Monday, March 30, 2009

For the last few months I've been seeing ads on TV for something called Hulu, the ads are very odd and usually have something to do with the actors being aliens. For example..

Anyway, I was chatting with Lynz today and she mentioned watching TV on As it turns out Hulu is a website that allows you to watch TV and movies online for free! They actually have a pretty big selection of movies and TV shows not to mention movie trailers. I just watched the trailer for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

If you have never seen it check it out...

---Thought of the Day
"I love this, check it out"...
In almost everything in life that's our attitude right? Whether it's food, TV show, movie, drink, sunset, ocean, etc.. the only thing in our existence that's "I like this and nobody else can have it" is a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife.. Why is that? Wouldn't the world be a better place if that wasn't the case?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Failblog 2

So, I started reading Fail Blog today.. As with anything I started at the beginning and I am now up to May 11, 2009.. Here are my favorites so far...












Salad Fail

Security Fail

Parenting Fail

Tom Seaver to John Franco... Roles Reversed?

Tom Seaver was the best starter in the history of the Mets and as you might remember he threw the final pitch in the history of Shea Stadium.. Seaver thew out 395 first pitches for the Mets at Shea Stadium and 1 very emotional last pitch. Today the Mets officially opened up Citi-Field for a St. John's University game against Georgetown. Long time Met and St. John's alumni John Franco was on hand and threw out the first ever pitch in Citi-Field history, Franco pitched for the Mets for 14 years and in that time threw 484 last pitches but today marks the first first pitch of his long career!

I knew that Franco was throwing out the first pitch for weeks but when I was reading the article and looking at the pics today it made me really think about the Seaver/Franco connection. Seaver and Franco are two of the Mets most popular players in their history, they were also two of the most successful players in Mets history, 311 wins for Seaver, and 424 saves for Franco. They both played for the Mets for over 10 years (12 for Seaver, 14 for Franco) and they both also played for the Cincinnati Reds, Seaver was traded from the Mets to the Reds in 1977, stayed there till 1982, and Franco came up with Reds in 1984 and played there till he was traded to the Mets in 1989.

Seaver's 311 wins ranks him at 18th in the history of pitchers.
Franco's 424 saves ranks him at 1st in the history of left handed pitchers. (4th all-time)

So the Mets call on the man most noted for starting games to close out the old park and the many most noted for ending games to open thew new park.. So, it seems in the business of stadiums these two legends are reversing their roles..

Introducing WPA

Works Progress Administration is:

Founding Directors:
Glen Phillips (Toad the Wet Sprocket) - vocals, guitar
Sean Watkins (Nickel Creek, Fiction Family) - guitar, vocals
Luke Bulla (Jerry Douglas Band, Ricky Skaggs) - fiddle, vocals, guitar

Executive Board Members:
Sara Watkins (Nickel Creek) - fiddle, vocals
Benmont Tench (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) - piano, organ
Greg Leisz (Joni Mitchell, Wilco, Sheryl Crow, Beck) - pedal steel
Pete Thomas (Elvis Costello and the Imposters, Randy Newman) - drums
Davey Faragher (Elvis Costello and the Imposters, Cracker) - bass

---2nd Diversion of the Day


Jessie was just showing me some cool stuff on Fail Blog.. It's a pretty funny site, if you have not checked it out yet it's failblog.

I'm sitting here with Jessie's mom showing us loads of corsican music.. She is going to corsica for an indeterminate amount of time, she got a one-way ticket and will be there for at least a month.. Corsica is an island off the coast of Italy that is owned and operated by France.

When she first got here today we went out to 85 Main for lunch. After lunch we went over to VSC and Elizabeth was the person in front of us in line. It was pretty funny, Chris started talking to me while Elizabeth was in front of me and I wish I could have seen her face because what ever reaction she had made Chris laugh. She asked him why he was laughing and he said something like is it a crime to laugh, sometimes funny things pop into my head.. She ordered her drink and left and I thought he was going to say something but he saw that we were there with Jessie's mom so he didn't say anything other than that was weird.. Like I said, I wish I could have seen that encounter from Chris' eyes.

Anyway, I'm off for now..

---Thought of the Day
"We don't like strangers to pass through without getting to know them because strangers can become enemies but friends can never return to being stragers again." - Lion Among Men

---Diversion of the Day

Saturday, March 28, 2009


This morning Jessie wanted to show me the Shamwow infomercial. We looked it up on the TV and from there went to the slap chop. From that one we found a parody called slap nuts which was eh. From there we found a bunch of parody ones and I now give you what in our opinion was the best one.. Might Putty Dub by Jabo0odyDubs.

---Diversion of the Day

Friday, March 27, 2009

Seats at CitiField

So, the Mets opened Citi-Field up for people do take seat tours for season tickets. A fan went in and took a bunch of pics and posted them on Photobucket.

Anyway, this picture is pretty close to what the field will look like from our seats..


What else? Well, I've been doing a whole lot of hanging on the couch, all in all this surgery recovery is alot easier than the last one. My foot does not really hurt and hasn't for a few days except the time I put all my weight on it by mistake.. I think the big difference this time is that there is no staple tugging on my bandages. The other big difference is that the swelling is not going away nearly as quickly, but I will trade that for the no pain any day.

I have been driving a bit which is good because it was not until the 3rd or even 4th week I was willing to drive last time. This time it's the left foot so I can use the pedals still with my right foot, but the big difference is the pain levels.

Tuesday before dinner Lynz came over but I was feeling all feverish so I slept most of the day while she worked, we did get a few episodes of Cheers in towards the end of the day. I went to Tuesday night dinner (drove there, Jessie drove back) which was lots of fun, not sure what stole the show, it was either John's biscuits and sausage gravy or Kristen's ham, cheese and veggie dish. After dinner we went into the living room and played Balderdash which is a funner game than I thought it would be.

Wednesday Sara came over and we watched a few 4400 episodes, we are now on disc 2 of the 3rd season. For christmas my dad got me the entire 4400 box set, each episode is extended so it's been really awesome watching them over again. There were actually pretty important scenes pulled out of the original airings because of time, for example at the end of the 4th episode of season 3 they show Isabella going to meet Rilan at his office, obviously no reason was shown but that's awesome because it explains Rilan's later involvement.

Thursday I ventured out on my own and hung out in Putnam for a while which was nice to do, made me feel all quasi independent. Afterwards I watched the rest of the Monk episodes I had TiVo'ed, I am now caught up. The final season of Monk starts this summer and knowing that it's the last episode I'm really looking forward to it. I think the show is ending just in time before it gets too played out.

Speaking of played out... I watched the latest episode of Legend of the Seeker!!! If you're like me and still holding on to this stupid ass series you will have seen maybe the worst book to film/TV abortion ever made last week! If you have not seen you may not want to, especially if you have any respect for Terry and his work. The question I have to ask myself is, WHY!?! Why do I still watch this show.. I know I said in a previous post that I was going to stick it out for the rest of this season but I honestly don't know anymore... There are only two episodes left so I'm going to TiVo them but I will only be watching them if there is nothing on TV like this afternoon.

Thursday night John, Lynz and Anja came over and had dinner and played Guitar Hero World Tour. Jessie moved her bass up to hard and only failed one song, John did a great job playing drums, the first one I've seen pick it up and not fail the first few times.. Lynz played guitar and I sung for the most part. I actually jumped to the drums on two songs and did pretty well considering my left foot is in a cast and my right ankle is sore from the constant workout of carrying all my weight.

Back to the beginning.. I'm really looking forward to this season and Citi-Field.. I loved Shea and I will always have very fond memories of going there but I am very excited for Citi-Field, other than the naming rights and the lack of dome I think they did a great job of everything else. Check out that photobucket site and hopefully you will share my opinions. I had been getting worried about the Mets but with Maine's good start yesterday and our bullpen coming together now that Putz and K-Rod are back from the WBC. I'm still bitter about Duaner being released but you gotta move forward right? Duaner was picked up by San Diego and has pitched 4 innings so far for them allowing 1 hit. In one respect I'm glad he didn't sign in the NL East but on the other hand it would have been karma if he had and because a thorn in our side. At least we only play the Padres 6 times all year so he can't be that big of a thorn.

---Thought of the Day
"A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection." -- Chuck Palahniuk - Fight Club

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Garfunkel and Oats

These ladies are amazing!

Kate Micucci -
Riki Lindhome -
Gafunkel and Oats -

---Diversion of the Day

Larry from Erika Lindhome on Vimeo.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Laying on the couch taking pain killers and watching lots of mindless TV.. When I say mindless I really mean that.. I am now all caught up on Legend of the Seeker and it's still really crappy! As a matter of fact it might be getting worse as the show continues. There are three episodes left in season one so I am going to make myself finish the season but I will not be watching it next year if there is one. Some of the horrible things they did was gave Zedd a brother, made Geller an evil wizard trying to recreate the power of a confessor and speaking of confessors, they have an army of confessors who were all running from one quad and in that army of confessors was the real mother confessor! Oh, it's ok though because now Kahlan is the mother confessor because Kahlan and Richard killed the mother confessor after she confessed Zedd!?! As I said, I'm going to make myself finish watching the season but I'm done after that...

Right now I'm catching up on Monk, what's really cool about that is that I'm watching it in black and white. Why, you ask? It's on my old TiVo which is an old series one, the series one TiVos have a problem when you put it into standby mode it sometimes comes back in black and white. Now I can't get it back into color, I think it has more to do with the fact that I broke the connector on the back of the TiVo when I took the coax cable off. I'm planing on getting an old Series one TiVo from dad so I can swap out my hard drives and copy the rest of our old shows off in color. I'm sorta growing bored with Monk right now, I've watched a bunch of episodes over the last few days and it's amazing how similar they are to each other. Plus, it's been years since they did any advancement on the Trudy murder plot line.

Japan beat Korea in last night's WBC game which means that Saturday night Korea plays Venezuela and Sunday night Japan plays the USA. The winner of each of those games plays in the final on Monday night. This is the first round of the WBC that should have a double elimination, instead the first few rounds did. They way the first few rounds worked was:
Day 1
Team A v. Team B
Team C v. Team D
Lets say A and C win.
Now Day 2
Team B plays Team D
Team A plays Team C
Lets say B and A wins (that sends Team D home because they lost twice)
Now Day 3
Team B plays Team C
Lets say team B wins (that sends Team C home because they lost twice)
Now Day 4
Team A plays Team B and they both continue to next round regardless of who wins!

As of right now there is no way Japan and USA can play in the final game. Because they play each other in the first game and one of them will go home. I would think in the finals you would want the double elimination.

So, as you may or may not know we got a new HD Tivo over last weekend and had the cable guy install cable cards in it on Monday. When I booked the appointment they told me the cable company did not use Multicards and that they would have to give me two Single Cards. Well, the Tivo worked well for a day or two before it started skipping and losing picture. The cable guy came out today to troubleshoot and brought a Multicard. He pulled the S cards out and put the M in and now everything seems to be working again plus we save $3.00 a month because now we are only paying for one card. I really hope this is not an ongoing problem, the cable guys seems to think that it will be an ongoing problem because of the cable cards.

I updated the relationship chart finally... Here is the new version...

Monday, March 16, 2009

All day blog..

So, it's been a while since my last post. I am sitting at the house waiting for the cable guy to show up with my cable cards. We got a new HDTivo and it needs cable cards in order to record anything. The cable company gave me a 8am-5pm appointment for today so I'm stuck hanging at the house.

I am watching Legend of the Seeker to kill time. The first episode I watched today was actually really good and gave me hope that Terry's long nasty post made an impact. However the 2nd episode I'm watching now is ridiculous.

The cable guy got here and my new HDTivo is now working and running with the HD channels. I'm about to take a shower but figured I would type some more first..

Lots of stuff happened since last I wrote..

Lynz came over on Friday for some Cheers and Guitar Hero. Saturday me, Jessie and Hoyle went out with Kevin and a girl he met who lives in Tennessee. We went out to a Japanese restaurant in Providence and then to a pub near by for a few drinks. The pub we went into had a ton of different beers including Rogue ale. Sunday me and Jessie went to breakfast with Lynz, John, Anja and Lynz's cousin Dani and then I went with to the new pizza place with Matt and Sile for Matt's birthday dinner. I have been to that pizza place a few times now and I really do love their pizza. Monday I went up to see Kaitlyn who has been nursing a concussion, I didn't stay too long but had a good dinner at the People's Pint before heading back home. Tuesday was our normal dinner, John and Lynz brought Em over.. It was nice meeting her and we all had a great time. I made a very un-spicy jambalaya which was good, I don't remember what everyone else made because it's been a week.. I guess that's just one of the reasons for me to blog more regularly. Randy came over on Wednesday and we hung out with Ryan and watched the WBC and had the aforementioned pizza. Lynz was supposed to come over on Thursday but John and Anja were sick so Randy and I hung out with Ryan again and went to JD Coopers and played pool. Friday/Saturday/Sunday was Laire, I went down with the intention of playing my barbarian character but when I woke up on Saturday morning I ended up switching to play Daimone. Got home Sunday and setup our new HD Tivo before going and getting Jessie who ran out of gas on 395..

Well, that quick recap brings us up to today.. I was supposed to go see Kaitlyn today but she is still nursing her concussion and is not up for having company, she did at least go to work for a few hours today so it's getting better.

Onto other things... ?

I was going to write up some stuff about the WBC, the Mets, American Idol, my new TiVo features and my upcoming surgery but I seem to have ran out of time.. Jessie will be home soon and we going to spend a nice night together since it will be the last one we have together before my surgery..

---Diversion of the Day

Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Prices....

Mets finally made official prices for Citi-Field. They lowered the prices of most of the lower level seats... The Promenade prices either went up or didn't change. Anyone who purchased season tickets and paid a higher price are getting a refund to the new price, anyone who purchased season tickets and paid a lower price are not going to be affected!

Prices are:
Field Level -
Ebbet's Club (Behind home plate first few rows) - $280
Delta Club (Behind home plate behind the Ebbet's Club) - $245
Metropolitan Box Silver (Infield Box Seats first few rows) - $245
Metropolitan Box (Infield Box Seats behind MBS) - $210
Field Box (Box seats between infield and outfield) - $175
Baseline Box (Outfield Box seats but still in Foul territory) - $105
Field Level Reserved (Fair territory seats) - $70
Bridge Terrace (Seats in right center field overlooking bullpens) - $63
Big Apple Reserved (center field bleachers) - $49

Excelsior Level - (Renamed Caesar's Club Level)
Caesar's Club Platinum (First few rows) - $245
Caesar's Club Gold (Behind CGP behind home plate) - $210
Caesar's Club Silver (Behind CGP on infield) - $175
Caesar's Club Bronze (Behind CGP between infield and outfield) - $161
Caesar's Club (Behind CGP in outfield) - $105
Pepsi Porch Gold (Right field seats that hang over field, first few rows) - $84
Pepsi Porch (Behind PPG) - $56
Left Field landing Gold (left field seats by the restaurant, first few rows) - $84
Left Field Landing (Behind LFLG) - $56

Promenade Level -
Promenade Club Gold (Infield Box first few rows) - $105
Promenade Club (Behind PCG) - $84
Promenade Box (Outfield Boxes) - $49
Promenade Reserved Infield (Behind PC) - $35
Promenade Reserved (Behind PB) - $27

The Yankees have not released their everyday pricing, they are still only talking about season ticket plans but they lowered their prices even more than the Mets did but are still more expensive than the Mets.

Driving in NJ?

This was just posted on the Laire message boards...

N J State Police Initiative


Starting today, New Jersey will launch a 30-day speeding ticket frenzy. The state estimates that 9 million dollars will be generated in speeding tickets. One million dollars will go to pay state troopers over-time.

There will be 50 state troopers on duty at all times patrolling the 9 main intersections and highways as follows:

I-295 North and South,
I-95 Jersey Turnpike
North and South
I-80 East and West
I-287 North and South
I-78 East and West
I-195 East and West
I-280 East and West
Route 130 - North and South
Garden State Parkway - North and South

5 MPH above the limit can justify a ticket and every state trooper is supposed to pull a car over and write a ticket every 10 to 20 minutes.

They have issued 30 brand new unmarked Crown Victoria cruisers and are bringing in all of their part-timers on full time. If you work in NJ, NY, DE or CT, you will probably be on one of these highways. So, please be on guard and drive safely!

Starting August 15, the price of a violation to show your driver's license, registration or insurance card at the time you are stopped, increased from $44.00 to $173.00. (Keep these documents in your car). And the fine for not having all three documents is $519.00!

The fine for hand-held cell phone use while driving will be going up to $180.00.

I can't friggin' believe they are telling cops they have to pull someone over every 10-20 minutes! That's going to lead to alot of just pulling people over for no reason. I see the court systems being over loaded with people fighting tickets from this.

WBC news - Japan shut out China 4-0 in game 1 this morning.

David Wright and Jimmy Rollins are both on the USA team. Derek Jeter is poking fun at the Mets/Phillies rivalry and Wright and Rollins are playing along nicely... Here is a quote from an article on

When the members of Team USA converged this week to work out for the World Baseball Classic, Jeter found his locker sandwiched between those of the Phillies' Jimmy Rollins and the Mets' David Wright.

"If they want to get at each other, they've got to come through me," Jeter said on Tuesday. "I'm a little barrier, I guess."

Jeter likely won't need to break up any verbal fights in his role as captain of the United States club. After Team USA's 6-5 victory over the Yankees at George M. Steinbrenner Field, Wright said he and Rollins had playfully agreed to bury their ongoing NL East rivalry.

"We signed the three-week treaty, I guess," Wright said. "We promised not to talk about, 'Who's the team to beat?' or anything like that. I've got so much respect for not only Jimmy, but the Phillies in general. You don't necessarily have to go out there and like a team, but you respect what they accomplish.

"Especially when you put this uniform on, it's very small in the grand scheme of things. Once these three weeks are up, I'm sure it will be back to the same old rivalry."

It's odd to see pics of Wright wearing #4.. Davey Johnson (the manager) is wearing #5 so Wright had to pick another number when he arrived..

Yesterday my drum kit arrived for Guitar Hero World Tour! I played a few songs with Jessie last night and they are pretty hard. I played a few songs on easy which might actually be worse than medium because easy has so few notes it does not feel natural. It's like you're waiting to hit a note instead of playing the song. Jessie also played a few songs and I played guitar on hard during her songs. I am to the point now where medium on guitar is too easy but I've never been able to get hard because of that stupid orange button, not good at sliding my hand to hit that key. I did alright yesterday on hard except on one song which I failed twice before we moved to another song. Need more practice with that stupid key.

---Diversion of the Day

American Idol Season 8 - Top 12

So, I'm pretty much disgusted with American Idol voters this year. The top 36 ran in three sets of 12 as you may or may not know, of each set of 12 they selected the top guy, top girl and third top person. Everyone else left so they dropped 9 people per week. Last night they brought back the 27 dropped people and had the judges pick 8 people to sing in a wildcard show tonight for the final 3 spots in the top 12. The problem is that most of the people with personality were sent home yesterday.

Anyway, before I get into the top 12 and Wild Cards... Here are this weeks reviews and who made it through...

Scott MacIntyre
Jorge Nunez
Nathaniel Marshall
Von Smith
Alex Wagner-Trugman
Ju’not Joyner
Taylor Vaifanua
Kristen McNamara
Lil Rounds
Felicia Barton
Kendall Beard
Arianna Afsar
Made it to top 12
Lil Rounds
Jorge Nunez
Scott MacIntyre
-There were so many great girls in week 3 to have Jorge Nunez go instead of another of the girls is really shitty.

Top 12 so far:
Alexis Grace - Middle of the road singer from week 1
Michael Sarver - Worst sounding guy from week 1
Danny Gokey - Best guy from week 1
Adam Lambert - Best guy from week 2
Allison Iraheta - 2nd Best girl from week 2
Kris Allen - 3rd Best guy from week 2
Lil Rounds - 3rd Best girl from week 3
Scott MacIntyre - Best guy from week 3
Jorge Nunez - 2nd Best guy from week 3

Wild Card choices:
Anoop Desai - 3rd Worst guy from week 1
Tatiana Del Toro - Best girl from week 1
Ricky Braddy - 3rd Best guy from Week 1
Jasmine Murray - 2nd Worst girl from Week 2
Jesse Langseth - Worst girl from week 2
Matt Giraud - Worst guy from week 2
Von Smith - 3rd Worst guy from week 3
Megan Corkrey - Best girl from week 2

The only two wild cards who have any right being in that group are Tatiana and Megan. I'm honestly shocked that they didn't select Nick Mitchell or some of the other amazing girls from week 3. As of right now I'm very frustrated at the top 12 and this maybe the year I stop watching depending on how the early rounds go.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Something to sing about...

I have been very lax on blogging lately.. I feel like I'm blogging for the sake of blogging and not to impart any cool and exciting news...

I guess I have writer's block? It's not like I don't have anything to say, I am just being very blah when I think about actually writing anything. Perhaps if I just keep writing an endless stream of nothing something real will show up...

So, the big news is that I got my car back yesterday! They put the 84,000 mile engine in and did a used car certification and said everything checks out and if my car was for sale they would have confidence selling it as a certified used car. Good to be driving my car again although it did take re-reading the stereo book to get my iPod working again.. I have an iPod cable that connects to the CD Changer control, there is a setting in the stereo to tell it whether or not you have a CD Changer connected or a 3rd Party device.

Let's see, last I blogged was watching American Idol.. Friday night me and Jessie went with Joe and Renae to see Toad the Wet Sprocket, I met a cool guy before the show who was there alone. He had never seen Toad and could not get anyone to go with him so he decided to go alone because he didn't want to miss the opportunity to see them. He made the right choice, the show was great. The opening band, Adam Ezra, was very good as well. They had two drummers, one played Randy's normal drum kit and the other one played a stand up drum kit, bongos and other various drums. It was a really good sound to have that many drums, they also had an accordion/piano player a guitarist and a bass player. We purchased their CD and it's good, but nothing special. It sounds too polished and the instrumentation is turned down so you can better hear the vocals, I think if they remaster the CD to make the music stand out more it would be much better. They are headlining a show in Boston and I would like to go see them in a full show instead of just a short opening show.

Toad was awesome and the redeemed the crappy show we saw at the Cape Cod Melody Tent. Everyone seemed to be getting along and having fun. One odd thing for me was they came out with a set list and stuck to it, usually Toad (or at least Glen) does not use a set list. Glen did very little talking between songs, one of the times we saw Toad (I think the reunion show in NYC) Glen did a bunch of talking and the other band members were cutting him off because they just wanted to play so him not talking was probably a way to keep the peace between the band. Todd only sung two songs (Inside and Crazy Life) out of the 20 or so they played. I was very happy to hear some lesser played songs like Little Man, Big Man but was sad that they played Know Me without Spirit... I was very excited when I saw Know Me on the set list because I have never heard them do Spirit in person but then they didn't play it.. All in all though it was a great concert and a great time hanging out with everyone.

If you have not checked my youtube or flickr recently I have uploaded a bunch of pics and videos, one video from Ryan Adams and a few from Toad and Adam Ezra.

Saturday and Sunday morning were very surreal.. Amber was supposed to come down with me to Brad's house for a board game birthday party but she ended up not being able to make it. I took Jessie's car and headed down. On the way down I called Amy to let her know that my NC trip was cancelled, as it turns out she was in NY at her mom's house! I drove over there and hung out for a few hours before going to Brad's house. It was very odd and very cool to see her again after all these years. We spent hours comparing old memories and having her sister fill in some of the blanks. Her sister recently had a baby and it's so odd to see her as an "adult" since she was always Amy's little sister. I've found that when you see people from your past one of two things happens, either you immediately click as if no time has past or you end up doing that awkward thing where you pretend to be all nice and happy to see the person and as soon as they leave hope you didn't come off as rude. This was certainly one of the first, I wish she lived closer, I feel if she did we would end up being really great friends again. I guess that's what the telephone and internet are for, she is going to make a facebook page so that should make keeping in contact a bit easier.

I left Amy wishing I had more time with her but I didn't want to short change my time at Brad's house either. I had fun playing a new board game called Agricola with Randy, Christian, Mara and Brad's friend Vin. I apparently mis-read the scoring rules and ended up losing because I thought it said +1 per un-used land square, but it was -1 per un-used land square... After Agricola I played Blockus with Randy, Christian and Vin till we went to bed.

Woke up early on Sunday and went to Joe Borst's house for breakfast. It was nice seeing how grown up his kids got, except Amanda who was sleeping the whole time I was over. I also got to meet his new girlfriend and see his new house which is really nice. He has a great room which has windows covering three walls and goes out onto a really big deck. The kitchen has places for windows facing out into the great room, Joe has the windows out so he can talk into the great room and be part of the family while cooking.

Sunday night Lynz, Sara and I went to JD Coopers to play pool and eat some dinner. We played five games of pool with Sara and Lynz teaming up against me, I won 3 of the 5 games for the overall win.

So, on a health related note... Saturday, Sunday and Monday mornings I coughed up blood.. Monday I went to the doctors and found out I had a pneumonia so now I'm on anti-biotics and had to cancel my dinner with Kaitlyn on Monday..

Yesterday was dinner at Sara's house.. Sara made a raw apple pie, Lynz made a pork roast, I made a buffalo/rice dish, Kristen made raw alfredo sauce with pasta and Joe brought a salad. As always the food was great and I was finally well enough to enjoy everyone's company. I ended up playing a few rounds of Boggle with Joe, Jessie, Kristen and Sara.

Yay for getting everything back current...

---Diversion of the Day