Monday, December 28, 2009

Welcome to the Dollhouse, now get out!

When Dollhouse first aired me, Jessie, Ryan and Sara watched the first episode. I remember really liking it and we added to the season pass of our TiVo but that was on our old TiVo before it died. During the TiVo replacement process we decided not to deal with copying off Dollhouse because we figured we could just watch it on DVD when it came out. So.. Fast forward a bit.. Dad got Dollhouse on BlueRay and a few months ago got us an awesome BlueRay player. When we got the player we borrowed Dollhouse Season 1 and it sat in a pile, we never watched it because it seemed like so much to watch and we never have the time..

We had Christmas Eve dinner at our house again this year. I made a lime chili tilapia with acorn squash and Jessie made her raw pasta sauce. Towards the end of the night Jessie started to feel strep like conditions, when we got up Christmas Day we were in no hurry to run over to my brother's house because we were both now feeling sick and even debated going to the emergency room because urgent care was closed on Christmas Day..

What do you do in the winter when it's cold outside? Stay inside... Add to that not feeling good equals LOTS of staying inside and lots of TV. We caught up on all of our shows (Scrubs, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Iron Chef America, Chopped and Monk) and went into the BlueRay pile.. First - My Name is Bruce which was a crazy silly Bruce Campbell movie, it was pretty funny but the movie was overshadowed by the theme song! (see diversion of the day)..

Speaking of Monk.. Wait, were we? Sure... Why not... Anyway, Monk.. We watched the last nine episodes over the last few days, if you ever liked that show I recommend watching at least the final few episodes. It could have been one of the best series finals of all time.. I was not a big fan of last season, but this season (especially the last few episodes) really made the entire show. You will be missed Mr. Monk... Thanks go out to Tony Shalhoub for brightening our lives for the last eight years!

Back to the Dollhouse.. Buffy, Angel, Firefly and now Dollhouse, all on my list of all time best TV shows.. Joss Whedon has created four very distinct and very great shows. The only annoying thing about Dollhouse is that we now have to wait to watch the final few episodes in real time. There are three episodes left to the series. Low ratings and an odd concept led to a very early cancellation, at least this time he has gotten the chance to wrap up the storyline unlike Firefly.

---Diversion of the Day

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