Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Something to sing about...

I have been very lax on blogging lately.. I feel like I'm blogging for the sake of blogging and not to impart any cool and exciting news...

I guess I have writer's block? It's not like I don't have anything to say, I am just being very blah when I think about actually writing anything. Perhaps if I just keep writing an endless stream of nothing something real will show up...

So, the big news is that I got my car back yesterday! They put the 84,000 mile engine in and did a used car certification and said everything checks out and if my car was for sale they would have confidence selling it as a certified used car. Good to be driving my car again although it did take re-reading the stereo book to get my iPod working again.. I have an iPod cable that connects to the CD Changer control, there is a setting in the stereo to tell it whether or not you have a CD Changer connected or a 3rd Party device.

Let's see, last I blogged was watching American Idol.. Friday night me and Jessie went with Joe and Renae to see Toad the Wet Sprocket, I met a cool guy before the show who was there alone. He had never seen Toad and could not get anyone to go with him so he decided to go alone because he didn't want to miss the opportunity to see them. He made the right choice, the show was great. The opening band, Adam Ezra, was very good as well. They had two drummers, one played Randy's normal drum kit and the other one played a stand up drum kit, bongos and other various drums. It was a really good sound to have that many drums, they also had an accordion/piano player a guitarist and a bass player. We purchased their CD and it's good, but nothing special. It sounds too polished and the instrumentation is turned down so you can better hear the vocals, I think if they remaster the CD to make the music stand out more it would be much better. They are headlining a show in Boston and I would like to go see them in a full show instead of just a short opening show.

Toad was awesome and the redeemed the crappy show we saw at the Cape Cod Melody Tent. Everyone seemed to be getting along and having fun. One odd thing for me was they came out with a set list and stuck to it, usually Toad (or at least Glen) does not use a set list. Glen did very little talking between songs, one of the times we saw Toad (I think the reunion show in NYC) Glen did a bunch of talking and the other band members were cutting him off because they just wanted to play so him not talking was probably a way to keep the peace between the band. Todd only sung two songs (Inside and Crazy Life) out of the 20 or so they played. I was very happy to hear some lesser played songs like Little Man, Big Man but was sad that they played Know Me without Spirit... I was very excited when I saw Know Me on the set list because I have never heard them do Spirit in person but then they didn't play it.. All in all though it was a great concert and a great time hanging out with everyone.

If you have not checked my youtube or flickr recently I have uploaded a bunch of pics and videos, one video from Ryan Adams and a few from Toad and Adam Ezra.

Saturday and Sunday morning were very surreal.. Amber was supposed to come down with me to Brad's house for a board game birthday party but she ended up not being able to make it. I took Jessie's car and headed down. On the way down I called Amy to let her know that my NC trip was cancelled, as it turns out she was in NY at her mom's house! I drove over there and hung out for a few hours before going to Brad's house. It was very odd and very cool to see her again after all these years. We spent hours comparing old memories and having her sister fill in some of the blanks. Her sister recently had a baby and it's so odd to see her as an "adult" since she was always Amy's little sister. I've found that when you see people from your past one of two things happens, either you immediately click as if no time has past or you end up doing that awkward thing where you pretend to be all nice and happy to see the person and as soon as they leave hope you didn't come off as rude. This was certainly one of the first, I wish she lived closer, I feel if she did we would end up being really great friends again. I guess that's what the telephone and internet are for, she is going to make a facebook page so that should make keeping in contact a bit easier.

I left Amy wishing I had more time with her but I didn't want to short change my time at Brad's house either. I had fun playing a new board game called Agricola with Randy, Christian, Mara and Brad's friend Vin. I apparently mis-read the scoring rules and ended up losing because I thought it said +1 per un-used land square, but it was -1 per un-used land square... After Agricola I played Blockus with Randy, Christian and Vin till we went to bed.

Woke up early on Sunday and went to Joe Borst's house for breakfast. It was nice seeing how grown up his kids got, except Amanda who was sleeping the whole time I was over. I also got to meet his new girlfriend and see his new house which is really nice. He has a great room which has windows covering three walls and goes out onto a really big deck. The kitchen has places for windows facing out into the great room, Joe has the windows out so he can talk into the great room and be part of the family while cooking.

Sunday night Lynz, Sara and I went to JD Coopers to play pool and eat some dinner. We played five games of pool with Sara and Lynz teaming up against me, I won 3 of the 5 games for the overall win.

So, on a health related note... Saturday, Sunday and Monday mornings I coughed up blood.. Monday I went to the doctors and found out I had a pneumonia so now I'm on anti-biotics and had to cancel my dinner with Kaitlyn on Monday..

Yesterday was dinner at Sara's house.. Sara made a raw apple pie, Lynz made a pork roast, I made a buffalo/rice dish, Kristen made raw alfredo sauce with pasta and Joe brought a salad. As always the food was great and I was finally well enough to enjoy everyone's company. I ended up playing a few rounds of Boggle with Joe, Jessie, Kristen and Sara.

Yay for getting everything back current...

---Diversion of the Day

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