Monday, March 16, 2009

All day blog..

So, it's been a while since my last post. I am sitting at the house waiting for the cable guy to show up with my cable cards. We got a new HDTivo and it needs cable cards in order to record anything. The cable company gave me a 8am-5pm appointment for today so I'm stuck hanging at the house.

I am watching Legend of the Seeker to kill time. The first episode I watched today was actually really good and gave me hope that Terry's long nasty post made an impact. However the 2nd episode I'm watching now is ridiculous.

The cable guy got here and my new HDTivo is now working and running with the HD channels. I'm about to take a shower but figured I would type some more first..

Lots of stuff happened since last I wrote..

Lynz came over on Friday for some Cheers and Guitar Hero. Saturday me, Jessie and Hoyle went out with Kevin and a girl he met who lives in Tennessee. We went out to a Japanese restaurant in Providence and then to a pub near by for a few drinks. The pub we went into had a ton of different beers including Rogue ale. Sunday me and Jessie went to breakfast with Lynz, John, Anja and Lynz's cousin Dani and then I went with to the new pizza place with Matt and Sile for Matt's birthday dinner. I have been to that pizza place a few times now and I really do love their pizza. Monday I went up to see Kaitlyn who has been nursing a concussion, I didn't stay too long but had a good dinner at the People's Pint before heading back home. Tuesday was our normal dinner, John and Lynz brought Em over.. It was nice meeting her and we all had a great time. I made a very un-spicy jambalaya which was good, I don't remember what everyone else made because it's been a week.. I guess that's just one of the reasons for me to blog more regularly. Randy came over on Wednesday and we hung out with Ryan and watched the WBC and had the aforementioned pizza. Lynz was supposed to come over on Thursday but John and Anja were sick so Randy and I hung out with Ryan again and went to JD Coopers and played pool. Friday/Saturday/Sunday was Laire, I went down with the intention of playing my barbarian character but when I woke up on Saturday morning I ended up switching to play Daimone. Got home Sunday and setup our new HD Tivo before going and getting Jessie who ran out of gas on 395..

Well, that quick recap brings us up to today.. I was supposed to go see Kaitlyn today but she is still nursing her concussion and is not up for having company, she did at least go to work for a few hours today so it's getting better.

Onto other things... ?

I was going to write up some stuff about the WBC, the Mets, American Idol, my new TiVo features and my upcoming surgery but I seem to have ran out of time.. Jessie will be home soon and we going to spend a nice night together since it will be the last one we have together before my surgery..

---Diversion of the Day

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