor again, with that demotion I will be teaching more which after all is what I enjoy about my job. So, upcoming trips? Chicago the week of Oct 12th, Santa Clara the week of Oct 19th and Sao Paulo (if my visa gets approved) the week of Nov 16th.

Somewhere in there I want to finally get my tattoo, I'm thinking the week of Oct 26th. I need to talk to the tattoo guy, I will go over there next week and try and set that up. My tattoo design can be found on my flickr site.

The semi-monthly update..

Last we left off was Sept 18th and I was just about to go to Jesse and Marie's house for a game night. Game night was fun, I was a bit concerned how the night would go because I had not seen John in a long time and I didn't know who else would be there to hang out with. I was glad to find out my concerns where unfounded because the night went well and me and John even played some games together plus I even got some time to hang out with Lynz upstairs.

I left early because the next day we (me and Jessie) went to King Richard's Faire with Jesse, Marie and Lynz. Lynz's birthday had passed recently so me and Marie bought her an outfit, she got a dear skin shirt, some bracers and a fur cowl. It was pretty funny because when she got the shirt I was talking to the lady at Pterodactly Leather about how I envisioned some type of fur scarf/cowl and she told me that the fur guy sold his booth so I left her shop looking for other options, we were a few feet away and she came running out with some fur she had in her shop and put it over Lynz's shoulders and it was perfect. We went and got food while she sewed it together and put a bone button on it. I love the end result, she did a great job and in very short time. Pictures of Lynz in her outfit can be found on my flickr site. Oh, I love this picture of Jessie and Lynz.. :D

The 20th I went to the Mets game with dad, uncle Larry, Mike, Scott, JM and Katie. We ate at the Acella club which is the restaurant in left field, it was nice but a bit over priced. No matter what you got it was $51, they had a bbq beef brisket sandwich, bbq ribs, a really good salmon dish, a really good scallop dish and a burger on the menu. That's right, $51 for a burger or $51 for scallops! On top of the main dish you also got access to four appetizer stations which had bagels, cheeses, salads, pizza, etc.. It was nice to watch the game while eating but I really didn't feel like I was at the stadium till we left the restaurant. Speaking of Citi-Field, the Mets just announced that they will be lowering the prices of all their season plans next year. I really want to sit in section 424 next year, they have a few extra rows above the regular section which have a few seats per row. Perfect row would be row 8 which has 5 seats in, 3 of those seats are the wider ones which would make it much more comfortable for dad and Mike. I tried to call them and they told me I had to wait, I might try and call them again next week.

Thursday the 24th Holly came up to Putnam, we went to Bella's and watched Planes Trains and Automobiles. It was a good night and it was nice to hang out in my area instead of hers, no nosy neighbors.. :)

The 25th I brought Luna to a new vet to get her checked out, the new vet is holistic only which means that I needed to go to another vet to get her blood work. It was a long stress filled experience, she is overall healthy but has some digestive issues we are addressing with supplements. After the vet I went up to Nurit's house for dinner. The crazy odd thing of the day is that Jessie ended up chatting with a guy on OKC just to find out it was Nurit's room mate! Jessie ended up going to a concert with him that night.. The somewhat odd thing was me, Nurit, Shoshanna and Mike went out to an indian restaurant.. I know, crazy right? Non of the four of us are vegetarians but we all ended up getting vegetarian dishes.. I thought it was odd, screw you if you don't.. :P

Jessie bought a cuff set when we went to King Richard's Faire and we had to go get it so we went down on Sunday. Funny thing, when we got there they were closed! Apparently it poured in Carver so they closed early. Luckily Jessie called the guy and he had the guard bring us to his booth to get it. It was kinda cool to walk around the faire with nobody else there.

After that we went to Julian's in Providence for their Dieu du Ciel beer dinner, I don't know where the menu is right now so I can't put the food list in right now. The food was great and we met up with Ara and Ellis there which was awesome. Ara and Ellis are the couple we met at the Armsby Abby beer dinner. They are a very cool couple who teach at Holy Cross in MA. Julian's is now the 2nd place we had beer dinners with them and the 2nd place that O'hara's Celtic Stout on draft! This time I had one as a pre-game beer. The only way I would have beer this month is if we did another beer dinner with them because it would be silly to go to a beer dinner and not drink..

Monday Lynz and Anja came over and I made hot dogs with bok choi and quinoa for dinner and we watched Episodes 2 and 3 of Star Trek the Next Generation. Tuesday night we had dinner at our house again even though the weather is starting to get cold, Holly and Louie made their Tuesday night debut, Hoyle and Badger brought lots of meat for the grill.

Going to the CT Ren Faire tomorrow, hope to see you all there! If you can't make it tomorrow go another day! There, is that a good ad?

---Diversion of the Day

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