Friday, March 27, 2009

Seats at CitiField

So, the Mets opened Citi-Field up for people do take seat tours for season tickets. A fan went in and took a bunch of pics and posted them on Photobucket.

Anyway, this picture is pretty close to what the field will look like from our seats..


What else? Well, I've been doing a whole lot of hanging on the couch, all in all this surgery recovery is alot easier than the last one. My foot does not really hurt and hasn't for a few days except the time I put all my weight on it by mistake.. I think the big difference this time is that there is no staple tugging on my bandages. The other big difference is that the swelling is not going away nearly as quickly, but I will trade that for the no pain any day.

I have been driving a bit which is good because it was not until the 3rd or even 4th week I was willing to drive last time. This time it's the left foot so I can use the pedals still with my right foot, but the big difference is the pain levels.

Tuesday before dinner Lynz came over but I was feeling all feverish so I slept most of the day while she worked, we did get a few episodes of Cheers in towards the end of the day. I went to Tuesday night dinner (drove there, Jessie drove back) which was lots of fun, not sure what stole the show, it was either John's biscuits and sausage gravy or Kristen's ham, cheese and veggie dish. After dinner we went into the living room and played Balderdash which is a funner game than I thought it would be.

Wednesday Sara came over and we watched a few 4400 episodes, we are now on disc 2 of the 3rd season. For christmas my dad got me the entire 4400 box set, each episode is extended so it's been really awesome watching them over again. There were actually pretty important scenes pulled out of the original airings because of time, for example at the end of the 4th episode of season 3 they show Isabella going to meet Rilan at his office, obviously no reason was shown but that's awesome because it explains Rilan's later involvement.

Thursday I ventured out on my own and hung out in Putnam for a while which was nice to do, made me feel all quasi independent. Afterwards I watched the rest of the Monk episodes I had TiVo'ed, I am now caught up. The final season of Monk starts this summer and knowing that it's the last episode I'm really looking forward to it. I think the show is ending just in time before it gets too played out.

Speaking of played out... I watched the latest episode of Legend of the Seeker!!! If you're like me and still holding on to this stupid ass series you will have seen maybe the worst book to film/TV abortion ever made last week! If you have not seen you may not want to, especially if you have any respect for Terry and his work. The question I have to ask myself is, WHY!?! Why do I still watch this show.. I know I said in a previous post that I was going to stick it out for the rest of this season but I honestly don't know anymore... There are only two episodes left so I'm going to TiVo them but I will only be watching them if there is nothing on TV like this afternoon.

Thursday night John, Lynz and Anja came over and had dinner and played Guitar Hero World Tour. Jessie moved her bass up to hard and only failed one song, John did a great job playing drums, the first one I've seen pick it up and not fail the first few times.. Lynz played guitar and I sung for the most part. I actually jumped to the drums on two songs and did pretty well considering my left foot is in a cast and my right ankle is sore from the constant workout of carrying all my weight.

Back to the beginning.. I'm really looking forward to this season and Citi-Field.. I loved Shea and I will always have very fond memories of going there but I am very excited for Citi-Field, other than the naming rights and the lack of dome I think they did a great job of everything else. Check out that photobucket site and hopefully you will share my opinions. I had been getting worried about the Mets but with Maine's good start yesterday and our bullpen coming together now that Putz and K-Rod are back from the WBC. I'm still bitter about Duaner being released but you gotta move forward right? Duaner was picked up by San Diego and has pitched 4 innings so far for them allowing 1 hit. In one respect I'm glad he didn't sign in the NL East but on the other hand it would have been karma if he had and because a thorn in our side. At least we only play the Padres 6 times all year so he can't be that big of a thorn.

---Thought of the Day
"A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection." -- Chuck Palahniuk - Fight Club

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